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Everything posted by Sjors

  1. Robbyn, Thanks for the pep talk…... I know that everyone has his/her moments of things that not goes as it wants to be. This morning I had that moment. But it is gone now. Tomorrow after the daily jobs in the house, I go further till the next minor thing. I know for sure that there are a lot more to come. You are right with what you are saying….when it is done I'll be satisfied.
  2. Augie, Two things…. First you are doing a great job at the rigging. Second….for the background you can use a white sheet. Just place it behind the ship and then take your pictures. Or if you have one , a white wall. Just try it.
  3. Yes Harvey, that's correct. I think I go this week to take a look at those machinery and see how they are. I'll keep you posted!
  4. Derek, I hate to say it but yes, the drawings are a pain in the ……. There is no drawing on scale from 1:1 The only thing they tell you is this…..make the vessel and shut up! If you want a challange, then go for the Mirage. I shall help you where I can. Even with the words that I don't write here…...
  5. Augie, It'snot the crow nest himself that gives me troubles but those things what goes under it….. No worries, they are finished! All 6 of them!
  6. What a nice little paddle steamer….. Are you not feeling lost by all those giants around you? What size is she? And then all those blocks placed one on each other….. I will sure follow this and see how it ends. Enjoy your build.
  7. Ok, I understand it. You have the early version and not the plastic one. I have see the prices of the sherline and (I said it before) I need to go on an infuse when I spend that kind of money on one item. That's why I go for the proxxon.
  8. I think that some people understand me wrong…. I'm not in a hurry and I don't want to go on the smooth way. I'm just building at the best I can. But when the drawings are this bad, It's difficult to be happy….some times. And when I can write this down it is a relief. When I go back to the workshop again, I still like it! I face the challenge and go on with what i'm doing. But a little complaining is not that bad? I still like you all
  9. Hi Grant, Could you not give me an other answer???? Now I have to work till I'm 67….
  10. Hi Danny, It looks great but can you tell me what they are? It has a purpose ( if it is the right word) but I don't know what……or why or when…...
  11. Wow, that looks…….amazing! You need a heavy lifter when you want to move that vessel…. Great job Paul!
  12. I know what you mean Derek, It's not only for the crows nest that the drawings terrible. It's for the hole build. You have to figure out by your self where what is going where. And not look one picture forward but you have to start at the end before you do things at the beginning and still hopes that it works……that way! I want a challange and I get one! To be honest….when I knew this before I never start this kit! But I have started it and now I will finished it! Even it takes 10 years……..and a lot of words that is not in any dictionary….
  13. You are right Jan, the other one is the lion head from the Delft.
  14. I have to tell you something…. When you ever want's to build the Le Mirage, take attention of this! How further you come with the build, how more scratch build you have to do! For example….the crow's nest, the place of the belaying pins, the connections between the masts… it's all scratch! The drawings are terrible and there is no overview drawing on scale 1:1 No wonder it takes a while before I have an update.
  15. Hi Ben, That's a good question. And it's not only the weight of the cannonballs but also the supplies and don't forget the crew. How many crew members are there on board? 200 or maybe more? But I think it's the same with an airplane…it's metal and it stays in the air….. The law's of Newton or that one from Murphy…... Who know's. please tell me…... And thanks for the visit.
  16. Thanks Harvey for responding. I'm glad that you are happy with your Unimat. An totally different story for what i have heard so far. Can you post a picture of your Unimat?
  17. Hi Carlos, I just keep it in English.... Very nice build! I'll wait for the next one... Sjors
  18. Hi Frank, Thanks, and about the crows nest.......that is really teribble......I have to scratch everything! Not only that but also the things where the masts come together, those blocks... I think this is almost more scratch then a kit. No smileys now because I'm posting using on Anja's Ipad She's talking with Mobbsie on the pc. Sjors
  19. Great job Popeye! It's difficult to follow you with all the things you are doing……. I need another screen
  20. Hi Ulises, Glad you are back at the table….. And thanks for the pictures. It looks just amazing!
  21. I was lying to you Patrick, It is not for the Mirage but for the San Ildefonso…... I'll just wait and see what you are doing with the rigging. And you know it………I love pictures!
  22. Hi Patrick, What kind of progress do you want….. I was making the crow nest but it goes wrong all the time so I quit with that for this moment. I think I go further at the canons..
  23. Thanks Wayne and Augie, I received the signals Wayne, I think he has the message…….coffee and cake are available….. Augie, you just came out of your bed???? You are so….silence…...
  24. Ok Adrieke, Was I saying that John has a great example????? Of course I mean you have a great example from John……..
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