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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. swell looking paint job....that's a neat little stand you got there
  2. are they working out alright?!?!?!............good to hear!
  3. hello J........thanks for the good word the base is in the process.........painted the ties........then go though the pain of masking them all up to spray the gray. I've given the two parts a dry brushing of primer red. I was undecided if I would go with a lighter gray before the flat black dry brush, but I said the heck with it........I cemented the two halves together. I'm thinking now that I should remove all the maskings and add the rails before the flat black work. I have a couple pictures of the process......but I think the focus is messed up in the camera. I've had it for a few years now........covered quite a few projects.
  4. nice job on the body........minor touch ups I haven't done a thing to the sox. the chassis looks very nice as well
  5. WOW!!! such a nice job with the rigging Marc. very wise not to wait on making all those rope coils
  6. I did my first United States with the studding sails........it makes for an impressively wide model I can't recall........didn't it come with the studding booms? I have some pictures of the one I built.......I'll check to see if I put them on or not. unlike some other ships, the sails don't impact the rigging as bad.......
  7. doesn't say whether it's an acrylic or not. if so, I wouldn't be able to use it it's interesting how far acrylics have come in the hobby.
  8. ...a pre afternoon salute to you folks! hello Dave good you popped in hello as well Michael.........yea, you were a missing link for a spell, but good to see you checked in....hope nothing serious with Judy. I saw you log........loved it.....such a cool layout .....and I have no doubt that you could build one too...you metal abilities are extraordinary! so.....OK.....I'll try and get some reddish tint in the gravel. spent the morning masking up all the ties.......what a pain in the tookus! good thing I'm going to do quite a bit of dry brushing.......it won't look so sloppy I was trying to recall some of the movies that had trains in them......couldn't remember how the counter weights were painted
  9. very neat little loco Michael love the video.......showed it to the admiral. is this a scratch build or from a kit? your figures are neat too...very life like!
  10. I did wooden decks for my United States model........quite a chore. had to do a second set because I've taken so long to continue the build. I acquired the Constitution last year and was contemplating doing them for it also, but I found out that there is a wooden deck set for it. I'm sure they would have worked for the United States, but I did them before I knew about the scale deck offering. I've always hated the multi section assembly. I'd probably never see either of those kits in my lifetime I believe that the Alabama had a shorter hull that the Kearsarge.
  11. I've never seen it.........but we wuz country folk.
  12. thanks for the good word! red ain't the word for it Bruce..........rode the bus from Florida to New Hampshire back in the 70's, and can never forget the terrain going though Georgia. displays of the model, I've seen a few variations....none of them were reddish though. I do plan to use a couple shades of gray, with a dusting of flat black......the rails are to have a flat steel on the wheel surface. an earlier idea I had was to paint the gravel part with diluted white glue and sprinkle play sand on it. the plates for the rails have the two spike detail, and I will dry brush them with the flat steel.......primer red....dry brush flat black, then the flat steel. for a reddish appearance to the gravel, instead of two shades of gray, I can just do one, and then go over it lightly with the primer red....then perhaps a very light pass of flat black. I'll see how it goes everything is just a base coat for the moment. was there any special detail to the drive wheels........were the wheel weights a different color?
  13. four single throats........that would be early. don't think injection was common place.......late sixties and on. then you saw TBI , sequential, and other different combinations. I've done some of the extra detail stuff, but for me to do it, the model has to be coming out really good, or I don't see the use in it. I did wires for the Jukebox Ford........too bad the decals weren't that great. you'll likely find all you need on line. the Sox & Martin engine had the detail for the fuel delivery molded onto the intake..the module and lines {the return line would be on the module}. single barrel carbs was the way to go, until the four barrel came out. there was the dual throat, but I've never heard of them being used for racing.
  14. now....that's the way I like my windows! back to the days when kits were cheap.......I miss those days >sigh< the decals look in tough shape though I did some quick checking and Slixx does do some, but they look different. here is a site that I found Drag Racing Decals - Mike's Decals
  15. catching up on your build.......so glad to see your feeling better! I love the wood your using........stained or clear coated, the grain is gonna POP! great job on the rudder and the gun ports are awesome. it will be good to see her totally planked
  16. your acquiring quite a fine fleet there! ...and I must say.......Genesis cleaned up nicely....she looks absolutely beautiful! it was such a treat catching up with your log.......and don't feel down about finishing. I know it's something one never loses, but you have another yacht in cue, and it should take the sting out of it I felt the same way when I finished my first wooden ship.......ya get kinda attached to the buggers. now a days, I don't get that way.....I have so many in the works I don't have time!!! congratz on a very fine model!
  17. lost track of your wonderful project........your metal work is awesome great looking deck as well!
  18. nothing spectacular going on at the moment.........one more day of work to go {I almost played hookie today}. Friday, although shot to bits with errands being run, I did manage to get some painting done. these parts will get multiple coats and colors........mainly just the base coats. the rails got a coat of primer red you might see some ghosting......it's alright, there's more to be done on them. then the drive wheels.... I still have the rail surface and the decorative ring........ then, the base. the ties are painted in a dark brown there is more to go here as well. can't wait to get this last day over with
  19. awesome work Danny.......how you mastered all these small parts is fantastic!
  20. really neat model! must not be visible flaws........looks great to me
  21. the planking is coming along quite nicely Kevin I went to the wrong log though to find this.
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