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Everything posted by fnick

  1. Hi Mike That's a lovely first layer of planking! Have a good Christmas! Nick
  2. Hi Sjors Good to see you back in the shipyard! You know what they say fifth time lucky!😋 Happy Christmas to Anja and you! Nick
  3. Morning everyone Small amount of progress. First cannon build. Got a smaller one to do and I can start drilling the round gunnports. The barrel was already as shown above but I used birchwood brass blacken on the trunnion. Worked really well. Quick and easy to use ( I have no affiliation with the company by the way). Gun lines up pretty well with the existing gun port. Phew! 😀 Thanks for visiting Nick
  4. Is it worth mentioning this to Daniel Dusek as he is redoing the Royal Louis in not too long? Just in case he hasn't picked up on it.
  5. Good fix Ulises. You do wonder whether kit manufacturers build their own models sometimes!🙄 Nick
  6. Thank you very much for the kind comments! That's one of the main reasons I chose this model, "painting with wood" as someone else put so well. I'm glad the oil has deepened the colour of the wood. Personally I think that this tones down a bit the gold from the columns (and the rest of the decorations to come). I don't mind at all! Nick
  7. Evening all In today's episode of "Pimp my Ship"... OK nothing that exciting I'm afraid. But I do have the first lot of gold columns supporting the handrails done. Nice to start adding a bit of detail! Next up I need to build a couple of the deck guns (two different sizes) as some round gun ports need to be drilled on the sides and I want to make sure I get the height right! As always thanks for visiting. Nick
  8. Really nice! More pics please! Nick
  9. Stunning work Doris. You're going to have to replace the like button. I think it's worn out! Nick
  10. Very jealous of you Mike. Stunning location. Even the wooden parquet floor looks impressive! 😄 Also very interesting observations made. Thanks for sharing them
  11. Hi Ulises Good choice painting the masts. Ties it all together. She's looking quite majestic! Nick
  12. hi David A pe enhanced Titanic is definitely, well hopefully! 😀 on the bucket build list so following this one closely. Looking good. Nick
  13. completely forgotten I'd taken this one too. Quite like the contrast.
  14. Afternoon all I've started applying a coat of Danish oil. Here's a before on one side and after on the other! 😁. Bit of a difference as you can see! I'm sure I'll get used to it. Before... and after... Both pictures were taken in the same lighting conditions. Maybe a tad darker than I was expecting but still very pleased as to how it's slowly coming together. Thanks for looking Nick
  15. Hi all Thank you for the likes and comments. I've updated the post about the saw with my initial thoughts (link kindly provided by Russ. Thanks saved me a job!) Yes the saw is scary but I can see it is easy to become complacent or forget. That's why I've put a list of dos and donts on the saw itself in red so I've got no excuse! 😉 (think you can just about make the words out in the photo above). All common sense stuff but doesnt hurt to make sure! Nick
  16. Hi all At first impressions I'm very pleased with this saw. The cut is clean with only a very small amount of fluff for lack of a better word on the edge of the cut. Nothing that cant be cleaned up with a swipe of a file. This is not a criticism just an observation. I'm not sure how accurate you can get the cut width with just the fence ruler so I made a initial cut, measured it with digital calipers and adjusted the fence as necessary. The saw is small and easily portable. I've screwed it to a bit of wood that I can clamp to my workbench so setup and removal is quick. I've only done small cuts with this so should not been seen as a proper review! for example I've not done a long cut to see if the fence is truly parallel to the blade. But all in all so far so good. Nick
  17. Morning all I now have a table saw! 😀😁 Wow the difference. Would have taken me 30min to cut 3 or 4 handrail supports,file them.all 50 odd I needed done in 10min with a far superior finish. ,£120 very well spent! So handrails are nearly all installed as shown below. And chamfered Remaining handrails are made with golden columns. All I need to do is get rid of a few remaining superglue spots and it's time for a coat of Danish oil. I won't do the deck yet. Thanks for looking. Nick
  18. So she should be. That is one fine looking hull. Much better than my first attempt!😄. Well done Daria! Nick
  19. Have a vacuum cleaner spare in the garage where my workbench is so will rig that up when needed. Will take my time to learn how to handle this beast. I like having my fingers connected to my hands!🙂
  20. Thanks for the advice all. Much appreciated
  21. Yes going to be very careful with it. Thinking of taping a safety checklist to the front just to make sure. Then I have no excuse! Nick
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