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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. look'in super Martyn........very nice finish on her.........well done!
  2. they are meer suggestions..........possibilities within possibilities I hear ya on the admiral's views {that's what we call our wives here on the site} {my wife actually likes it........I also call her my budget director, which she likes even more }. I got sworn off of plastic when I built my first wood ship model.......she fell in love with it. now if I build something in plastic, I get a lot of grief, although it has died down some since I started building the bombers as I told her........there are too many really good subjects that are not covered by wood kits.......and I have three or four of them in my stash that are plastic.
  3. Hal and Eddie look dapper in those designer helmets! they look much better......looks like you did some fine tuning. the belts are a really nice touch. very good job there good buddy!
  4. finally.........some progress on the Memphis Belle I took the day off yesterday............'cuz I wanted to, and not because of the virus. don't get me wrong......this is some serious stuff, but the more I hear about it.......naaaa, I better shut up.......chalk it up to one of the emotions felt during a crisis like this I had made a mistake in my paint choice early on......the Zinc chromate is too yellow........I could have used it on the Wulfe Hound, for cry'in out loud. to give it a green hue, I mixed in some olive drab.....it's much better, but not perfect. I will use it.....only for the reason of highlighting the interior more. you'll see it in a moment...... I painted the instrument panel and the navigator's compartment with a brush. it came out a bit streaky, so I will assemble the entire interior and use the airbrush on it. I can touch it up with the brush later. after assembling the interior, minus a few key parts that need detail painting, I slid it into the fuselage, so it would dry in the correct position.........I did it with every segment I added {rest easy.......no time lapse photography}. out of the 'box'.......it looks like this. you can see my Zinc Chromate Green....other colors will be added after the rest of the assembly is painted.....the seat color, ect..... then I started to play with the turrets...I couldn't find this one part. after a visual search came up empty, I referred to the number and searched again. I couldn't believe what I saw.........this part was totally unrecognizable......it was loaded with flash! I spent about an hour trimming it.....there was even a tiny rectangular area within the part that needed to be cleaned out.......a really small part to begin with. the part you see in the shadow is another part with a lot of flash........even though it's a larger part, it broke as I was cleaning it {it's drying at the moment}. here's a better shot of the navigation compartment with this, it will involve the clear parts. this is my first attempt using a window mask set. I think I'm a tiny bit off with the windshield........I'll fix that the two sides up at the nose were next.........these two panels are clear. they are the main reason why I chose to buy this set. each side has three windows, with one of them housing a machine gun. I was dismayed that the set does not have a mask for the gun window. I improvised a bit, cutting out a mask for them both.....not perfect, but they will do, although I could try and round off the corners. I've also done some of the painting that I felt I could do....some of the small bits. today I hope to get larger areas done more on her soon!
  5. I'll have to look this one up....how much modification will you need to do? your progress is looking super
  6. you did a great job Egilman...you've preserved quite a bit of detail your progress looks good Andy !
  7. perhaps you might find a 1:48 plane to put it into? they are an interesting plane with many variants
  8. hello Michael......Jct and I are having fun with our project. I name mine differently though, but since I'm not using the parts and wood for this ship, I made another hull with the leftover stuff. that project, when I create the log for her, will be my Agilis project. so far so good for this one, though not having a lot to go on. it will be fine welcome aboard....... I seem to have developed a delaminating problem with the other frame....so far, the problem is small and local. I have taken steps to thwart it........more soon
  9. hey there........got a couple dolly color schemes for ya. gray is good overall.......some are even flat black. you can go nuts with grime and rust.......depending on how old you want the trailer to look. s-cams, slack adjusters can also be the dolly color, but the brake chambers can be any color really....it depends on who made them. Omni cans are blue......MGM are black.......and some aftermarket cans can be a metallic color.....silver or gold. the exposed wood between the crossmembers can be painted.......very few are bare. if there is brake shoes or detail related to them, you have a choice of colors......Hamden is blue backing w/the leading pad a bluish color.....the trailing pad is gray. some also are black, but for the most part, grime will hide the color. I mention the leading and trailing pads, because manufacturers do that so the mechanic will know how the shoe installs. th funny part of it is.........they only install one way! just odd trivia, I know.....but I suppose that there's someone out there that will figure out how to screw that job up .........someone figured out how to screw up the locking hub nuts......lost a few wheel assemblies there......... for the life of me.......I don't know how they did it. I tried to figure it out.......but with the tabs {new design}, it's virtually impossible to put them in back azz two! relay and brake valves can be either aluminum or brass color. optional hoses......normal color........you can get creative and do crossovers for the emergency side. don't do them for the service side......that's a DOT nono!
  10. hey ! finally got to look in on your {fairly} new project won't be the first time the pit crew had to tear down an engine to fix a problem........looks pretty neat!
  11. she's coming along nicely.......I have that task to do on the Memphis belle {when I can get back to her}. I cheated though......I bought a mask set. I mentioned this on Craig's log, but have you seen the movie Midway? there are some great shots of the Dauntless, as well as the Zero......and even a Japanese bomber. the carrier shots were really neat too
  12. Wow! she looks great sitting on deck should it be facing with the deck lines though and not diagonally? envisioning the deck lines escape me.......I may be thinking of something else. but other than some of the suggestions given, I wouldn't change a thing.........congratz on a model well done! unrelated: have you seen the movie Midway? great carrier shots in it.
  13. made a tiny bit of progress yesterday....I worked on the second hull. added some deck beams for the fore deck... also drilled the anchor hawse holes. I used eyelets to trim them out started to work on the cabins......haven't gotten too far on them. should have them for the next update.
  14. Jens has a well detailed log...there are a few others too you might want to look at
  15. I wonder how petrified wood burns?......or does it? so far......yes, sails are in the plan. haven't used the sewing machine for some time though....might need another reminder where the gears are by the way.......did you use a lot of the original wood for your model? I seem to detect a problem occurring with the second hull. I should get the Agilis log going......I can better explain it there. thanks Richard
  16. Victoria is looking fantastic Pat.....such great metal work!
  17. congratz Rob.......your finished you've put so much into her.......the detail is through the roof. I've built the Cutty twice now....but I never in my wildest dreams, could detail one out like you've done. I agree....it's quite a feat to do what you did here. if you can do the same with the Glory of the Seas, it will be an enormous accomplishment! this log is first choice for anyone to follow!
  18. nice looking chassis and drive train looks very good!
  19. the Clotilda was built in 1855........her service span was very short - 1860. I book marked the site.......the name sounds familiar....I wonder if it was the old forum site by that name. I recall getting an email.....the owner either was very sick or he passed on. it's been a while since I last looked into any of those sites. I also belong to Ship Model Builder. I belonged to other sites, but I dropped them due to various reasons and I reside here. I have Peterson's book as well.......there is a whole chapter on the top sail schooner. couldn't hurt to have a rigging sheet though thanks for the link!
  20. WOW! she's looking very nice great job on the sails and rigging....the mizzen came out great as well! not much more to go ........super nice!
  21. looks great Michael it's hard to get them all to face forward.......I think they look fine.
  22. yes J....I've seen those pictures........did you read the name plate on the mural? they spelt her name as Clotilde........if you do a search with this spelling, you get pretty much the same results. the deck will be lefty in this color...no changes there. I even have enough for the other deck they have her as a schooner, but I think I'll go the extra mile with a top sail schooner......I like the look I want to do sails.......she'll have about ten sails. the hard part is that I don't have any plans for them, so I will have to ballpark the shape and size and go with it. you are right though........there aren't any real pictures of her. as for the other hull......I'll use as much of the 'old oak' as I can. she will certainly have armor plating I want to use as much of the original wood as I can. that pine wood....looks to be 1 mm thick.....I'd like to use that on a ship that I won't paint.......gonna be some radical wood grain I'll just use emery cloth egilman..........the stuff they use on dry wall. it won't clog
  23. all you'd need is an orange and a bunch of golf tees..............not much to the imagination someone's idea of poking fun?
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