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Everything posted by pontiachedmark

  1. Gidday Raymond. I would be interested in your opinion of Mr Marquardts book. I hope there is enough information to facilitate a scratch build or assist in determining if the Occre kit is satisfactory. Wishing you all the best in your endeavours. Mark.
  2. Gidday Johnathas and another warm welcome from the Land Downunder. I would advise you to search the build logs for your kit. You may find solutions and advice for most problems you encounter. Dry fit the parts and read and reread the instructions to gain familiarity with parts and the assembly process. Please feel free to pose questions. Looking forward to your build. Mark.
  3. Gidday Ziggy and a warm welcome from the Land Downunder. You have joined a site where the wealth of knowledge and expertise is vast and usually freely shared. Please feel free to ask as many questions as you need to. I wish you all the best in your endeavours and I am looking forward to your build log. Mark.
  4. Gidday Salty Dog. She sure is looking good. I am enjoying this build immensely. Wishing you all the best. Mark.
  5. Gidday Raymond. I have no experience with this ship although my Occre San Felipe is a mish mash of ships. I am unsure if this is an typical of Occre kits. I do have a couple of questions, If you are going to scratch build this what are you basing your model on? If you have plans do these not answer your questions? I hope I have not confused the issue. Wishing you all the best. Mark.
  6. Gidday Raymond and another warm welcome from the Land Downunder. As you are no doubt aware this sites members possess huge amounts of knowledge and expertise. Most members will freely share both. If you become stuck or unsure on anything feel free to ask questions. I wish you all the best in your endeavours. Mark.
  7. Gidday Harley. A job well done. I am looking forward to future builds. Wishing you all the best in your endeavours. Mark.
  8. Gidday Robert. A good idea to begin the build is to dry fit everything, or as much as is practicable. Read and reread the instructions to gain an idea of the build process and gain some familiarity with the various pieces. By your pictures you have already begun dry fitting. Remember to ask as many questions as you need to. Wishing you all the best in your endeavours. Mark.
  9. Gidday Robert and a warm welcome from the Land Downunder. A great idea to start a build log. I look forward to watching your progress. Do not be afraid to ask questions as and when you become unsure or face a problem. I wish you all the best in your endeavours. Mark.
  10. Gidday HOF. Thankyou for the information. She sure is a big girl. Wishing you all the best. Mark.
  11. Gidday HOF. I have come in late. Just curious, what is the scale and finished size of the model? Wishing you all the best in your endeavours. Mark.
  12. Gidday Harry and a warm welcome from the Land Downunder. I would suggest you search through the build logs. Here you may find answers to any questions you have. If not you have certainly found a site where the members have a wealth of knowledge and vast expertise. I have not had experience with your kit but I am hopeful you will find some advice here. I wish you all the best in your build. Mark.
  13. Gidday Salty. I have finally caught up with your build after being away crook for some weeks. Looks like you are making good progress and maintaining a high standard. I am impressed by the work and the way problems have been overcome, (I must check my vents). Wishing you all the best, Mark.
  14. Gidday Danny, I am seriously late in joining this build as I've been crook for the last couple of weeks. Once again I am floored by the scale and your expertise. Simply fantastic work. Wishing you all the best, Mark.
  15. Gidday Tim and a warm welcome from Bairnsdale, Victoria. I wish you all the best with your build. Mark.
  16. Gidday Rich and another warm welcome from the Land Downunder. Wishing you all the best in your endeavours. Mark.
  17. Gidday Calvin and another warm welcome from the Land Downunder. I wish you all the best in your endeavours. Mark.
  18. Gidday Salty Dog. Frustrating that the parts are incorrect. I admire your perseverance and finding a solution. I agree with CDW in post #77 wholeheartedly. I think the affect on the funnel is superb. Wishing you all the best, Mark.
  19. Gidday Salty Dog. I am enjoying your build immensely. Maintain this standard and everything will be fine. Wishing you all the best, Mark.
  20. Gidday Marcus and another warm welcome from the Land Downunder. All the best, Mark.
  21. Gidday Salty Dog. It is a pity about the missing parts. Hopefully the wait will not impede the build. I certainly hope the parts arrive in a timely fashion. I wish you all the best in your endeavours, Mark.
  22. Gidday Mark. Seems to be coming together quite well. Wishing you all the best. Mark.
  23. Gidday cooltouch and another warm welcome from the Land Downunder. Wishing you all the best. Mark.
  24. Gidday Nicolas and a warm welcome from the Land Downunder. I may have misunderstood or I am naïve but have you done a search for Masts? I suspect there will be a lot of information available. I certainly hope this suggestion is of some help. I am also in a quandary re the plans having no information on the masts. Do you have the complete set of plans? Possibly someone in the group can assist. I wish you all the best in your endeavours, Mark.
  25. Gidday Pat. Firstly, I envy you your recent trip. The build looks like it is progressing well and you appear to have not encountered too many problems. She sure is looking good. All the best, Mark.
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