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Everything posted by Sjors

  1. Thanks Grant for the heads up! Mine fix is nothing comperes with yours. So , I have to do it and I will started it before my vacation is over…... I think today she coming from the shelf and rope cutting begins……. I have take a look at the San Ildefonso and there also are going the chains also in an angle…... Garward has post a picture of his Montanez drawing and it is saying the same thing. I'll keep you updated!
  2. I missed your post Augie….forgive me. I think you misunderstand me about the Aggy. I don't buy her now! If I do that, the Le Mirage will never finished. And beside that….she is to heavy, the kit weights almost 24 pounds…. When I take that on board I think it's gonna be a submarine. And I want to go back to MSW. To much fun to let it go!
  3. Hello Ben, Unfortunately the old Mary Rose Museum has closed its doors for the last time, but the new Mary Rose Museum is nearly finished and will open to the public on the 31st May 2013. Maybe next time. Same visit for both of us, but at a different date. It would have been great if we could have met. Sjors
  4. Hi greatgalleons ( I don't think that this is your real name? ) I will follow you with a lot of interest because I have read on a Dutch Forum that you have to change a lot of stuff. When I see the beginning of your build, I know what they mean! So far you are doing a great job. I'm happy to see another Dutch ship
  5. Hi Spiff, I think the best way is to wax the rope with beeswax. You can also turn it to every shape It works excellent with me.
  6. Thanks Brian, Maybe you read it but for the moment she is on hold.
  7. Morning Casper, This build log is not moved. It is scratch build so in the right place. Or do you mean something else?
  8. Hi Kevin, Popeye and Adrieke. @ Kevin…it is 3 weeks vacation @ Wayne, Will be at home and only goes for a weekend to Mobbsie. You only have to miss us for 4 days... Can you managed that? @ Adrieke, Anja was laughing…...
  9. Good morning Mark, No worries, We are only away for a weekend. The rest of the time we most of the time at home. A few things to do and for the rest building... The popcorn machine are still working. Next weekend we are going to Mobbsie. When we get back I shall show you pictures of it. Otherwise I get more comment from you as for the first time when Mobbsie was here and there where no pictures…...
  10. Good morning to you all. @ Sherry, You are just saying what i was thinking. I think I'm not inviting ship modellers……. @ Augie, Aggy for sure! @ Danny, I'm not quote your replay otherwise I need the hole page….. But I'm gonna answer your replay.. You are quilty But I don't mind. I'm glad that you show me the way how it has to be. After a good night sleep I know now for sure that I'm gonna change it! And it will not take to long. You are right by fix things... This is a minor fix if you look at Grant his fix…..that was huge! Anja was saying that it is a bad thing that we don't have a backup builder close by…... Can you not move to the Netherlands? There is a home available close by... Thanks for the pep talk! I needed that! @ Adrieke, I get your point! I'm not happy how it looks now. So, change time…. @ Popeye, Thanks for the convince in me. I have 3 weeks to think about it. Maybe before the 3 weeks are over ,i'll be on it.
  11. Wow Danny, That look tiny…. But again a great job. I like the idea about the slave into the rudder. You came up by your self with that or have you seen it some where?
  12. Very nice Popeye, And now on to the ratlines? Oh no, first the shrouds…. Good luck with it
  13. We will Jim and Thanks It's just what i was saying before…. No alarm clock at 4.30 am in the morning... No uniform…... No obligations…. just do what we want. And no BUS! Yippie!
  14. Hi Garward and Adeline, @ garward, The Greenwich NMM is where the Cutty Sark is…... So we go there! @ Adeline, I think every replica that we are visiting is joy I think I take a lot of pictures of that. And video movies…..maybe I get famous then when I recording myself Then I got an other fan club! I know that nobody force me to change the plates but the big problem for me is, when I'm doing it the wrong way and they show me pictures how it should have been done, then i want to change it! I don't have to change it but every time when I look at it, it gives me that funny feeling…..and thoughts of…..If I had change it, how will it looks then? You know what I mean? But thanks for your head up! And if you are boring yourself….somewhere on this forum ,there is another build of mine. It called the San Ildefonso. I hope you will me joining by that also. There are still seats available……. I shall take some popcorn with me for all of you.
  15. Thanks everyone….. @ Augie, I shall never say the F word again……. We are going on the 10 of May ( by boat ) and will return on the 13 of May ( again by boat ) So you have to do it without us for a few days. @ Garward, I know that Mobbsie planned a few things for us. On saturday to London to see the Cutty Sark and on sunday to Portsmouth to see the Victory and maybe a few more. @ John , When the time is there I shall go on further at her. 3 weeks of doing the things that we like is great! We will enjoy that! @ Keith, I know it is not a race but when you at the stage of rigging, you want to finish her. But that's not for the moment. I think Anja is hiding a lot of stuff for me. Canon balls, matches….what is next? You will see the pictures when we got back. @ Robbyn, Thank you, We will enjoy and we don't have a f...place ( I may not say that word from Augie )in the house……. Only one outside
  16. Hi Robbyn ( lady's first ) Popeye and Wayne, Thanks…. Wayne, pictures are coming after the trip to England! Robbyn, No pictures of the ship for a while….. Reason? I have to change a lot like the chainplates, shrouds , maybe the reeling. At this moment I put her on a shelf for a while. The joy of building at her is gone for the moment. Then it is better to quit before it turns into firewood. She will be finished someday but not this time. I go back to the San Ildefonso.
  17. Danny, I will try to see if I can raise the chainplate otherwise it stays this way. I know where I go wrong and the result of that. When she is finished ( and if she get finished) I can only hope that if somebody watching her in my house, don't know anything about ships from that year…... I consider the Le Mirage as a learning ship and try to avoid such things on the San Ildefonso and others who are maybe coming in the next years. I hope that this is also a lesson for other builders , so they not make the same mistakes I did…... Maybe it is better to stay with tugboats ,paddle steamers or rowing boats with no shrouds and chainplates Thanks Sherry, Jim and Adrieke, Today my vacation begins , so I have a lot of building time the coming 3 weeks Wow, 3 weeks no bus! I love it!
  18. Hi Sherry, No birthday without Happy birthday! Have a nice day. Sjors
  19. I have one of those Augie. I can borrow it from Anja
  20. Hello? Are you still with us on this forum? I want to see some progress….and pictures!
  21. Thanks Ferit! I try to do the same as you do with your Berlin but I'm not coming close to that! But still I love building
  22. Hi Keith, You are right about a lot of things! And yes, I have driving for the royalties. Wonderful time and still miss it! Yesterday I wish I was there also.
  23. Thank you Adeline If that word not exists, from now on it does! I love that word. You have learn that from the ratline gnomes? And no worries about the shrouds. I eat the donuts with those plastic gloves, just like a surgeon…. Only for that if there is coming any comment from a few guys!!!!!!!!!!!
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