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  1. Hello Haze, thanks for your reply. I have an Ender 3 V2 with at the moment a volume of 230*230*250, so I would scale down the model to 1/96 an upgrade to increase the buildvolume is a possibility in the future as well (after investing in a resin printer). Meanwhile the hull of the boat has received it's first coat of colour :
  2. Hello Haze, I just stumbled upon your torpedoboat on Thingiverse (well, I do suppose it's the one you designed), and it's printing as we speak... or rather as I type, all parts at once, exept for the deck of course. Do you plan on selling the STL's for the Maine herself as well by any chance ?
  3. The oldest known paper model dates from the first half of the 16th century and is a sundial in the shape of a crucifix, designed by Georg Hartmann. https://eo.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georg_Hartmann
  4. Hello King, I just (re)discovered this tread and only now realize that you are using the same printer that I have. I haven't read up all the pages, so I don't know if you are still having problems with the prints not sticking to the glass ? It really comes down to levelling the bed. The only two other modifications I made to my printer are the adding of a filament guide (downloaded from thingiverse), this really helped against under extrusion since the filament is now not longer pulled down under an extreme angle, and replacing the stock extruder by an all metal upgrade. At the moment I'm building Revell's 1/144 Snowberry myself while the printer is printing parts for the frame for an RC semi. I do hope to use the printer to build an RC ship though, maybe a flowerclass but I would love a pre dreadnaught, I know there is one around, but I have not been able to find the "kit".
  5. Well, I'll call this project finished (maybe I'll add Denise later to the stand, I'm not sure yet). But for now these are the final pictures :
  6. Mooi werk. Er zijn niet veel duidelijk bouwverslagen voor dit type schip. Nice work, there aren't many clear buildlogs for this kind of vessel.
  7. She looks fantastic, and it is a very beautifull ship. I started this collection about 4 or 5 years ago as well (over here it was from Altaya, not DeAgostini), but unfortunately I ran out of money to after about 18 or 19 parts 😔
  8. Looking good so far. I haven't had the pleasure of working a one of the new generation wooden kits yet but the contents sure look good on your pictures. One thing that might be a turn off (at least for me) could be the lack of a paper instruction booklet, since I would not like my laptop to be set up next to a woodworking station.
  9. Well, almost there gentlemen. When I started this kit I was kind of planning to make one of those underwater dioramas where she's "floating" on resin while divers are exploring beneath. I already had it planned, even including the vague remains of a wreck... till I discovered the price for resin... well, that plan went south real quick. So, just a ship on its stand... however, since Revell doesn't have the license anymore to sell this vessel as the Calypso, they had to blank out the stand... no more pretty lady swimming, no more "Calypso" on the stand, just a boring thing. Now that the "diorama" was out of the question, I still wanted to do something with at least one of the sharks and divers that are included in the kit, so I started fidling with those, and the stand... and some sand from the beach... Next session should be the final part, I think, there is just a wee flagpole, some tread and Denise to add... oh, and the props of course, almost forgot those Cheers...
  10. I'm so sorry to hear that, but I as well do understand. However I hope you are still going to continue working on her off grid... maybe when you are in a later phase you might still share pictures.
  11. Looks very good so far, as for edges, it helps if you think of the paper as a kind of PE, so fold them (with a ruler or something) before attaching to the frames, that way they will be straight and sharp.
  12. Well, Calypso is nearing completion, this weekend I managed to install the two main masts with the antennas to some degree of satisfaction. This job wasn't probably the easiest of things to do when the molds were brand new and the plastic parts were actually fitting... but now it's something really have to accept that I can't do it better than what it is, not without scratchbuilding (something I don't have the materials for now). A few other things (searchlight, compass ...) were also added to the upper deck.
  13. Thank you for your reaction, I found this kit in my stash right between an Academy Titanic and a Revell Viking ship, where it has been laying dorment for at least 5 years (ever since we moved to this house) 😄 The fact that I started this kit was purely because it was one of the few kits I could start without going out for colours. (I have about 50 different colours and variations but for every other kit in my stash I was about a dozen of colours short).
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