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Everything posted by druxey

  1. Cutting such openings after planking is living dangerously! You may find that planking around the opening is less time consuming and difficult. Looking good, JD. The row of toptimbers for the bulwarks is particularly neat and pleasing.
  2. Well, Daniel, for a draft it is very good and thorough. A lot of digging and work has gone into that. Well done! The Serres painting is not of a Swan class vessel: it appears to be flush decked.
  3. Yes, pricey, but you get what you pay for. Looked after properly, one will last a lifetime and beyond.
  4. Love those sunshine renderings, Denis!
  5. I honestly don't think, even with a metal slitting blade, that trying to cut such thick brass will do your Byrnes' saw any good. You might do better to consider a jeweller's saw and cut by hand, unless you have access to an industrial strength saw. Replacing the motor or other parts, since Jim's death, would also present a problem.
  6. Those images make me smile. Well done!
  7. I understand others have received their copies, so it sounds entirely possible your has gone AWOL. Try e-mailing the publisher again.
  8. There are a number of good books on construction of this era that will explain all that you've asked about, and much more. Take a look at he SeaWatchBooks web site for a good selection.
  9. This is well worth looking forward to, Dan. Thanks for sharing your process. I note the difference in mortices for the lashings between the battens on the ship itself and the cross sectional model. the lashings just appear and disappear again.
  10. Very convincing rust and grime!
  11. 'Shivers' are sheaves: live ones are rotating ones in the fixed blocks in the sides of the ship. So, in modern language: fixed blocks opposite the mizen mast.
  12. I believe that Texas A & M is still one premier place for marine archaeology.
  13. Ah, the joys and frustrations of rigging! Hopefully you can install the cleats before permanently securing the masts with shrouds.
  14. This is a problem with modern re-drafted plans - unless it's stated one doesn't know! Contemporary plans show both the line of beams at the side and centreline. In this case you don't even have a line of ports to give you a clue. The Royal Museums Greenwich hold a sheer and profile of the Pandora class: https://www.rmg.co.uk/collections/objects/rmgc-object-83477?_gl=1*1l5sqqk*_up*MQ..*_ga*NTU5MTEyMTE3LjE3MzE2NzU5NTI.*_ga_7JJ3J5DBF6*MTczMTY3NTk1MS4xLjEuMTczMTY3NTk3NS4wLjAuMA..*_ga_4MH5VEZTEK*MTczMTY3NTk1MS4xLjEuMTczMTY3NTk3NS4wLjAuMA.. This would be a more reliable starting point for you.
  15. Beautiful and clean work, marsalv. I usually delay attaching the knee of the head until after planking and work on the external hull is complete, to prevent it breaking off. Also, it is not in the way when planking the bow.
  16. Excellent advice for those with sufficient patience!
  17. Congratulations on completing your model, Greg. Lovely looking case. But might I suggest a couple of ventilation holes in the base covered with fine mesh to prevent insect entry? A sealed case is not good for a model.
  18. That is a lovely hull you have there - it looks in pretty good condition.
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