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Everything posted by druxey

  1. That whole companion unit has been reversed between the time the two photos were taken. Also, one rarely sees staples holding the false keel in place.
  2. That backstay tackle appears to be a tensioning one as it has a double/single purchase.
  3. Also enjoying catching up with your progress, Mark!
  4. I think the varying degree of stain looks fine; it shows that the deck is made of separate planks. The difference in tone will probably even out over time. Enjoy your North Atlantic crossing!
  5. Lovely work, but is seems a pity to hide all the framing that you've done so nicely.
  6. It was those kind of models that inspired me as a kid. A great goal to aim for! Just caught up on your progress. You are right - imagine doing that work in full size!
  7. I suppose that there is one compromise that hasn't been mentioned yet: paint just one side of the model. I doubt if you'd want to build a second hull to paint!
  8. Also called needle-nose pliers.
  9. Those photos of your work bring a smile to my face. Beautifully rendered!
  10. Reconstruction is part fun, part frustration! At least your subject was in her prime in the days of photography.
  11. Bienvenue ici, Philippe! And welcome to retirement.
  12. Lovely work, both actual and virtual! Reliable English texts on the Medway raid are balanced in their account. They do not varnish the truth of the 'black eye' delivered by the Dutch on that occasion!
  13. It's worth getting the run of the wale correct, or the rest of the ship won't look right. Looks like you've nailed it!
  14. A less exposed companion (ladder) inside the castle would make more sense as well. Should the ship be boarded, it would be much easier to defend on the castle than an exterior ladder or pair of ladders.
  15. Please use a respirator or very good ventilation when doing this. And no open flame, please!
  16. Paint? For a 'coachbuilders' finish' I discovered the joys of rubbing down with pumice, then rottenstone on a felt pad. Doesn't cut down the number of paint coats, but it gives a beautiful finish!
  17. Cutting such openings after planking is living dangerously! You may find that planking around the opening is less time consuming and difficult. Looking good, JD. The row of toptimbers for the bulwarks is particularly neat and pleasing.
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