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Everything posted by NenadM

  1. Bob laziness infection comes. I sleeped all afternoon, and now watch some rubbish with Admiral. You must do something about that
  2. Popeye My house is in a little narrow aside street 40m horisontal and 40m almost vertical, and snow cleaner can not enter. And when snow falls, all neighbourd hide in their mice holes, and if I want to use my car ( I must !) there is only me and Hothead sometimes to clean 10m to garage and 40+40m to main street. When we finish, mouses go out from their holes with their cars. Same picture every winter People ... Sorry for break in interesting building log.
  3. Popeye This is exactly what I said to me
  4. Not a long ago I discovered on MSW that card building is something more complex that making paper planes, and was astonished with details Keep nice and clean work as you start. Please describe more detail your method for gratings, something is missing (or I am stupid/blind or something simillar) - how do you make equal level on upper surface ? Sanding to the maximum possible level ? Nenad
  5. Popeye, Thanks for your encouragement and kind words. If I understand well your question, left inside bulwark - water ports and "rivets" are done (painted white). Right side is done, have to be painted. Next are both waterways (precise painting), then stanchions, and then re-planking of main deck. And on that place I have some dilemma about order of moves. I intend for deck to be little "older" that waterways, as on C-plans and Lou`s cross-section scheme of bulwarks Just I am talking with myself (Very nice conversation ! One of us listen very well) to do stanchions first or to do planking first. I am afraid that mounting stanchions after planking can damage some planks at their connections to the waterway. A lot to think about until finish painting Not a big dill, but something for my little brain not to be sleepy
  6. Be sure she WILL HAVE EXACT IDEA how big She will be, at the moment when it will be convenient to her ... if you tell her, you might run into problem ... if you do not tell her, you also might run into problem Get this questions bright clear as soon as possible Wish you luck with marital diplomacy ... spice of everyday life Also, there will be presented so called - "dust problem". I am not sure that you will allow anybody to clean dust from your model. But, you will clean dust noticeably rarer than she think it is need to be done. Solution - glass home for model. But that makes whole thing much bigger ... and most expensive. My poor Heller "Stella" rest in peace 25 years ago when get ill from "dust cleaning syndrome" and "medical" treatment done by Admiral. I repaired her several times until main mast was broken to half, and all rigging go in mess And no doubt, my CS will have box made of safety glass with blinking sign " DO NOT TOUCH", sensitive touch sensors, automatic anti-touch machine gun nests, and mine field in whole room with electric fence 10.000 V over 1m around glass box Just jokeing ... or not
  7. Almost, Bindy, almost ... Thank you for your kind words Children are an endless source of annoyance, but also endless happiness, and meaning and purpose of life Now, he know he messed up, and he is "smaller" than mosquito, even his almost 2 m and 110 kg. He know also that he need my help, so, there is a bit of greed in his today attitude ... Always remember that long ago I was in position to eat somebody`s liver when I was young. Also, I can not (still) tell him about all my own escapades and rubbish I have done as youth ( cut off electrical current in high scool building, shooting professor with book, mad car drive, out of home 2-3 days without phone call to parents, stay in vacation 35 instead 15 days ... ) even I have been excellent pupil and student, sportsman and playing guitar ... Ah, memories ...
  8. Yes, this is it !!! Veeeeery weeeeeel done ! Go on please. Laziness is contagious, so I am afraid to catch it
  9. Thank you, Daniel, I do my best
  10. Admiral has last word about that I start that duscusion in my home in september, even I have to work minimum 1-2 years until finish CS. Also full time * 3 as you said, and with 2-3 my hours every second day. Sometimes more, sometimes less
  11. Keep nice precise and clean good work !!! And start thinking about Her final place in home. She is loooooong and will be hiiiiigh and niiiiiice
  12. Thank you, friends Yesterday we visit friends to play with She ( 3 months old), so I didnt work at the evening. And ... we love animals ... ahh ... beautiful evening Today is state holliday, and non working day, so, until down we were outside doing first garden season job (cutting roses, collect winter traces leaves etc). Also sitting on stairs and drinking first outside coffie this year In the evening, alone in home, run in shipyard, and second stage ( "rivets") of second inside bulwark is done. Following painting bulwark in white, I hope tomorrow. And then fabric job: 56 stanchions to make, paint and mount
  13. Somebody here said: "The shipwright is slow, but the wood is patient."
  14. First stage of second inside bulwark done
  15. It is february. It have to be snow with -5 to -10 C. Outside is 18 C and beautifull "spring" day, with sun that pull you outside from shipyard ...
  16. Popeye you are right as usuall. VERY VERY well learned lesson. We did together some stuff tonight and he is like kitten 195 cm high I bought today 0,8 mm jewelery steel wire, and do some experiments, to try different technical and visual approach. Tried and successed to solder primary ring direct to stanchion. It looks good. I am too blind for smaller rings + do not know to make them Also decided to leave solution with two rings. They are even small, and second ring will not be visible as ring, rather as a crumpled wire It seems that most in scale will be steel wire and 2mm ring of cooper wire
  17. My name is not Nenad. My name is Christopher Columbus II Yesterday I discovered America. Trough world you must walk with eyes wide open Searching on Internet for different type of wires for stanchions, I accidentally strayed to some web pages with materials and tools for making imitation jewelry and other designated to "woman(?)" hobby. I am not sexist. Yesterday I was looking at some very good clips on Youtube with instructions for soldering where ladies teach us how to solder silver jewlery, and learned a lot. Also I am delighted seeing ladies on MSW. Wow. really WOW Different type of wires, all thickness, all colours, different materials ( Cu, Ag, ....) for less than 1€ for 100m, chains with different thickness, tools for pulling thread through small holes, tweezers all kind of, all type of needles useful for making something by soldering, etc etc etc ..... Plastic little parts, glass little parts, brass cooper silver little parts, wooden little parts, acrylic colours in enormous variety, paintbrushs ... so many to describe all Never cross my mind to look there Must go viewing shop windows Also I must try making stanchions from old guitar E1 string (banged my mind yesterday) Obviously, day of discoveries PS Finally repaired my Einhell set for 8€. To reject the Hothead of pocket money ?
  18. Still helping to Hothead in his efforts, with sad looks toward Her Majesty
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