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Everything posted by druxey

  1. Congratulations indeed on completing such an intricate model.
  2. Beautifully done, as usual. Small escapement or needle files are essential for block work.
  3. Blomefeld pattern guns are more trouble to cast, which is why I suspect you don't see them commercially. Now, 3D printing is another story!
  4. Most spring clamps are far too powerful for model work. I find finger and thumb or elastic bands better alternatives. Even using white glue, one only need hold parts for a minute or two/
  5. Soften the metal (anneal it) by heating to red-heat and let it air cool.
  6. An exquisite model! Congratulations. It's too bad that the details of the lower nested boat are no longer visible. At least there are the photographs to show that you did not skimp.
  7. Apart from your carving skills I like your safe method of squaring a log. Once seen, it is so obvious!
  8. The metal S-strap - the fore axletree stay - appears on several carriage drawings, so must have been standard at the time. Also see TFFM, Volume II, page141.
  9. Very entertaining, Haiiaphnk! Presumably a crowned lion figure?
  10. I once believed that the trucks (wheels) were built up and bolted, but now think that this is a modern recreation and does not reflect contemporary practice. Also, there is confusion concerning iron-rimmed trucks. These were used only on land-based carriages, never at sea.
  11. Bob offers you the best advice if you intend to buy a small table saw.
  12. Welcome aboard, indeed!
  13. Bienvenue ici, Pierre!
  14. Jules: this is all very interesting, and to some, controversial. Have you submitted this thesis for publication in either the Netherlands or the U.K?
  15. If a votive model, on would usually find hooks or rings for suspending it from in a church. Allan's assessment is, I think, correct. However, it is more charmingly done than most of the examples of decorative models that we see on this site.
  16. The deck 'droop' at the bow was called - wait for it - camber. (Deck beams and decks 'round up'; decks do not camber across.) The usual reason for this forward droop was so that the cables came aboard above the deck without the hawesholes being placed to interfere with either headwork or a wale. In this case it would help control recoil.
  17. Mike: if you are using PVA or similar for thinner pieces, wet the back of the piece first to eliminate curling. This will even out the moisture that causes the curl.
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