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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. thanks Mobbsie.......I'm doing better... almost done with my update. I want to get all three done before I show you folks thanks for the good word! you'll have to post me a link to your build log Craig.......very interested to see what your up to. no contest......you'll get used to us guys....we tend to grow on people :D :D
  2. careful Bob........don't get sucked in....or you'll end up like me! :D :D super job on the tug......looking real sweet!
  3. very....very nice! yes when I saw Sjors asking you to paint his fence...it reminded me of that book........the adventures of Tom Sawyer was a big read in my youth
  4. not good.............rest up and take care. I remember the last time I had something like that.........I made it as far as my recliner......and that was in the next room! I was down a whole week with it! ...........but that was some time ago feel better, my friend!
  5. that's right Mark.......as a matter of fact, I did do just a little today. but, then I got side tracked with a couple of errands. I even cleaned the cellar up a bit........third floor had their laundry down there...........for nice folks........they were a bit sloppy with their lint balls and dryer sheets. so, I swept the floor and took out the trash. I wasn't asked to do it.......I just couldn't stand it any more. it's too bad that the admiral enjoys having me close, like we are........I could make one heck of a workshop down there! there is so much room! oh, well........I guess I should count my lucky stars on that I should have an update soon, and again, thanks for the ideas on cold remedies.......truth be told, I kinda steer away from the corn squeez'ins..........I got tired of waking up in other people's clothes. I'm feeling much better now........should be back to my comedic self soon
  6. sad to hear of your brother's passing. I could think of a thousand things to say, but they could never fill the void your feeling right now. my condolences to you and your family
  7. AUTHENTIC DECALS Model Train Stuff - HO Scale Microscale Decals Decals :: Decals, Trim, Pilots, Scale Accessories :: Airplane Hardware :: Airplanes :: Advantage Hobby FLIGHTDECS~PRODUCT LISTING Scale Model Decals this is just some of the sites I have listed........I hope you find something good I'll look forward in seeing the coning tower. I had a funny thought, after reading your post. "Gee, with the coning tower on there, it will be hard to flip 'er over." of course, I thought about it for a moment, and then gave myself the 'Denozo headslap'............on saw horses......what-douya think :D :D you don't need encouragement........I think you have enough 'drive' for the both of us I will cheer you on though.......I think your doing a fantastic job!
  8. as you can see Frank.......there will be NO more sanding in the living room {the admiral saw that, by the way}. I moved everything back to the way it was.......looks like I'm going to need the table space. yea, it was a bad thing that happened, but the problem has been resolved {for now} and thing are getting back to normal. I'm able to work at the table again {yeaaaaa}, so I can get some work done. amazing.....or crazy it's too soon to tell thanks Frank for the comment I wish you well thanks Craig.......welcome.....I hope to make thing clear, as soon as I can
  9. there you go Adam........the hull looks much better! the stern can be blended flush with sand paper on a wide surface block ......I have different sizes. for the rounded portion, wrap some paper around a large dowel. for those wale strips, I pre bent mine before I stained them......hence the reason why I had breakage {I like to think that}. once you get them bent and on the hull......you'll be a happier camper. they'll enhance it all the more
  10. guy kinda looks like Alfred Newman.......I like'em ! hello Craig........I see that your fairly new......welcome to the forum....with decorum {and some wicked cool ships too} :D I like to do 'off the beaten path' projects. I had a very good time with my last one, the M&M fun ship. I wanted to do another one, but I wanted to do something a bit more complex.........so I came up with this project. it is to be three ships, all of them are to follow a Christmas holiday theme. at the moment, I really can't say what the individual subjects are......this will be decided when the hulls are planked and the deck layout is established. I should have started this project earlier, but other thing kept pushing them back. I'm hoping they will be finished sooner, but I'm looking at the 2014 season, as a finish date. hope your intrigued enough to follow along gee thanks John........I'm feeling better already.......I'm 2 down now, I'm behind!
  11. OK.....another shot from Bob..........oh, that's good! that'll pick me up.......{an' lay me back down too!} the mirage comes later........that is.......if any more 'good stuff' comes along, Augie that's another one of my logistical problems Wayne........Rudolf refuses to sit at the bow! perhaps you can send me down a few 'stand ins' :D :D
  12. hey Ron.......no.....the Goth looks like that......for now anyway I'll be picking up on that build when I begin again. the Goth is on the table, along with the America........I need to fix it from a separate problem that it suffered. almost back on track thanks for the good word! thanks Adam.........hmmmmmmmm rum and whiskey........sounds like a nip and tuck.........one nip and they tuck you away for the night! Hee.........Hee!!!!! tell ya what........I'll forgo the fruit, and just chase'em with a beer! OK......gotta go drink....errrrrrrr take, my meds now! :D :D :D put the lime in the coconut an' drink'em both together put the lime in the coconut an' den you feel'in better!
  13. I've made some head-way today.......almost ready to go. I do thank all of you for the comments.......things are good for the moment. I hope we haven't been fed a load of cow bunk.......something to be seen, to be believed. the cold is a little bit better......I will look into your remedy John...........151.....here we come! thank you as well Anja... yepper John.......I haven't done a scavenger hunt as of yet.......that's really going to give me the direction they will take. the first one is decided, the second one is at the 'good idea' stage, and the third one is sort of on the fence.......I can't seem to come up with a good way to convince the wise men, that it is OK to be on a boat. "OK.......guys, it's like this...........Dramamine.....all you can handle! just make believe it's a mirage.....should be used to that crap by now!" either that, or try convincing elves that it's OK............ "Yea.....yea, I know...........candy canes melt when wet! that's why they come in cello wrappers! as far as the presents go......try using color-fast paper!" so, while I wade through all the logistical problems, I still need to take stock of the fittings I'm going to need. I have some time, since it will be a while before the hulls are to that point. I have made one decision.......I will plank the bulwarks. this way I can cut the scuppers where I want them. I want to add additional posts. as mentioned.....I will try to make this as interesting as possible.
  14. http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/4226-holiday-harbor-multi-build-120-scale-by-popeye-the-sailor/ here it is........I'll have to check that one out......sounds kinda gooey ..........ewwwwww!
  15. me neither..........Andy's given me lots of good ideas the molding looks great tom!
  16. I said I would post a picture of my table....and the turmoil at the moment. things are getting back in order, I did end up getting a cold from the sweating, and lugging stuff up and down the stairs......it was cold in that hallway........although I'm sure my resistances were down as well. it's a process......... well......my big table is a wreck.......it's the only thing that DIDN'T go up there........ you probably notice the bow spirit on the AmericA is a bit out of joint.......it wasn't from the move. I had it sitting on a table, broadside in front of a window, and an ill wind blew it onto the floor. it only sustained some minor damage {nothing disfiguring}......nothing I can't fix. I had the desk table {which did go up stairs} in the living room.......I was going to fire up the old computer {windows 98}, so I could run my older games. with the holidays coming up, I gave up on the idea, and joined it back up to the big table. these three are now back where they belong.........I rearranged the living room, per the admiral's request for the holidays.......she wants to put the tree in the bay windows....very easy to comply with her request. these are the only three that have wipers...a great idea from Andy unrelated forum builds were not exempt.......these two made the trip up and down as well......the F-15 and my first foray in balsa flying aircraft in many years....the Spitfire. it's not completely finished, but for a first flight in these many years, it's close enough. with the weather changing the way it is, it looks like it won't see it's first real flight until late spring the Ambroid train kit I've been working on {the B&M snowplow}, went up as well, but it went up in the box I packed it up in, when I put it aside. so, it suffered no damage from the predicament. once things are back in shape, I can get back to what I want to do......back on track. choo.......choo!
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