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Posts posted by mobbsie

  1. Hi Guys,


    A much belated thank you for your comments and remarks gents and for those hitting the like button, thank you.


    Well after what seems a disgustingly long time since my last post I'm back onto the build and trying desperately to catch up with my build buddy.


    The "Will" / "Gladys" is now complete and I'm just waiting for the glass case to be completed.


    The Catch Up


    Now that I'm back onto the build I've made the alterations to the gun port height, I didn't have to make two big a change, just 2mm on No 3 gun port, I haven't planked the outer hull yet so the alteration was fairly easy to do. Thanks for the heads up on that one Grant, I hadn't noticed it at all.


    All the inner planks have now been drilled and filled and stained black, 0.5 brass wire was used to fill the holes and they were treated  with Antiquing Fluid ( Black ), I use this now instead of Birchwood Casey as it's more versatile and will treat brass, copper and Ferrous Metals. The inner planks were then given a coat of wipe on Poly.


    Next up came the Wales, the Lower Wale and Filler Wales are 1/4 x 3/32 Ebony and the Upper Main Wale is 1/4 x 1/16 Ebony. A small bevel was put onto the outer edges and the Filler Wale and Upper Main Wale was shaped on the top edge, all very simple to do and quite straight forward, these were then glued into place 2 7/8" above the base of the Keel.


    I then had to tackle the scuppers, I could go two ways here, I could either drill from both side of the hull or go through in one go, after a lot of soul searching I decided to go through in one, a big risk as it is awkward to get the angle right for a correct exit, using a 2.5mm drill bit a hole was drilled all the way through which I'm pleased to say worked out ok, this was then fitted with a piece of copper pipe and treated with the staining fluid, both sides worked out the same and are now done. Wipe on Poly was applied on the Wales to try and seal them off before planking the outer hull.


    Whilst waiting for the Poly to dry I decided to work on the Sheer Rail, following Grants example I cut the Rail to size and then ground down a scraper blade to form a "W" which will be used to shape the rail. The Rail is made from 5/16 x 1/8 Ebony and again like Grant found it very easy to work with. The rail as put into a vice and my scraper shaper was put to good use. These ( 2 ) are now waiting to be placed fitted.


    Next up came the hull planking, again whilst waiting for the Poly to dry I decided to cut the boards. The boards are 5/16 x 1/32 Yellow Heart and this was my first mistake, I cut the boards 5/32 x 1/32, how the hell I made this mistake I don't know, I just misread the cutting list or had an attack of my occasional number blindness, so the mistake was rectified and as no boards had been fitted so it was no biggy.


    Next job to do will be to fit the outer boards and then the sheer rail, but in the meantime I have a few pics for you to peruse.


    Port side Bulwark Bolts




    Upper Mail Wale, Filling Wale and Lower Main Wale, the scuppers can be seen in the Upper Main Wale






    This is one side of the Sheer Rail, cut a little longer than length in the vice ready for shaping.




    The next two picture show the scraper doing it's job






    The last picture shows the two completed Sheer Rails and the Scraper, two cut outs were made, one to give a deeper groove and the other to give a rounded edge to the rail, all in all I'm quite pleased with the result.




    So there we have it, it's a simple start to the catch up but it is a start, any comments / remarks always welcome.


    Be Good









  2. Now that is very nicely done my friend, in future I shall just take it with a pinch of salt when you say your worried about doing something.


    I'd take my hat of to you mate if I wore one, although your explanation is excellent it's no good to me as I have a different setup all together, I shall be on my own voyage of discovery when I get to that stage, hopefully within the next couple of weeks.


    Be Good




    P.S. You forgot to rifle the barrel :D  :D

  3. Hi Augie,


    Just checking in after my hols.


    The deck planking looks absolutely fantastic mate, I think the slight difference in colour of each plank enhances the overall look.


    I do like the idea of half decking, you've made a great job on the details below deck and it would be a travesty to cover it completely.


    Well done mate.


    Be Good



  4. A very happy birthday Denis, cake, ice cream and fizzy pop, how old did you say you are.


    If you reading this then something's wrong, you should be out getting some new toys, you just don't know what the new trio are going to chuck at you.


    You made really excellent progress since I last looked in, she looking really good and made all the better with the lighting.


    I shall stays tuned.


    Be Good



  5. Hi Frank,


    You've got yourself a right royal jungle of ropes, blocks and sails mate, really glad I don't have to sort them out.


    What you've done with the sails so far is simply stunning, I just love the way they hang and the colour, you also seem to have an assortment of blocks, some of which I have not come across so far, are these kit blocks or are they made from deadeyes.


    Great to see your still at the shipyard and setting a very very high standard, keep it up mate.


    Be Good



  6. Hi Grant,


    I would like to echo the previous statements mate, that is a real good fix. :)


    As you rightly say " a few very minor errors build up and finally catch you out", it happens to the best mate and I consider you to be one of them.


    My fix is easier in that I haven't planked the outer hull and I will be tackling them very shortly.


    Keep it up mate but heck you need to slow down :D


    Be Good



  7. OK I'm fed up now, haven't you got a business trip or holiday to go on, or a least another boat to work on. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :P  :P


    Did you drill all the way through for the scuppers or go in from both ends, either way its bloody good work, well done.


    Honestly mate that looks absolutely great, it's surprising the difference those sheer rails make, they seem to completely transform the boat.


    Be Good



  8. Hi Guys,


    Thank you all for your very kind comments and remarks and for hitting the like button.


    Very little progress made lately, I busted 4 of my 5 0.5mm drill bits when working on the starboard bulwark bolts, replacements have now been received and so hopefully further progress can be made.


    It will be very slow progress for a while, I have been given a commission for the Will Everad and so a lot of my time has been taken up with her. She will not be put on the forum as I feel that that should be kept private between the two of us.


    Be patient with me guys and hopefully I will eventually post some progress.


    Be Good



  9. Hi Grant,


    That looks brilliant mate, you've made some good progress and it's good to see you back in the shipyard.


    Your gonna miss him Grant, his passing is still very raw.


    Your way ahead of me now, I seem to have stalled on mine, in my defence I have been waiting for some more 0.5 mm drill bits, drilling the starboard bulwark bolt holes I busted 4 on my 5 drill bits and so decided to wait for more before continuing.


    I've not been sitting on my hands though, been getting on with the "Will" and listening to the CRICKET. I need say no more on that.


    Be Good



  10. Hi Kevin,


    Big improvement mate, serving's not easy but it does get easier with practice, the trick is to keep an even tension and keep the turns tight on themselves.


    Looking at the 4th picture you seem to have some major furry going there, could you try some beeswax to reduce it, rather than redo.


    Just an idea mate.


    Be Good



  11. I see Mark you really are getting the hang of this. :P


    I'm the last person to advise on planking, sorry I cant help you mate.


    She looking every part the lady and she'll be better when she's off her belly and sitting on her keel.


    I personally like the varying colour in the wood, like people not all trees are the same which is the way it should be.


    Be Good



  12. Hi Patrick,


    Superb as usual mate. Have you got plans for the interior or are you shooting from the hip, whatever it is mate it's working.


    I see you have the starboard side out of the hull, you could place some clear poly in the hole to keep out the dust, this would also give a view of the interior.


    Just a thought, you most likely have already got that in mind.


    Keep it up mate.


    Be Good



  13. Hi Grant,


    Nice to see the update mate, it's worth the wait. the Decking and the Bulwarks look really good.


    I'm still playing catch-up, I have yet to drill and fill the Bulwarks but that shouldn't take long. I'll do that sometime this weekend, then it's onto the hull planking, that should be fun.


    Be Good



  14. My God Patrick, that is a tiny little boat mate and certainly with all the detail is testimony to both your skill and patience.


    It really is a shame that it's going to get covered at some stage, unless of course you think of something like a removable cabin roof.


    Always look forward to seeing more mate.


    Be Good



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