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Everything posted by druxey

  1. C'est interessant, messieurs; mais écrivez en Anglais, SVP! This interesting, gentlemen, but write in English, please!
  2. An interesting arrangement, Clare. 'Ingrown channels' sounds like a painful condition! Looking good, though.
  3. Fincham is, unfortunately almost a century later (1851). Although changes were slow in the 1700's, they rapidly advanced in the Industrial Age with more iron and steel production, composite hulls and then all-metal ones.
  4. Dear Doris, I'm so sorry to read of your personal tragedy. As someone who lost a partner too early in life, I feel for you. Ship modelling kept me sane through a very difficult time. I hope this model's completion brings you some solace. Your Royal Katherine is nothing short of superb. You should be very proud of your work.
  5. Giampiero: The mail from the U.S. has been very slow of late, and particularly around Christmas and New Year things may take even longer. Even others in the States have had to wait quite a while before their books arrived. I'm sure that eventually your books will arrive.
  6. If you look at the deck planking on Mary Rose, you'll see no orderliness. "This piece of wood will fit here without much work...." I'm sure that the HGAD's planking looked very like your model, Steven.
  7. Once again, clarification: SeaWatch is a small 'mom and pop' publishing operation. The owner, Bob, has had serious health issues this past year. The books are shipped from a storage facility elsewhere - not from Oregon. As books almost always arrive, the shipper is reliable, but does not send out confirmation or tracking. In the rare event that a book does not eventually show up, I'm sure that a replacement will be sent. Remember also that the U.S. postal system is in some disarray. Patience, folks!
  8. Looks like you are winning. You'll be a while fairing, though! The first time one frames a model is the hardest, as there is no substitute for experience. It is a great exercise in patience, as you are discovering. You can look forward to an easier time on the square frames soon!
  9. Now that is a creative solution; to allow a slide-in fit. I like it! I doubt if extra pinning would be required: you would have ample gluing surface, plus a kind of shallow dovetail at the ship's side. Of course, if you are a 'belt and braces' man... A healthy and happy New Year to you, Mark.
  10. Glad you have good dust control - electronics don't work well with dust! A lot of those books look familiar!
  11. Lovely work as usual. I hope that the casting metal is pewter? Lead is not so good.
  12. As in all things, experience will inform you when it comes to subsequent models. Planking well, in particular, has a steep learning curve! Persistence will pay off.
  13. Looking very good indeed, Mark. Question: it's hard to tell in the photos, but are the edges of those standards chamfered off?
  14. And a well-deserved glass of wine, B.E.! I love the rigging detail that you have included. Sorry about the fish, though. Best wishes for the New Year.
  15. Usually finger pressure is sufficient to hold the joint until the glue sets. White glue will do this in a minute or so. No need for clamps really.
  16. Whew! An exhaustive if not exhausting tutorial on compositing multiple images and trying to eliminate distortion. Thanks for taking the time to show us how you deal with this issue.
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