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Everything posted by Tigerdvr

  1. Getting ready to install the stern and gallery windows. They fit surprising well with little fitting required.The windows of this period were referred to as lights. The frames are airbrushed the same yellow as the double bead trim pieces. Micro Kristal Klear will be used for the glazing. I experimented on a spare frame which came out OK.
  2. Greetings CRI, have been admiring your work on the Confederacy. I'm just a few steps ahead of you on mine. It may be camera angle or my old eyes but it appears that your sheer line sweeps up to the top of the stern frames. You may want to check that alignment against the plans to see if further construction of the stern and galleries will line up. Regards, Harley
  3. Hi Kurt, I just received the little landing light. Looks good. It's all charged up, I'm waiting for the Velcro to set. Thanks for the heads up. Cheers, Harley
  4. Kurt, knowing what you know about this light now, would you buy it again? Thanks, Harley
  5. Welcome to the Confederacy Clan. You are doing very well. Started mine 8/9/16. Getting ready to paint the inside of the bulwarks. Regards, Harley
  6. Your nail patterns on the copper plates are just outstanding, very well done. Enjoying your build log very much. Regards, Harley
  7. I’ve not done a build log before but it seems like all the action on the Model Expo Confederacy has died out. So I thought I would put together an short photo log on my Confederacy project. I started this build August 9, 2016. My intent was to build her per the kit plans and with whatever came in the box. That has changed somewhat. I am using the steering wheel kit and cannon carriages from Syren Model Company, brass cannon form Maritime Models, and lime wood for the deck from Cornwall Ltd. Instead of making my own double bead trim I purchased it from Northeastern Scale Lumber. The pictures are recent covering the planking, building the transom, and now planking the inside of the bulwarks. I took a break planking a couple of months ago and built the stove, steering wheel, capstan, round houses, and binnacles. I’d love to rig her but that will take some serious consideration. Bottom paint Double bead trim getting painted Took a break to work on other parts Test fit
  8. I believe that most sailors working in the tops were barefoot so would the rope ratlines be better for them? Wood ratlines on a warship where the shrouds might need repair under battle conditions would probably be more of a of a workload (PIA) then the conventional ratlines. JMHO Cheers, Harley
  9. Thanks very much for all the good ideas. Time to experiment.
  10. I'm getting into some PE projects to gain some positive experience. I'm building 40mm Bofors quads by Veterans Models. Even though I have a good selection of tweezers, I wonder if you folks with experience with the tiny stuff have anything special you find helps handling very small parts without going crazy. Thanks, Harley
  11. Try moving away from your model a bit.Three feet will make a heck of a difference on how your project looks. 🔬As your experience level increases you can get closer without wanting to tear your hair out. You are not alone nor can you goof something up that hasn't been done by an expert before.
  12. Greetings Vegaskip, I am one of those folks that have always looked at paintings like they should be a photograph, A pain in the butt detail nitpicker. Your skills and story telling approach have changed that. You, my friend, have a great talent IMHO, from subtle to dynamic and sometimes simultaneously. I'm looking forward to reviewing your posts, thank you for sharing. Regards, Harley
  13. Greetings fellow Confederacy fans. Can any of you direct me to a source of the rigging plans that are 3/16"=1'? I am working on the stern lights now so I have a good way to go before I make the final decision to rig. Those of you who have rigged her have met the challenge with skill and great patients, inspirational. If any of you have a log of the dimensions of the masts and spares that you could share, that would be a great help. I have the plans for the rigging of a frigate 40 circa 1790 which, I think, can provide a reasonable base. Any information will be greatly appreciated. Regards, Harley
  14. Greetings,

    I am working away on the Confederacy. Your model is a real inspiration particularly because of the rigging. 

    I obtained rigging plans for a 40 gun frigate, circa 1790, by Harold Underhill. May I ask the scale of the rigging

    plans you used. Did you, by chance I hope, keep a log of the dimensions of the masts and spars on your model?

    I realize I'm asking a lot but any information you can share at all would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

    Regards, Harley


  15. Greetings Mark, I recently discovered your log on the Ranger 28. In my younger days I was in love with a Ranger 29 so I excitedly jumped into reading your log. I quickly found that there was probably 40 years or so between my heart throb Ranger 29 and your masterpiece 28. I was never able to acquire the 29 but I'm glad I found your build log. Truly great work. Your metal work is just remarkable and your photography is first class. Thanks for sharing. Cheers, Harley
  16. Hope you get better soon. Might I ask what adhesives you use. I bought some Gator Grip to work on a Veteran 40mm quad as a learning project. The thin Gator isn't working too well. Probably because I'm an FSU fan. I am sure it is pilot error and not the product. Gorilla super glue seems to be holding better. Thanks for a great log. For those like me who have not done a real PE project before, your skill can really be appreciated. Feel better, Harley
  17. Nice choice Osmosis. I have the building dock, very flexible. It can be used in a variety of configurations. Enjoy, Harley
  18. Greetings Gary, I'm going though the same planking labor as you did. I did put the garboard strake in the right place but still am running into extremes of tapering. As another builder already said, don't sell yourself short, your Confederacy is doing just fine. Try stepping back a foot or two, the model will look much better than if you look at it through a monster macro lens. The planking below the wales is indeed, IMHO, a real challenge particularly if you try to stay within the general rules of authentic building. This is supposed to be fun! Regards, Harley
  19. I just found this picture of a 1/64 HMS Victory built in Europe. Lots more pictures available. The model is magnificent. Check out the hammocks. Most of the rest of them are covered by tarps. That would be an easier way of simulating the hammocks. Cheers, Harley
  20. Regarding the hammocks, one source I read said each hammock had seven (too much work at this scale) lashings and then they had a gage that the hammock had to fit through before it was stored in the netting otherwise the seaman had to retie it. Wikipedia shows the correct brig with the same crew of 120. Cheers, Harley
  21. Greetings JesseLee. While enjoying going over log I noted your interesting efforts storing the hammocks in the racks. For some reason I always thought the hammocks were stored athwart the rack about 90 degrees from what your are showing. I did some research but couldn't find much to show the proper storage method. I guess it could be based upon the Captain's will like so many other variations. Nice work on your Syren. Regards, Harley
  22. Greetings marsalv, while doing some research on another project I discovered your Pandora build log. Your work is truly inspirational. Taking the time to read the whole log will be a good investment of time and energy. I'm sure I will learn a lot. Thanks for sharing your expertise with us mere mortals. Regards, Harley
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