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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. sure is........really great shots of the Fokker in flight couldn't find the movie anywhere........ one day, I found it as a two pack..........along with another hard to find movie I was looking for....Bat 21
  2. nice progress........PE can be a coin toss. sometimes the actual part looks just as good
  3. this has to be a spin off of the Munster mobile.......I've not seen this one........and I've built a number of Barris beauties I watched them both........TV back then was so much better
  4. I've never seen a remake of the Blue Max.......but yes.......a day without george is like a day without sunshine I just watched the review from Flory.......huge kit!
  5. sure Robert........the mask set is made by KV models. I ordered it from scalemates.com so I thought........the darn thing came from the Ukraine. I think that it was made for the older kits. I'm checking them out now OC.......
  6. harsh.........very harsh........I'm glad I have a merciful admiral the fun continued.........on with the bottom wing halves! I thought I was going nutz.... this one certain part.......the rear bulkhead for the inboard engines would not fit. the landing gear connects to these parts, so they have to sit flush. looking the parts over, I did notice, what looked like flash on the elongated part that covers the rear section of the landing gear opening. no.........it looks too thick to be flash.........but a small curved bulge was evident at the base of the elongation. rear bulkhead and side manifold parts cemented in place this elongated part in the back of the bulkhead was the problem check fitting again made me decide to cut the extra plastic off and expose the small curved area. that did the trick! the part fit in place perfectly! the outer bulkheads were fitted in the outboard engine narcelles. the inboard has them too, but there are a couple more parts to add. there are these two tanks that needed to be added.......until the rear bulkheads were in place, I was baffled how they fit. I had a couple of pictures with the outer bulkheads added, but they were too blurry, so I dumped them. with the two side panels dry, they were cemented to the openings in the fuselage. they will be painted Olive Drab along with the outer surface of the fuselage. I need to mask them so to keep over spray out and off of the interior I wasn't impressed how these fit.... the bomb bay area of the interior assembly received it's inner hood. still more to go........more painting to be done with the interior. still plenty of parts too!
  7. more progress on the Memphis belle. to cut.....or not to cut......that is the question. unlike the bomb bay doors, there are no indent lines in which to guide the razor knife, in order to cut the flaps from the bottom wing halves. I'm around 50% concerning doing this........some good....some not so good. I opted not to have them operational on the Nine o Nine due to lack of detail parts {the kit could have been more detailed due to it's scale}. I didn't do it to the Wulfe Hound either for the same reason........and that it was an early Revell kit with few parts. given the opportunity and the parts to flesh them out......I did it. minor shortcomings, but for the most part, with them open, the defects might not be readily noticed. the separator bar between the flap and the ailerons could have been a lot more rectangular. I cleaned them up some........they look better than they do here. there is more to be done with the bottom halves, particularly with the narcelles. painting was the next order of business. I painted the interior assembly first..........then the interior of the fuselage halves........and then the top wing halves, after changing the color to Olive Drab. they are still a bit on the wet side.......a second coat is needed. here are the fuselage halves.... I thought I would see areas that I missed on the interior assembly, but after close inspection, I see that the only places that are scant, are on the underside of the assembly in places that might not be seen. there is a round area at the nose that will need to be painted gray I did a light coat of the chromate on some of the clear parts. I wish I noticed the lifting of the masks...not sure if it was caused by the paint, or was like that before I painted them. I hope it was caused by the paint. ah....hmmmmm....these were the ones I was talking about.......now I am concerned I had to do some mix 'n match on the top turret ........the ball turret halves are scant on the masking. there wasn't enough there to do them completely. I did some mods with them......they will have to do. I'll find out wiah type of clean up that will need to be done when the masking comes off.
  8. hello Robert..thanks for the good word there is no PE for her...the defense fund is somewhat limited.........I ran a covert act to get the mask set.........the magistrate was very lenient though {only KP with partial time served }. the mask set is somewhat limited.....a bit more than I originally assessed. the update to come will outline the shortcomings. thanks all for look'in in and the likes
  9. congratz on finishing Jack........took me awhile to get to your log....but boy!..........it was so worth it! great looking bevy of tanks........look'in forward to seeing your next log......which ever makes the cut first
  10. that's the problem with this decal program.......or any program for that matter. I don't mess with it a lot. I don't get to discover more 'ins' and 'outs' with it. a while ago { a year or so} I heard that there was an update for it, so I ordered it. come to find out, it was just additional decal images to work with. I was already importing all kinds of stuff into it......I didn't need that.....I wanted a solution to the transparency issue with it. so far, I've been able to thwart it by using white decal paper for some of the images......as long as they either had white in them, or a white background. for a few other instances, I'm able to change the background to the color of the model, but the model needs to be done in a solid color....basic color spectrum. this is where something like photo shop comes in handy.......the color spectrum for these programs are a bit wider.
  11. nice progress so far OC........not understanding the significance of tilting the stabilizer ailerons downward for the rudder, as they are shaped to allow for it.
  12. sweet looking engine.......yup.......definitely have to go back a few years to find truly sculpted cars. it was a sad day when we went into our 'square days'
  13. hi J........yea small problem.....got it sorted out. I worked on her for a while, but I kinda got ahead of myself with the transom........boarded it up already. now planking the counter is going to be a lot harder, unless I come up with an idea around it. I got the fore deck figured out on the Clotilda. now to finish gluing it in place and plank it. yours is coming along nicely
  14. look'in awesome J....your miles ahead of me now! slips my mind, but do you have the rudder done?
  15. all I can say is WOW Daniel..........this assortment will look fantastic next to a finished model....... have you considered doing a 'two face' model........one side in one scheme, the other side in another. definitely be a 'one of a kind'
  16. yes Ken....it's the gun mount for the top turret. the other part I spoke of is for the tail......an area that will never see the light of day. it looks to be the only part that was badly flashed. I found a couple other places that the set doesn't cover......this kit may be too 'new' for the set...the other way 'round did a bit more masking, but not much further. I notice that the kit omits a window just below the cockpit on the left side........of course I have nothing to fill it in with..... just as well......I'd be afraid to mar the plane up anyway. it's enough that, if I want the dive brakes, I need to cut them off of the lower wing halves. here goes nothing..........
  17. guess I'd better get hump'in on that decal..........
  18. I see you caught a different type of bug Lou.......it's a good one great start.........I use Testor's decal set....works reasonably well. yes.....Murphy love to bugger up plastic projects too...he doesn't discriminate
  19. WOW! superb job on the Dauntless Ed! very well done I don't recall ever doing a Japanese plane before........might be interesting. I think the Russians have it beat though.......TU 95MS not sure if there's a kit for it........but then again, I've not done a Russian plane either I've got Tora Tora Tora in my library........my favorite is the Blue Max.......went through hell finding a copy
  20. I think I know where Mark was going......we usually don't mix two projects together. what you might want to do is open a log with a paint and camo theme, and let others show what they've come up with. I myself haven't gotten too fancy with my planes, and I think it would be cool to see longenze and different types of camo. it's up to you
  21. she's look'in REAL sweet now! great job
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