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Everything posted by druxey

  1. Sometimes one just has to go with the logical run of lines.
  2. Simply completing your first model is an accomplishment in itself. Well done! You are moving up the learning curve.
  3. Only the early carronades in the 1780's were 'outside principle' mounted. By the 1790's they pivoted inside the ports and muzzle extensions added to direct muzzle flash away from rigging.
  4. Now that is a prop of beauty! Nicely accomplished, Keith.
  5. Certainly not a hatch-et job! Very nice indeed.
  6. I can personally attest to the therapeutic effect of both model-making and music. And yes, it's also meditative and zen-like when one is 'in the zone'. Welcome aboard.
  7. Good start on your frames. Just a few more to go....
  8. Oooh. Nicely fitted tabled joints, Alan! I didn't see that a couple were a little short, though....
  9. You will need to soak and stretch the material on a frame to get the creases out. As it dries, the material tautens and it will flatten.
  10. Makes a nice, plump model, though, Ab! Very nicely done.
  11. Nice drawing of the foc'st'le bulkhead. Surely there was a round up to the decks as well?
  12. Hope it works out this time! The rest looks great.
  13. Interesting. I don't recall any other builder having this problem. Are you sure that this is not the upper deck pattern?
  14. A very neat solution, clearly illustrated and described, Keith. Thank you for the tutorial! Have a great weekend, Grandpa.
  15. Actual sail seams do look darker against the light. The seams need to be of scale width and even along their length - not easy at small size. That is why I used a ruling pen instead of piecing the sail together,
  16. Good luck with your do-overs. We have all had that happen to us - often repeatedly!
  17. What did the instructions (if any!) say to do? That might help us help you.
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