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Everything posted by glbarlow

  1. I'm not sure I'm all that proud of mine, I had a good deal of fun planking it. Frankly I think it might be easier with 2mm planks.
  2. I just finished the one I have for Speedy, not as easy as one would think. I built 4 for Vanguard, not really all that fun.
  3. Very ambitious and well done with the joggling, I learned a new word. I’m sure you’ve thought to check your cannons fitting in the gun ports with the additional .6mm deck height. The dentist tool remains one of my most often used tool, glad it’s helping you as well.
  4. There is a lot to learn from following along that I will apply to Cheerful. I'm also looking to see where you go next and at least for me I'm glad you're thinking smaller. The Winnie is beautiful and amazing but just way bigger than I'm interested in doing, or for that matter have a place to display. Nonetheless the craftsmanship and design is incredible as is the work and other logs that are following along. I like the figurine. Not a period sailor but, I'm assuming, a likeness of you just strolling around looking at the work as it progresses. That's just too funny. (and if I have that all wrong, it would still be a fun thought).
  5. Great progress. I never ceased to be amazed at the transformation in wood created by wipe-on poly. Your paint lines are very crisp, nice work.
  6. I understand the desire to plank it, I have a maple deck for Speedy/Flirt I got from Chris. It just looks so good I will use it. I have enough holly planked decks, this one time I’m going to forgo that experience. I do like planking the lower deck, I’m sure this model will look great with the hatch open. Maybe throw some fish blood in their to liven it up 🤣😂 As Soyglass says, we all knew you’d bash it 😊
  7. I’m not much a fan of fishing vessels, but this is a great looking model I may need to add to my collection once I negotiate for more display space.
  8. Thanks everyone for following along. I’m pausing the build for a few days but will be back at it soon. Please watch for updates.
  9. I’m a Nikon shooter as well and appreciate the setup description. Photography Is my other ‘hobby,’ I’m primarily a nature and wildlife guy. http://glennbarlow.com. I only pull out the portrait stuff for important things like my grandkids. I’ve shot photos of them on large curved white paper. I’ll have to get it out next time I shoot a completed model. Your photos are well lit, not as easy to do as some might think. The mesh in front of the lights is a nice touch, your own soft box. 👍🏻
  10. Nice! I like the black and red paint scheme. The stem looks like it has a smiley face, or is that just me... You’re going to make us all feel bad about our planking and photography skills, are you shooting that in a white product box?
  11. I agree, it’s why the first thing I asked them back over a month ago for the tracking number, onLy to find out there wasn’t one. I recently ordered the plans for Cheerful from the NMM in the U.K., they also sent it postal airmail, but provided me with a tracking number and I received two weeks later (about three weeks ago). I’m pretty sure my order is lost but without a tracking number, who knows...
  12. I asked, they don’t ship with tracking numbers was their answer. As I said I placed a second order a few days after this one. I received it in 2 weeks. Whatever the current situation 9 weeks is a long time. It is not helping that they don’t use tracking numbers. Why do you ask?
  13. I have that as well, my second favorite tool. I've talked to both Jim and his wife a couple of times on the phone. The very definition of small business owners with great customer service and great products. My latest addition is the sliding table for the saw. I wasn't sure I needed it, now I don't know how I got along without it. I used it to cut 24 perfect lap joints for the three cargo hatches on my Nelson project, great way to make consistent, repeatable cuts on very small wood pieces. Cornwall is placing blame on the US Postal Service since they sent it 'Air Mail.' The funny thing is I did receive a second order I'd placed a week after the one I don't have yet....I think it fell off the conveyor belt somewhere along the line.
  14. Thanks for the comment. I like doing the writing, sometimes I think I get carried away. I got it and all my Admiralty Paints from Cornwall Boats in the U.K. I used to received orders in 7-10 days. However I have an order I’ve been waiting 9 weeks, all they say is be patient. I haven’t found a US source for Admiralty paints.
  15. I have the Byrnes Saw with a Thurston I-292 .030 kerf slitter blade. I’m a big fan of the Byrnes saw.
  16. I have a maple etched deck from Chris for HM Speedy replacing the pear that came with the kit. While I haven’t installed it yet so I don’t how it will look sanded I can tell you without hesitation it is anything but hokey or taking the easy way out. A laser etched deck is definitely an item that could run the gambit in quality. My maple deck from Vanguard Models instantly changed my mine about planking it myself. I've planked the decks of nine models, always kit bashing using my own cut holly. I have some nice looking decks, except for the fact that once it’s masted, rigged, and furniture in place you barely notice. While I’ll cut and plank the deck for Cheerful, I’ll use the laser etched maple deck on the shipwright version of HM Flirt and be proud of it.
  17. Any creative ideas about how to maintain a 1/64th inch gap above, below, and alongside the ports? I did cut my first run of 3/64" thick planks from 3/16, 1/16 and 5/32 lumber, I'm a bit proud of that having never done that before in volume. Again I will say the Yellow Cedar flew through the saw, and I'm typing with ten fingers.
  18. Sometimes I just have to stop and reorganize, I have stuff everywhere. I do like those files, thanks again for the recommendation.
  19. Good observation. All the sides of the gun ports run perpendicular to the water. Per the plans gun port sills on 4-6 do slant upward following the run of the deck so you’re right about the slant but it’s correct per the design. Chuck included reference lines on the bulkhead. I just had to match the top of the sills to each mark. 4 does seem to stand out more in the photo, but it’s the same as 5 & 6. I think the spacer bars, which are more or less straight, accent the slant and not in a good way. They’re ugly but I hope helpful later in the build. If you look at the previous post of the port side the slant is there but looks more ‘elegant’ without the spacer bars. Thanks for the comment. Everything about this build is new to me, I’ll take all the help I can get.
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