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    Rennes (Brittany)
  • Interests
    Drawing, reading, walking, ships and more...

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  1. Oh my goodness! She is already masted!!! I have been away too long... Beautiful job as ever Dan!
  2. Hi Ulises, Is it so much bigger than the Vasa? I'll be happy to follow your build, le Royal Louis is one ship from my favourite period of history. Enjoy your build!
  3. Nice to see the resurection of your log, Colin! Thanks.
  4. You did not model a scale pencil, did you? I had not seen this version of the cutter yet but I am truely amazed! Keep on the good work, Michael!
  5. Hum... well, that's a good thing you were not happy with the first shrouds then! As my granny used to say: "doing and redoing, this is working"... So, we'll have a new shrouds picture next time?
  6. Hi Andy, I missed the beginning of this log but I'll follow it from now on. That's a very interesting build... and quite a change from Peggy! Have fun!
  7. Very well done Danny! And what a nice contrast between the different wood colours, good choice! About the timberheads, are they supposed to be the end of the frames on the real ship? Is that why you mention cheating?
  8. Hi Sjors, Yes, every thing's all right, thanks. It's just that I have had very little available time for MSW of late... I hope to be more present from now on.
  9. Hi Sjors! Congratulations on completing Le Mirage! The hard work (and re-work) was well worth it, she is beautiful! See you on San Ildefonso, then.
  10. Great to see some progress on Arethusa, Elia! You did a superb job on the deadeyes and chain plates, thank you for sharing the fabrication steps with us.
  11. Andy, My sincere condolences. I know the feeling of losing a grand pa', and I'm sure you'll find the words.
  12. Michael, That's a fantastic job you are doing on the rigging! It's a real pleasure to admire your workmanship. Just out of curiousity, what tool did you used to shape the cleat? John, I'm sure it is full size... and there are some proofs somewhere in this log too, with a living human on deck!
  13. Hi Fritsl, Yes, it is my name. I'm eager to seeing the sails on! That's nice what you plan to do for your grandsons. Will they each have one version of the same boat or three different boats?
  14. Hi John, That seems an interesting project! I just love these nice low-on-the water work boats. We will be patient, don't worry. I'm going to lurk in the front row just in case!
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