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Everything posted by Sjors

  1. That is some very great planking Jared. You are really do an great job! It look terrific! Are you varnish her? Sjors
  2. Thanks Rick When you say only howdy to Anja it's no problem. I'm not jealous... Sjors
  3. And there she is …... Thanks Garward! Sjors
  4. Augie, Correct me if I'm wrong…. You had Ham and eggs for breakfast and it don't taste…. So you trow the dirty plate to the room and it hits the bowsprit. When that happened you see the kettle boiling at the stove and there was coming steam out of it. Because you where so angry that you thought that is comes right out of your ears. And because you where afraid of damaging your camera, you don't make pictures….. Make this any sense??????????? Sjors
  5. What do I read now…. Is this a building forum for ships or planes or stars???????? If anyone knows, please give me the answer…... Sjors
  6. Hi Popeye, I see that this is my first post at this build? How can that happened……. I missed something. As usual great job! Sjors
  7. Ach Adrieke, Such things happened. I'm glad that you find it out now and not when you are further at the build. It keeps you of the street! Sjors
  8. Hi Adrieke, I see that it was to difficult for you to not pick up an other build. You are not the only one! I'm glad that you find the errors. Now you can fix them in a proper way. I will looking over your shoulder to see how you brings this to an end. Enjoy! Sjors
  9. He Theo, Congrats on your new build ! I'll be sitting first row with my popcorn and beverage. Take your time with it and enjoy! Sjors
  10. Great details Garward. Still a lot of posting left? You make a tutorial of your own Sjors
  11. Hi Augie, I was looking for an disaster but can you show me a PICTURE of that disaster?????? I don't see it. Oh, Now I know….you fix it all ready Be a good boy and next time show the disaster and then the fix…... Sjors
  12. Hi Frank, Really great job on the sails and the rigging so far. Just love what I see. Sjors
  13. Hi patrick, The silent time is over….. Great pictures and you know I love pictures!!!! Good to see that you are on the right track. Sjors
  14. Hi Mobbsie, I'll be quite…….. Just sit here and wait…..and wait….and wait….. Sjors
  15. Thanks Wim. I new I forget something and that was the Corsiar in is own place . You have to post your previous builds! Everybody can learn from that! Sjors
  16. You have a sharp eye Augie….. Look it a little like me? Funny that you say it. At the old MSW I had the same question. The sails where not that difficult. I had a great help from Anja Sjors
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