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Everything posted by druxey

  1. We look forward to seeing your rendering of this vessel, Greg!
  2. Hearty congratulations for an excellent model that I'm glad has received the recognition it deserves! You've done a beautiful job on her. (Hard to call such an ugly duckling 'her'!) We look forward to your next building adventure.
  3. I'm sorry to read about your bad luck, Gary. I hope you will be back home in under the six months you figure it will take. Where is this list of books you mention? Best wishes as you get things back together again.
  4. Fascinating read. It is clear and well written. However, I noted some inaccuracies such as the reference to the three volumes by Adrian Caruana. While Caruana planned three volumes, only two were actually published. Unfortunately he died before the third volume was completed. Occasional spelling errors such as 'healing' for 'heeling' and 'van de Weld' for 'van de Velde' suggest that this thesis might have benefitted from closer study by Mr. Pascoe's advisors. Thanks for bringing this study to our attention, Steve.
  5. Thank you for the additional eye candy, Daniel.
  6. Oh dear, Ron! Withdrawal was as bad as that for you? It was simply that someone forgot to feed the meter.
  7. Excellent result with the curved cove molding! Particularly in small sizes, the method you've used is really the way to go on this.
  8. Hearty congrats, Steven. Three cheers for completing your model in what has to be a record time (for duration)! Please make sure she's cased and protected now.
  9. So, think of the transoms as waterlines in shape. (Yes the deck transom is canted slightly, but you can allow for that.) From the lines drawing you can develop the various waterlines for each transom, top and bottom surfaces. Yes, tedious, but that is the way to go
  10. Welcome aboard!
  11. I think - and don't quote me - that Volume IV will cover down to sixth rates.
  12. My understanding is that the breeching ran through the ringbolt to dampen the tendency for the gun to jump or kick upwards on recoil. The photos on Victory are not contemporary carriages and are, like many restored features, suspect. The two eyebolts may be for alternative positions to hook the outhaul tackle, depending on sea conditions and strength of charge.
  13. Beautifully displayed as well as crafted!
  14. Save yourself some work; hoys didn't have gun ports! They worked in sheltered and well protected harbors.
  15. There are a number of contemporary models I've seen with red painted gun barrel ends. Perhaps in reality a case of 'Captain's Fancy'?
  16. Good to see you back again, Daniel. Beautiful work, as always.
  17. Shock! Surprise! Awe! You've finally completed the rigging. Congratulations, Steven. Time to splice the main brace, methinks. It's been quite a journey. Thanks for sharing your trials and tribulations along the way.
  18. A very interesting preamble! When I was growing up in England, scallops were always served complete with adductor and orange 'tail'. Looking forward to seeing your model develop, Gary.
  19. Lots of factors can weigh in. The size of ship, the radius of hull curves transversally, the timber available at the time and place.... and on it goes.
  20. The 'filler' pieces may be a cheat from replacements: the gratings are certainly not original, but their appearance makes them look authentic.
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