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Everything posted by NenadM

  1. Very usefull informations Marc. Thank you very much!!! I'll use them when I return to AI from workshop A bit of progress Whole down line of dead eyes for aft deck made. Interesting. With redrilling holes, sanding, shapeing and twisting Cu wire and soldering as neccessary steps per piece, it goes faster than I hope In mean time, life just do not know what is enough. My mother in law (80) gets seriously ill.( probably cancer, tests are running jet). She lost his husband two years ago, my late Admiral was her only child, and her death two months ago, hits old lady very hard. I left as her son in law, and as I very respect and love old lady, I must and want to take care of her until the end. And kids are here. Fortunately, her flat is 5 min of slow walking from our house. Begining of court seasson at september 1st and this situation may slow down my work on CS
  2. Thanks Nils. I am dummy and can not remember, so I have to make a note. Mass production starts with (4+2) x 2 =12 dead eyes 4mm dia for aft deck row which go directly to aft deck, without down structure This is phase No 1. - shape/redril holes, sand a bit, mount Cu telephony wire, solder ends, center hole position Follow shapeing , fiting, glueing painting and cementing This will be more interesting with smaller ones tomorrow. Now I go to fright myself with Jurassic Park 1 , 125th time watching
  3. Very glad to see you again, Bob. I hope you cleared away life issues around you, and to see your post and progress soon !!!! You are quite right. interesting question is ( considering my "artistic" approach) to add or not chimney etc etc. We`ll see when time comes For now, dead-eye analytic is over, I chose where to put 4mm and where 3mm dead eyes, and mass-production can start
  4. Talking about "auto correct" option? For modeling ? Where? How? Or it is my bad English again
  5. Thx for nice word, Harry Nothing to be afraid of. Anyway even as a kit builder, you have to cut, fit and adjust parts, sometimes to replace, and there is not a big step to scratch. Also more interesting - for me
  6. " ... Chim chim-in-ey, chim chim-in-ey , Chim chim cher-ee! ..." One more nice detail, discovered during analyze of photos I colected Now you see it !!!! Now you don`t !!!! Also this disappeared !!!
  7. Thank you for your input, Mark I mean "new" comparing to state presented in C-plans I think that entrances are not the same, and that the front entrance is higher. Simply reason. Front entrance have two doors ( left and right) and entering to any door , you are still on deck platform, and stairs comes later. It make no sense to step sideways to stairs immediately when you step through the door. So, when you enter and you are still on platform, entrance must have height for human body. On the other side, you can see on photos, at rear entrance, you directly step to stairs to go down Also top angles of side decorative moldings are not same shape, which also points to different height
  8. To everybody I shall try to be more precise and specific about my question from post # 2436 I know nobody has right and precise dimensions except if he/she went on aft deck in Greenwich with ruler on his hand, which is ... dream. Comparing to C-plans, I think that position of fore entrance is ok ( center of front panel) , but his height, tallness and depth ---???. Back entrance is quite new and do not exist in C-plans, and his position is moved to right against axe of fore deck house, but - how much ? And what is width of entrance ? Because luck of exact data, I am forced to set them visually and artistic, only by my sense of this things My question is - can anybody be kind to carefully look at pictures and my drawings - to proportions of new entrances and their position in my drawing toward position in photos, and to visually compare their position and proportions at attached pictures in this post, and to tell your opinion - are entrances to big/small/wide/narrow/tall or if them have to me moved left/right/inside/outside of deck house ? Just visually compare and by your own sense Thanks for your effort. Any thought will be valuable Nenad PS You can see my eyes slowly turn blue and red. Spice thing
  9. Thank you George for a nice words. From distance dead eyes look just ( ok, near) as I want them - brown with white shackle around. Of course, macro shots are our enemy, and expose all little or big mess around Welcome Boyd, as to my build log also to CS fleet here on MSW. I started with my build ... just to say ... tentative and superficial. As time goes by, my appetite and interest grows, and without quality resources, having only very bad kit with wrong details, I have just be forced to research. Then my curiosity also grows, particularly when I found Mr.Campbell`s plans. And somewhere in those circles I found my building point. Side by this, I like to write ( even my English language limitation) and just to be more interesting for me, I spice my log with accidental thoughts and notes from real life. I am glad that someone else like this story, even my log grows above any idea to more than 100 pages, and I am not still on the half of way ?!?!?!? Not agree Mark. Messiness ( drops of paint, wood dust, glue traces etc etc, just brilliant exposed in macro shots ) are not the same thing as weathering. Cleaning and repainting have to be done when I first make shackle, mount it to dead eyes, and then mount army of finished dead eyes on place
  10. Hi Boyd I just dropped, and I`ll stay to watch Very clean and precise work, and I like it Nenad
  11. Final testing of dead-eyes production method Targeted look After making And on place Ok, mass production can start. Yes, it is quite messy and dirty under rails, this will be corrected
  12. Working sheet in preparing process for aft deck, made in AI with several layers As you can see, front entrance is as in actual stage of Her, and rear entrance is ... my vision, because I can not find clear photos of rear entrance to see distance and scale And here is worksheet for side view Height of entrances is my assumption, toward photos And at this point I need a little help. Please, tell me what do you think, did I hit right dimensions, location, width and height and scale for both entrances? Please make your suggestions where I missed, and on which points I have to correct drawings ! Just a notice - at C-plans, side view of aft deck house is out of scale comparing to floor view ( or vice versa ?) so I had to correct this in my sheets
  13. Thank you Mark. Now, I find right position od aft deck dead eyes, still playing with AI drawing working sheet for aft cabin, and thinking about mass production method for all dead eyes fitting and mounting. After 4 months without serious rain and outsiide max day temperature more than 36°C two days of rain and 24°C are very very nice change. No visible progress this days filled with some social life at the evening which is my build time. And with nice supprise when refrigerator suddenly R.I.P. after 25 years
  14. I watched movie again ( 101th time) yesterday ( nothing better on TV) ... and this time I payed my attention to details I never do before ... thanks to your build ( life boats, rigging lines, etc etc) I really like work you do
  15. Warm welcome to the Cutty Sark fleet on MSW !!!! Good start !!! I join, and will follow with great interest I wish you a good luck with your build Nenad
  16. Impressive and inspirative work. Considering I slowly come to that stage, I am following with great interest Very well done!!!!
  17. Not exactly through, Denis, some drilling has to be done. But it is a minor job comparing to manual making dead eyes
  18. Thank you Marc. I am very proud daddy. Some fight here and there as a life spice , but generaly they are great kids. Thanks Denis, you are always wellcome. I follow your Titanic journey , but silent because I have no words to say about your amazing work
  19. Adobe ilustrator helps a lot to get precise measurement. I opened my pdf rescaled sheet No 1, scaled it to 100%, foto-crop detail, import in AI and simply use measure tool Here are exact measures and distances between dead eyes etc on aft deck .This picture is my working paper, not in scale, but to see dimensions clear
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