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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. look'in good OC.........do light coats........that way when you remove the masking, you won't have the heavy paint lines {I hate it when that happens}.
  2. super job on the chopper Mark a heartfelt 'second that', that the project held a hidden benefit for you. yup.......I myself find plastic to be a huge learning curve..........I must have been working with wood way too long! I can't believe how much I had to rethink. I actually amazed myself.........didn't knock off a single gun on the B 17's so far, but I have one more to go..........there's still a chance for Murphy to intervene congratz on a model well done
  3. well....if you went with a single mast, you could do a cutter. the books suggest a lot of different directions we can go. I've been so into the second hull thing, that I haven't done a thing about the deck planking or fitting her out. I guess it will be more fun later on I figure even going the schooner route, I can still have a couple yards on the fore mast. another configuration of the schooner doesn't use them at all, but are generally fitted for hulls like the Bluenose or the America. their hull construction lends to a much faster vessel.
  4. look'in good Mog..........there will always be something or other, that will give you the feeling you could have done better. try not to fall into too many of those traps........double checking........too many backwards steps. this does have the power to discourage some folks. your doing a fine job.......keep up the good work
  5. the first hull will be a schooner.......likely the Clotilda. the second hull though is up for grabs.........likely something like on the box I did a bit more on the hull planking......not even half way on the first hull. hope to get more done. I'll keep my eyes open Dragzz.........glad to see your doing well
  6. you can.........not sure when the change occurred, but most if not all steel hulled vessels had steel cables for the shrouds and back stays. the turn buckles your using replaced the dead eyes that would have made up the early shroud adjustment lanyards. you would have to research the vessel more to find out what was used. on these vessels, the ratlines are usually a single rung using two shroud lines.......the rest are back stays. your life boat assembly looks awesome........love the way you rigged them up
  7. hi there KP........had no idea you were building a wood project. you did a superb job of bring this one from the ashes very nice looking project so far. yes...Artesania Latina is a Spanish company.....interesting that they supply mahogany for the hull planking. many older kits sold by Billing Boats supplied mahogany for the planking, and in some cases, the sheet panels too. these kits weren't laser cut, and it made it harder to cut the parts out, since it is on the brittle side as well as unpredictable. I have a large bundle of mahogany strip stock from the kit I got to build the Progress...I couldn't bear to paint over this wood. I'm going to save it...maybe one of these days, I might do a sailing ship with it. great looking vessel mate.........you've overcome many hurdles to get where you are
  8. one thing you can try........I did it on the Nordkap. paint the hull with diluted white glue.....lt dry and do a light sanding......then give it another coat....light sand. it should get rid of the cracks and gaps
  9. thanks J.........I 'll see if the faring goes better on this one hey dragzz.....where ya been? whatcha build'in lately?
  10. guess you caught the B 17 bug too.........no cure you know should be a fun ride
  11. bummer that this kit turned out to be a dud. look forward to the Eduards kit......I've never built on of theirs.
  12. doesn't mean anything Ziggy......it was a form of ranking system. I'm sure you'll get just as much enjoyment as I did, building one of these planes
  13. thanks OC.....yea, I need to do a couple of things to it..........wish the other pieces were with it. if I'm correct, this is part of a three piece set..........when put together it must have been huge. I was browsing the old model site this evening and I saw this this would be perfect for one to really do some detail work to. the availability is in question though........someone is interested in it I'll keep tabs on it...........I showed the admiral and even she thought it was neat thanks again everyone for all the likes
  14. it's sad this is your last treasure to share with us.........your such an adept modeler. the speed in which you 'aced' card modeling is amazing. the beer car is a work of art
  15. I got a bit smarter with this hull, since noticing that a couple of the bulkheads had shifted slightly, when I began to fare the frame. taking a couple of strips, I strung them along the sides, keeping the fame in alignment while the deck platform was cemented in place. I had a look at the frame tonight, and removed all the clips. doing it in this fashion also produced a nice camber to the platform.
  16. did you watch the Memphis Bell start her engines and run for a bit? it was shown after I looked at the two videos.......thanks for them Lou impressive to see them start up. seeing as I have the other two birds on their perches, I think the Memphis Belle will be standing on her own three wheels. I got home this afternoon to see this in the dining room. the top opening has a mirror in it.....not sure if I will leave it in there, but there is a light in there. the shelves are wood, but I might have some glass made instead, and put a second light in the lower part. I have to fix one of the drawers interesting wall art Kevin......if I were to do that, I think it would be a copy of some of the nose art........more Andy Warhol, don'tcha thing interesting story Thomas
  17. I know this is for the United States....they have the same instruction sheets
  18. than's how Revell designates the different blocks do you have the running rigging sheet? the halyards run through the masts and lead down to a pulley assembly. supper is ready and I gotta go.......look this over and see if it helps.
  19. that must have been her big refit at Norfork. in the early stages, I thought it might be neat to do her with the cage masts that she had back in the twenties......there is after market out for it. never a bad thing to have a favorite ship for the time being....I'll work on getting this one finished. not a lot left to do, but it's time consuming. I'll keep an eye out for when you post a build log....if you model the Arizona, I'm sure it will be interesting always a pleasure to meet new folk.
  20. the lantern looks fantastic Michael.........very nice bit of scratch building !
  21. oh.......you see the other projects in the spare room. the frame on top of the box is a recreation of the Thermopylae hull...gonna do a what if with it. the ship by the wall is the Progress. I'm building it using another old kit of the Nordkap. I guess I'm going to go ahead and model the Clotilda....with the other hull, I like the finished model on the box, so I'm going to model something like a privateer or a brig. I've always got something going on.
  22. the hull came out very nice nice job on the bulwarks too. your deck still looks good...and you thought you'd ruin it
  23. I've heard a lot about the Banner kit........I've never seen the kit. I'm not sure what you mean about pre thirties fit....I have her pre Pearl Harbor......I hope I have the tops right?!?! glad to hear your getting back to the table......I took a ten year vacation myself in my forties
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