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Everything posted by druxey

  1. Well done, Dafi; especially showing the correct way to man the capstan!
  2. That is exemplary work. Even scale rose lashings - now that is classy!
  3. It was this model, with a flex-shaft takeoff at the side. A real beater! But, back to the subject. Philip Reed's books are excellent tutorials for making exquisite miniature models.
  4. Steaming right along there, Nils.... Not much space to turn her around in, though! Anything much larger would have to be a half-model.
  5. Nice beginning. I smiled when you showed your Dremel scroll saw. My first power tool back in about 1969 was an early Dremel. While it did the job, it vibrated so much that my fingers tingled for 20 minutes after each frame cutting session! Hopefully the modern version has improved.
  6. Just catching up with your (mis)adventures, Dafi! Some woking things do not scale well, unfortunately. Valiant effort, though.
  7. That is annoying! I hope that you can easily extract the 'keys' to replace them.
  8. Not Sim Comfort's error: the pages are facsimile from Steel himself!
  9. Yes, there are a few typographical errors in Steel's tables. I'm amazed that, in so many pages, there are so few! As with the above example, it's usually easy to figure out the correct values from the neighboring tables of scantlings.
  10. I love the point where the rails go on and the model starts to take on a finished look! Lovely work, as ever.
  11. Yes, one does not need aggressive clamps, as you've discovered. And wetting the wood to reshape it is a good fix. I like the fact that you are taking care building this model.
  12. Welcome aboard, Sam!
  13. That is the wing transom! That is the one where the upper surface comes to an angle. Below is s set of transoms for another ship. 'W' is the wing transom, viewed from above. The grey line is the lower outline of the transom. Note that conventional numbering of the other transoms is from above to below.
  14. It's more like an inverted cone: the top edge of the wing transom should come to a point or angle.
  15. Just catching up with your log. Well done for sticking with the limber boards until they were 'just so'.
  16. A slightly damp rather than wet brush is effective for removing glue. I suspect you flooded the joint with water, diluting the glue in the joint. Otherwise, a great beginning!
  17. You need to run additional waterlines and buttock lines here that fair with the rest of the aft hull.
  18. Oh, my. Doing all that amidst the rigging.... Good on you!
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