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Everything posted by druxey

  1. Sorry to read of the difficulties of some of your crew friends. Read Three Men in a Boat....
  2. When cutting the bevels, leave them a little full to allow for final fairing. You can always take a little more off, but not put it back on!
  3. Rightly or wrongly, I miter jointed the counter and quarter gallery planking.
  4. Nice and methodical. My variation on your approach was to carve the piece as you have, but thinner, then plank the outer surface with very thin stock.
  5. To cast your own cannon you will need to learn how to make RTV (room-temperature vulcanising) rubber mold from a master pattern. Alternatively, you could build up the missing cascabel with a modeling compound and panit the completed cannon. Another route woudl be to buy quality resin-cast or 3D printed pieces.
  6. But for the next model you do, Thukydides! It's amazing the problems one can avoid on a subsequent model. But there are new pitfalls and traps instead....
  7. It's always a problem when one tiny thing sets off a line of dominos.... One realises how interdependent so many things were on a ship. I'm sure you'll arrive at a suitable solution. Bowsprit mast? Did you mean bowsprit?
  8. Clutch pencil and a hard lead - I use 4H - give happiness!
  9. Good on you to do the re-do! To tone down any color, just mix the tiniest bit of its complimentary color in. (The appropriate complimentary is found on the opposite side of the color wheel from the color you are trying to tame.)
  10. True. The photo I posted is of a model two centuries later! However, the principle is the same, is it not?
  11. Nice! Glad that you are recovering now and can play again. From where did you get those 1/48 figures?
  12. Well and neatly done! It's not a race, so do take your time with the project and enjoy the process.
  13. Well, that will eat into your modeling time, but hopefully not your model! Enjoy your new friend.
  14. Nice work and detailing of the deadeyes in particular - a detail seldom seen even in larger scale models. However, the item across the shrouds is called a futtock stave and should be trimmed just outside the shrouds. A buttock is entirely different!
  15. Actually, a stand-off of the channel from the side to prevent rot was usual on wooden ships. It's just that models usually don't show this feature!
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