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Everything posted by Sjors

  1. I shall be careful Mark, I have to learn Anja how she have to work with those tools. And the first aid kit are close by….. Do you want to help me with the cleaning or is now everybody running away
  2. Thanks Sergey, But this is a joke…. My wife Anja and myself, we are sharing one workroom. I re-decorated today so everything is clean and have is own place. Now I can make a mess from my place again
  3. Thanks Eric….. Now i have to clean …..! Will you help me please?
  4. Hi my Friend, I see that you take the step to the dark side... I will looking over your shoulder! I know that you make a Grand Lady from it! I will follow you( only to read, not to build )
  5. Yes Wayne, We will adopt you! You only have to sleep next to the tools…...
  6. Sherry thanks make a wish list for your husband….. It works for me @ Augie, You forget something…….bandages
  7. Because some people ( You know who ) where thinking that I have empty boxes as a birthday present….. Surprise !!!!!! And Anja, her new workspace….
  8. I hope I can make a picture today from it when the workshop is re-decorated. But they are small……………….. But I must not forget that it is make for model building not construction work to build a real scale ship!
  9. Oh ok, Then you have to wait. Don't forget that it is coming from Spain….. When I need something from Spain, I ask my neighbours
  10. Adrieke, When I send you the new tools, I have a divorce……. Anja use the tools herself. Better to pay for my own beer then ! When you are visiting us, we take a beer together
  11. Adrieke, I found out that sometimes OcCre don't send you a message that the have send it but they send it! Don't look surprised when you've got it without notification.
  12. Hi Mick, You can send a e-mail to OcCre that you are short in your ramin. I know for sure they send you new one! They are not that difficult. Mistakes is what we all make….. We can learn from it!
  13. Hi Theo, Nice job on the planking on the stern. I know how difficult it is! But good work! And if it takes moths, so then it takes months…... No rush!
  14. He my friend, You are home again? Hope you enjoy the stay with your friends….. Question….you make that lathe by your self? And the postman brings you a book…. Why can I not found those things over here. Yesterday I have been one hour in a bookstore and I found really nothing! Yeah, ships from this time but not the ships that we are looking for. But I keep searching…..otherwise when you are away I bring your house a visit
  15. Hi Christian, It was a great day! And no, we don't sing the koninglied……... We never hear it! how about that!! Still don't know how it goes... And I think I will keep it that way And please, make soon some sawdust…..
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