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Everything posted by druxey

  1. Yes, Antscherl's models are somewhat stylized. White stuff would end just above the waterline and wood (perhaps oiled) be seen above.
  2. To reduce the transparency of certain reds, the first coat of paint should have a little white mixed in. This will create a dark pink but, panic not! The subsequent coat or two of red alone will give sufficient coverage.
  3. Congratulations on a lovely model, Matija. It's always nice to see something different. Your model has some very interesting details.
  4. Well done: completed on time! More work than you originally thought, eh? I hope the recipient appreciates all you've put into the model.
  5. Bill's advice is excellent: you need to both collect dust at source and filter the ambient air in the room/workshop.
  6. A tilting table is a useful feature at times. Have you checked out the DeWalt 778 (assuming it's available in your part of the world)? Mine has given years of trouble-free service.
  7. The dull powdery grey color of zinc could easily be simulated with matt grey paint.
  8. Vinegar does the trick and is relatively safe, but is very slow in acting. I'm not sure what good salt will do: vinegar is an acid, salt is a base. They will counteract each other.
  9. As noted, this topic has been discussed at length before. Search the archives for the back story. Two of many issues in the AOS series are inconsistency between drawings and inaccuracy of constructional detail. Some books are better than others, but there is no substitute for research from primary (that is to say, contemporary to the time period) sources.
  10. The issue is not necessarily the concentricity of the pin chuck or collets, but the concentricity of the chuck on the power equipment you are using. If the latter is off, the pin chuck or collet in the machine, however accurate, won't be any good. It's the weakest link effect.
  11. Well researched, well executed figures, and at such a small scale! Great stuff, Dafi!
  12. Ed is correct on this. The draughts show the successive straps foreshortened on the sheer plan.
  13. So-called palm tools are intermediate in size, Shawn.
  14. Beautifully done, as usual, Alex. Did you make your own dividing head for your Unimat lathe?
  15. Before you do anything drastic, measure the heights of the hawseholes from the plans and then on the model. Are these correct? Is the height of the main wale at the bow correct or is it too high? Is the height of the black strake also correct?
  16. Interesting idea for making blocks, but the grain of the wood runs the wrong way. They may fall apart, especially in smaller sizes. You can slip the tube back on the dowel before cutting the rings, you know!
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