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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. see.....I should have waited.......the hurricane house looks great John.....very nice hate to say it.......but there is a problem......the gungeons and pintles are upside down File:Pintle and gudgeon rudder system scheme.svg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jim Ladd sent this to me..........I did the same thing with the Gothenborg.
  2. very interesting set up on this ship........too bad there isn't a seat for the helmsman to sit in, so he can swivel with the wheel
  3. I was a bad boy........I got caught sanding in the living room. just fitting the ribs wasn't good enough....and I got sent to the table. the second one is done by this time.......only the bow rabbits need to be put on. the third one is in the works now......... with the first one, the last rib at the stern was shaped per the tracings. with the other two, this last rib is altered......cut straight across. not that it's a huge problem, but when sanded and the deck platform is in place, it will have something to be cemented to. I'll just lay a beam across the first one. the bow rabbits are sanded with the aide of the belt sander. my cuts were not the greatest......the thin blade broke and I couldn't find the others, so I put the thicker blade back in to cut them. this just means that I have a lot of extra faring to do. I also think this project will better acquaint me with the dremel....brand new and hardly used. they are all assembled now....bow rabbits are all in place. the glue wasn't totally dry yet, so they still have their nose rings .....Hee.....Hee. Moe......Larry.......and Curly here is a better look at the stern alteration the bow rabbits jut out a bit from the stems on two of them.......I'll just angle the cuts and blend them in with the stem. I need to get some 1/16 flat stock for the decking, and I'm debating whether or not, to say the heck with it and plank the bulwarks. making the bulwark panels with flat stock, might make it easier to do the scuppers, but I don't want to run into the same problems I had with the original Boulogne. I'll wait and see the best way to go. I pretty much have the table cleared off.......I've been putting my stuff away for the move. I have already brought a few ships up there, and anything we aren't going to use, down to the cellar.......my legs are tired. should be an interesting couple of weeks
  4. so.......on to the assembly of the frames. these were started in the living room, kept out of the way. the first one is the 1/4 plywood. pieces of strip stock was added between the ribs to help lock them in. the third keel was assembled using the 3/16 plywood. the ribs of the other two will be of this thickness, it shouldn't affect the second one. I have other parts that I cut earlier.......I'll just weigh out what to use. the first one needs the bow rabbits, but I'll do them last {they need sanding}. I started on the second one.
  5. sorry to hear about your loss....my thoughts are with you and your family. I wish you luck with getting home.
  6. I like these pictures better........shows off the ship more. you did very well with it.........great job!
  7. thanks Wayne........it's going to be cool for you all to see the frames completed. I'm looking at the two I have now, along with the Boulogne hull {hypothetical}..........it's going to be a massive build. it's also going to be interesting how they will be shown in progress....a lot of the hull construction will be identical at this point. they won't branch off until a bit later. I will be very happy to get these hulls to the point where they can take on their own subject....their true natures. in a way, it's good they start now........a lot of the ornamentation will be on the shelves.....can't wait to visit the craft stores who knows what the scavenger hunts will produce on the move front........it's sad to see how the paycheck has shrunk........I can hardly believe it myself. I'm just glad to hear that the landlord is willing to let us do this. I still will be in charge of the landscaping......I told him I would, and I agreed to monitor the boiler for the first floor heat, seeing that I understand the system. I'm not even going to get into the reasons....anyone who lives in this country knows the story.......moot. it just changes our plans to finally be able to afford our own place again. it's still the dream.
  8. my thought as well so Andy, what have you got planned for when you get back? second step for Peg?
  9. if anything, you'll have a good idea of how large a case you will need..........it serves the purpose for the moment, up, out of the way, and dust free!
  10. where do I begin..........this project was to be well under way by now, but the way thing panned out, it has had a very rocky start. I had thought of the concept during the build of the M&M fun ship, and my idea was to build three ships.......one of them was to see if there was a market for such a thing. during all this time, I've come up with a few more ideas, so I am going to do them with different ideas......three different concepts, and see which one works best. as the title implies, they will have a holiday theme.....being careful not to offend anyone. it is my hope that everyone enjoys the construction and creative aspects. we turn the dial of the way-back machine back to December of 2012........I was planning on starting it then. I had cut the keel parts for two of them, and the ribs for the first one. my plan was to begin at this point. the hulls of these boats will be modeled, based on the Billing's kit Boulogne Etaples. the hull parts were traced from the parts panels........sadly, the panels did not survive the tracing of the rest of the parts. I had begun to assemble the first keel. I had made up the stern parts for all three, but did not use them all. to save money on wood, I purchased a 4' x 4' square 3/16 oak plywood panel, later to be stripped out and used for the rest of the parts. I ended up making another stern part for the third keel, so it would be of the same thickness. the project stopped for a while.........until May of this year. I assembled the keel for the second ship, but not much else. it was not long after this picture was taken, that the plywood was purchased.........and stripped out a bit later than that. a couple of weeks ago, the admiral asked me about them, suggesting that I should get busy on them, if I want them for the holidays. of course, I laughed........and told her that they would not be done this year, perhaps next season would be more realistic. the panels were traced out last week......and the parts were cut out this past Tuesday. at this point, two of the hull frames are assembled, and the third is on the slip. I should have an update on this build soon. and.......what's life without a few chiggers in it. things have been rather hectic around the house lately.......we are about to make a move to the third floor of our apartment house........purely a financial move. so I may be a bit silent here and there, until these hulls are planked, and we can get past the crazy stuff. I can clear my mind of all these ideas......but the most important thing, to finally get this project of the ground and on the move I had such a good time with the M&M build, that I really wanted to get into another one. it was so easy to come up with this concept......and the directions that these ships can take, is endless. for the moment, the directions will not be brought into it......the construction of the hulls will come first..........but I will mention that the deck layouts will be different to suit their subjects. this is big.........an armada of holiday vessels.......I hope you enjoy what is to come.
  11. if you liked that one Augie......look for the movie 'Rooftops'. it's an oldie. my oldest son was into break dancing.........I saw pain, just watching him......
  12. some discomfort maybe.........but not sad. you picked up the ball again......and I must say, you really ran with it! this build is almost finished, and you have another one well into the works. can't keep you down, good buddy!
  13. very nice looking ship Ron........so very well done! nice even color throughout, and the rigging is just fantastic! congrats
  14. what?????.....oh, right..........the movie choices. now gents.......there's nothing wrong with a chick flic every now and then :D in reality, I don't remember even watching those movies........but I do have the anniversary edition for 'Dirty Dancing' I'm more of a war and horror buff myself...........I like comedy too, but if it fringes to far into the void, I leave it for the admiral and my oldest son to watch. I could have dubbed in some Robin Williams........... 'Birdcage'......and 'the world according to Garpp'. I thought he did a great 'Popeye' as well :D life has been 'interesting' around here {at home} of late..... my builds have suffered a little......but I have managed to vent in other ways
  15. oh, no Andy.......we think it's cool, your out there on that 'steel Island' of yours :D :D you betcha.......we want you back! I'm sure everyone wants to see how the 'love story' with Peg pans out.......your almost ready to hit new 'withering heights' with that build above all.........it will be good to have you back safe and sound
  16. you seem to already have a good game plan.........sounds like a good choice. .............how can I say this, without getting bombarded by fruit........... the Swift has more of a bash factor. yes, there's a lot of information out there on them, but in my mind, the Bluenose is more of a replica build than the swift. I think you'd also have an easier time of it. good luck with your getting back into the hobby....start with the swift. I'm going to duck now..........I'll peek from time to time. good luck !
  17. very nice start.......the hull frame is going to look really good! I have an older Craftsman model scroll saw........one of these days maybe, I'll trade up to a newer one. glad to see your moving forward with the hull........can't wait to see it together.
  18. like it........but not really. you folks will be in our thoughts.............I can wait for an update looking forward in seeing you back on an even keel, my friend
  19. WOW bud! sorry to hear of all the set-backs.......life can be pretty mean sometimes. again.......very sad to hear of your loss, your admiral is going to need all the comfort you can muster. us, here at the wharf, send our regard. when everything settles down.......you can get back to the hobby.........no rush. perhaps you picked it back up to soon....heart and mind wasn't in it. remember that the hobby is a progressive art.........it takes time. I'm no expert..........I just keep in mind that there's always paint......or a second planking. whatever I can do to achieve what I want to do. just take your time.........make progress when you can, I'll look forward in seeing it when time allows. take care and I wish you well.
  20. I'm sure that all this effort can be seen through the opening in the spar deck, when you go topside........ it looks very life-like....no two cannons are in the same position.......active realism. nicely done!
  21. hi Adam...sorry to hear of the loss....... the admiral and I send our condolences.........give your admiral a hug from us
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