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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. nice! this log will be a good 'go to' when I start to build mine
  2. look'in sweet ...... when you ordered your masking set for the canopy and such, did it specify that particular model kit? I've been looking for a set for the Memphis Belle and have been unable to find one for Revell kits.
  3. ya run into that quite a bit.......when parts are molded, the corners and edges are not totally square, so sandwiching the halves together shows gaps like crazy. I tend to sand and scrape along the edges to square things up. then there's not a lot to do later. look'in good so far......... as for inaccuracies.......I don't think I've build one yet that was spot on. that's why the aftermarket business is booming
  4. it wasn't easy........that plywood was hard to sand. I wonder where to get sheet plywood like they use to make kits.......the plywood seems to sand so much better. the bulwarks are just about covered now.......there about 1/16 gap at the deck platform. if I had thought ahead with that stern bulkhead I made, I wouldn't have cut the deck area out of it..........but with the curvature at the transom, it worked out. before I go too far with the planking though, I want to make the mast pots.........just boxes for when the masts are fitted in place. it will take a lot of guesswork out of that particular step. it funny you say that.........there are kits that make provision for the holds, some even supply parts for a lower deck. since the Clotilda is a schooner, it makes for a likely choice. I haven't done much digging to see if any of the other listed ships have any info or history. I guess if we had the same foresight, we could have done it I took care of the starboard side problem I mentioned. the cap rail will cover a lot if sin
  5. the boats look great with the canvas Kevin.......you got me thinking of the ropes as well. you have to look at it from a functional point of view. leading out from the bottom, are they going to rub on anything when in operation. would they rub on the deck? leading out from the top is what I usually do...a lot less apts of rubbing, and the detail is more pronounce. your structure work is top notch.......looks awesome!
  6. it's been awhile since I last looked in......good to see you've made some really fantastic progress on her. four years really isn't a long time, if you look at the detailed rigging and tackle........some really phenomenal work! keep up the good work.....she looks superb!
  7. jee J........I shudder to think of what mine would have looked like! I wouldn't worry about anything under the deck platform.......but for the bulwark posts, just peel off the delaminated areas and glue on some 1/32 sheet wood and they will look like new already done it to a few of the original bulkheads. while I have the original parts, perhaps I'll make up another hull..........I really do like the brigg angle on the model. I'm sure they got the concept from somewhere........ yea.........looks ugly right now, but once planked and the ground work is done, it will start to look like something. I just put both books on order.......thanks for the head's up I'm sure it will save a lot of searching
  8. I haven't looked for them, but there are some really neat science kits out there........we get them for our oldest grandson. the last one we got him, he had it assembled in a couple of hours! I used to enjoy the erector sets....buy others and connect them together. mine had hand cranks..........today's kits have electric motors ..........nothing like spoiling a kid.....harumph!
  9. beautiful work Ekis.......very nice with the windows and doors
  10. hey there Tom...welcome to the fold I have the same B 25J kit........did 2 sets of decals come in yours? both versions are on the sheet, so if yours didn't, then I got a boon! also, did your kit come with 2 clear sprues of clear parts? oh.....never mind.......I just check it and saw that the nose glass is different.......ya, for the two versions it's a good looking kit......just the right scale too. it's too bad I've slated another B 17 1:72 scale to be next.......I'd join you almost finished with the Arizona {I'll look forward seeing what you do with her}. great airbrushes! I use siphon feed airbrushes.........just do a few tests...once you get the feel, you'll be hooked following along..enjoy!
  11. the faring process is pretty much done now......now the planking can begin. starting with the bulwarks, the top strakes were cemented in place. I need to adjust the stern post on the starboard side though, since it's off line at the stern. as I'm fixing that, I continued with the port side. so far.....so good. you can just make out the starboard side problem at the stern ...and like most models, they design a bulkhead in the middle of the hold opening. oh well.....closed it is
  12. ....and here's another update on Wulfie! well....after faring on "the frame that tries men's souls", I though I'd put equal time on her. tackling the other wing, I got the painting done on the turbos, touch up paint, the prop assemblies, and both lights done.......they are pretty much complete now. the stand got a coat of paint.......need to make a name tag decal for it now I got back to obliterating those B decals on the tail fin.........I was beginning to think I should have painted them on in the first place. using a Q tip, a German light gray was dabbed on.......any other method would have torn the decal to shreds....flecks had already started to break away. as in the picture I showed earlier, they were bordered with a darker gray........I used a darker color German gray {I have such an array or gray tints now.....it's disgusting}. I didn't dare go any further........ as you might have noticed, I also went over the fuselage with bomber tan, making the fading more pronounce. from here, I went onto the windows......cementing them in place with the window maker. getting most of the windows in place, I happened on one that is not in the kit.......I have nothing for it. 1:72 seems to be the perfect scale for the window maker......I filled in the missing window. this morning I took a look to see how it had progressed. looks a bit different than the plastic glass, but it will have to do. at least there is glass there. the rest of the tail fin decals are in place........I wish Warbirds did the B decal the way they did the call numbers the two together still the guns and tail gear to put in place, and then I can close up the fuselage. there are two bit of glass to go on the top of the nose...........but there's one bit of detail that I forgot.......I just thought of it. I will add them today. actually........there's a few more details, but the last ones I can't add til the wings are in place. one more update I think, and this project will be finished.
  13. you don't need to....we are all in our own class hope you reconsider. we have this bird on our calendar this year.
  14. sorry to hear of your ills........interesting you picked this hobby, since it is jam packed with such a roller coaster of triumphs and failures {pardon for being blunt}. it is a plus though if your desire is to keep your problem solving skills up to snuff. your attitude to keep trying is commendable too.......never give up with something you love. you have a small handicap, but we all strive to create the 'near' perfect model.......so we're in the same boat so to speak.........a lifetime of trying..........periods of crying..........perhaps one of these days, we'll catch a break I thought that's who you were.......reading your logs made me even more sure. you are talented, so keep up the good work. have you seen all metal erector projects out there? I would think that if there's a problem, you'll be able to take it apart and fix it. still following .........these sort of model projects are interesting. I'm not a T supporter............nobodies perfect
  15. ....and finger prints too........I never forget a paw! our Eskimo, Gibbs is like that. if I drop something and don't pick it up right away, he'll carry it off to his lair {under our bed} and destroy it. I hope you still have that upper canopy part.......you can scratch every thing else. if not.......well, you'll be following her / him around for a little while
  16. with what I've read, it depended on what time of service the craft was used. take the B 17.........depending on the segment of service {and what squadron}, the call letters and numbers can be a certain color......early seemed to be yellow.......mid war was black, and towards the end was white. some were even white outlined in black or red. I found that out when I ordered that sheet of letters and numbers........I found out that they had their limitations.......I would have to order additional sheets to widen the scope. it's the same with the insignias...........JEEEEEE....stick with one banner people.....pleeeeeze! { my rant with the military} they make it soooo hard on us modelers! look'in good Mark
  17. me and a friend { Randy} boated out in lake Dias........ beached on a sandbar and went for a swim. it was coming back when I saw the gator. I think it was also the time where I got a case of roundworm.......very nasty and itchy.......everywhere........even places you can't see!
  18. a big hello as well just all around good crazy fun here......I think my admiral is through, keeping up with which medium I'm working in
  19. I'd have never thought to do that either......and also gave me more insight. when I get more into the Memphis Belle, I'm going to need this masking stuff..........I've never used it before. being a first for me, I thank you for the info on how to use it. the paint tip is a plus, because the inner framing too will need to be the chromate green. when you see some of the panels, this will be important you'll see soon the blue looks black to me........gotta be the camera. my best friend Mike lives Kissimmee..........closest I ever got was DeLeon springs........lake Dias. there's something unnerving about seeing a gator sunning himself on a log, after swimming and having a good time in the water
  20. yea...it's like I said on my log.......the hull frame doesn't seem complete. so far, I've added the part for the bow {whatever it's called}, a more revised stern transom bulkhead, and of course, those two extra bulkheads done as halves. older kits haven't had the input that the more up to date kits have...the more up to date kits have improvements from customer service and complaints. I looked at the other stuff and the boat......hopefully, that ink stamping can be sanded off. the boat does seem large, which is typical of a majority of kits out there......parts are supplied with no thought to scale. I got to look in my inventory and see what I got. it's still early for me...I want to see what the hull looks like. I'm leaning towards a schooner though. I have the extra parts......who knows what I might do
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