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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. Happy birthday Henry .......looks as though you spent your day........like I would have, if it were my birthday. very nice 2 sea
  2. it's a conspiracy John.........they make the cameras, so that they show this stuff.......and you go and buy another one. mine does the same thing.........I think if you bang it on the table .........real hard.......about for or five times, you might knock some sense into it......Hee.....Hee I don't care about the little white stuff.......the camera picks everything up.......even deep into the creases I think you did a super job, it looks awesome!
  3. thanks John, Mark, and Anja........... sure......even if he was to get $900.00 {he was getting $825.00 from the past tenants}, it would be a savings........the admiral said that last night. he never offered us that though....he just changed his mind. the big picture is that he should do that for all the floors, but he doesn't want to spend the money. I need to get going to work now......perhaps I can elaborate this evening
  4. very well done John.........both sides look really nice together. yea.....you can get away from too much interior painting with small windows, but be careful with the larger openings. the test will be when you get the roof ready to install......look in from all angles before you do love the structures..........nice!
  5. I think I need some of that adult beverage now............the move is canceled! seems that the landlord would rather get an extra $75.00 a month for the third floor, rather than save us around $300.00 {could be more}. actually what it boiled down to.......is that the first floor is heated with oil, hot water is heated with gas, and electric. third floor is heated totally with gas {water as well}, and electric. as soon as the folks hear about the first floor......they ran like hell! we saw some people take down the number........soon afterwards, the landlord called us and changed his mind. I let him talk.........I'll wait till I see him in person. I told him that I had brought a bunch of stuff up there already. I had brought up almost all of my models and stuff......my big build table was all that was left. also a good portion on the admiral's M&M collection and shelving......and some small furniture. I had to bring it all back down he did change the listing to the first floor.....but he jacked up that one more than he did for the third floor. he must still had the third floor listed, because he was getting calls for it too {I didn't pick up on that until later}. anyway........everything is back in the apartment now.........a bit messed up, but the third floor is as I found it. my modeling stuff is all in disarray at the moment.........I have several ships on the main table. once I get things back in order, it'll be business as usual. thanks for all the well wishes........I'm sure things happen for a reason. thanks for the good word Mark.....I will do my best to make it as interesting as I can
  6. guess you just have to laugh Mark..........doesn't do to get upset. you did good.......replace and move on
  7. that's what I'm talk'in about! is that sculpted wood......or did you plank it? very nice! buddy.......if I was near you, you can have a whole bottle! I have several bottles of copper........there's a story behind it. back.......I'd say around the mid 90's, there was a copper shortage...........they weren't even making copper paint. I couldn't find any.......anywhere. the admiral and a friend of her was in another town.......craft shopping, and they found some in an enamel paint display. she called me with the news, and I told her to get as many as she could........she bought them all! they are old.....yes.......but they are still good.......never opened {of course}. I also have four or five 1/2 oz bottles of the Billing's copper paint. it's not as shiny as the Testor's copper paint.....when dry, I think it looks better. great job on the structure......look forward in seeing it painted and in place
  8. I didn't get to finish my comment John........I was out of breath :D it's too bad we don't live close.........I have quite a bit of copper paint {Billing's and Testor's}. you'd get it faster making the trek, rather than me sending by carrier pigeon. how is that other structure coming along? I agree though, it is a good idea.
  9. thanks Bob.......if I were to say how many..........Dr. Per will come after me with the butterfly net! do ya think I oughta sign up? glad to have you aboard Sjors.......it's still early......enjoy! thank you Anja.....I'm on a rest from the second wave {lugging boxes and small stuff}. I can't believe all the ship supplies I have.....I really need a workshop like others have. for the moment......nothing is amiss........they don't even need to be told apart, but I named them, just for perspectives. sorry for the secrecy......I want to be sure of the subject, before I make them known. scavenger hunts will be very important in the decisions. I still need to find some able bodied friends to help me with the big stuff, until then, it's tote up as much as I can.........what we don't need at the moment will go in the cellar. I also have to clean out the garage......last thing on my mind at the moment. thanks for the good word......I'll be glad to start up again......I'm only truly happy when I'm building
  10. super job there Sjors! Hey Augie......are we using the number system or the alphabet system? if I were to use both, it would come out to 10 AAA ! :D
  11. I can only go from past experience...........here, I have none. still a land lubber, getting my feet wet......I can only watch and comment on the super work your doing.
  12. excellent rigging there.....Michael! will there be an eyelet there, where the rope goes through the bulwark? that brass work is to die for.......superbly done!
  13. the move is on.......all building has ceased. most of my modeling stuff is up there in a room, off the beaten path. we have this month to get up there........but man...........so much little stuff! we are pack rats...........that's what we do
  14. hello John......sorry I didn't see you comment sooner.......we must have crossed in the post yes, there are others in the shipyard still, I was hoping to have made better progress. I figured if I waited much longer.......it would put them much further back into the millennium. now....I can safely say, that all my plans are in the works. I hope to have at least one finished by next season thanks Michael.........for now, everything done will be done equally.......so you see one, you'll see them all. I will show all three as this develops. the real juggling act will happen when the deck plans are laid out, and each one takes their own direction. I like the style of ship that I will be using........there will be more than enough deck surface to fit them out, for the subject that they will be. I hope it will be as interesting for all, as it will be for me
  15. oh John.........it's not my nature to go around critiquing builds........if you only knew the mistakes that are in my builds, you'd laugh your butt off! my Gothenborg build is riddled with them! the expert you hear tell about, spent years to get there. I'm sure they started out pretty much the same way. mistakes are inevitable.........they do happen. it's all built into the process of the week-end warrior, in our efforts to attain the levels we're looking for. we see them.......we learn from them.......and then we move on. my philosophy has always been.......create and do the best you can. if you see a mistake, fix it, but not at the expense of the overall looks of the model. when your done......and you say your done, put it on the shelf. after your third of fourth built there after, take a look at the first one.......you'll see how much progress you've made. it's a progressive thing.......the more you put in....the more you get out of it. in the same time that I felt bad about mentioning it, my aim was to help you..........I did the same thing and was given the correct information by one of the moderators, to point me in the right direction. I am glad that you weren't put out by it, or angry {well, just a little}, but it was not my intention. you have a great build going on, and I hope to see more!
  16. after I've put my pictures in the computer, I turn them all right side up and size down from there. those are some nice shots
  17. Moflea wrote: A little beast this kit... Can't wait to see it finished. that may be one of the stark similarities with these kits :D :D
  18. .......and at the pond in central park today, police arrested a one armed man, who was bothering the other boaters, by continuously rowing in a circle! *a little George Carlin humor......don'tcha know
  19. Yea......I did it. I changed it around......had to make a new rudder and hardware. I didn't even see it the first time around......then I saw Augie's comment, and it hit me. if your good with it..........so let it be written.......let it be done. I'm the same way though.......if a change can be made without too much trouble, I will try....but if not...........oh, I forgot it's like the anchors for the Gothenborg....I got the stocks upside down. I used CA on them, and at first they wouldn't stay together {the anchor part is made up of two pieces}......but cement the stocks on them, and it's like they were never apart......go figure. I'll do something with them though the Hurricane house was worth waiting for.......you did a splendid job on it I know there isn't..........but a seat on that wheel assembly would make for one heck of an amusement ride :D
  20. glad to hear you say that..........I'm not such a screwy person after all..........HORRAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D ..........just trying to make you laugh, good friend! now find you way clear to go home.......your family needs you
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