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Everything posted by CaptainSteve

  1. QUEEN ANNE BARGE (An Build Log by-eth CaptainSteve) – SYREN SHIP MODEL COMPANY – 1 parteth to 24 Directed, produced and writ-eth by Capta… (“Hey-eth !! They get-eth the idea !! Can we jus’ be a-movin’ along already ??”) Some time back, CaptainSteve didst purchase one o’ Chuck’s fine Queen Anne Barge kits. “I didst buy-eth it,” Our Hero started, “wi’ the intention o’ giving it to me Dad to construct-eth.” Indeed-eth, CaptainSteve’s father didst make-eth good beginnings unto his Barge. The futtock pieces hadst all been fixed most properly in place to the bulkhead frameworks, and the keel piece hadst been-eth constructed. “Except-eth,” Our Hero was to begin-eth this log, “the keel pieces were most incorrect.” ‘Twouldst seemeth that the keelson were not aligned most properly along the centre of the keel pieces, as intended by Mr Passaro. Thusly, the rabbet be non-existent in parts, un-centred in some, and too big in others. And so he had to commence-eth by applying copious amounts o’ Isopropyl. “The keel didst need to be re-done-eth !!”, CaptainSteve exclaim-ethed. Fortunately, his father had saved-eth all o’ the various bits and pieces and didst collect-eth them. “And so”, as always, Our Hero were to go-eth on, “thence I didst take-eth steps to be assuring that all o’ the pieces were-eth on-hand.” To do so, Our Hero didst spot-glue-eth the various delicate lasering sheets unto pages o’ printer paper fer safe-keeping. Whilst CaptainSteve was able to find almost all of the pieces to filleth the blank spaces, there were some gaps … “I be a-hopin’ that those missing pieces be not all that important”, he didst say-eth. But, secretly, Our Hero were a-crossing his fingers most furtively. Meanwhile, since this kit were originally be meant for his father to build-eth, CaptainSteve didst return-eth the carving pieces from the kit … “That be me Dad, CaptainBruce,” he didst state-eth most proudly. “At the least, they be-eth his four score year old hands a-wielding a tool to carve-eth out the scrollwork pieces fer his Barge.” Indeed-eth, Our Hero and his father have already devised a plan for the scrollwork. “It be a most spectacular plan o’ our own design,” CaptainSteve were to state-eth. “But there be more on that latterly,” he didst concludeth, most conspiratorially.
  2. I be a-wishin' to say that a choice hath been made, and a kit hath been selected and purchased. Certain MSW members may be aware o' which kit that may be-eth, but those members be sworn to secrecy. Fer now at least, it shall remain unopened ... and unannounced. Some time back, I didst purchase a Chuck kit (Syren's Queen Anne Barge) wi' the intention that my Father 'twouldst build-eth it. However, that kit be now back in my possession ... and currently occupies my build table where Connie didst recently lie.
  3. They'd be a very nice feature, Jon ... if they were period correct. I think UTS added cloth gun-port coverings to the stern-most gun-deck gun-ports. As I recall, he had done some research to show that these were appropriate to his 1812-era build.
  4. That's going to be one very nice work-space when you get it all set-up, Tom. You've even got the makings of a bar in the back corner.
  5. That's exactly what the problem was, Jon. I think my plans were a few steps ahead of my capabilities. I did (eventually) get the windows done, but then decided that the counter block needed to be re-done. I have been checking out available models for my next build. I started with two on the list, but after looking thru the build-logs, that has now ballooned to approximately 15 possibilities. More whittling down required.
  6. Arrrr …. 'Tis with a heavy heart that CaptainSteve wishes to announce that he has abandoned this project. Our Hero explains … "Whilst I may one day purchase another USS Constitution kit to build, I am currently looking for another model."
  7. Michael. Some time back I found these little lanterns, as produced by MSW member Timbers_B_Shiverin. He has made his to 1:64 scale, but I am sure you could scale them to suit your own size. I have made some rudimentary attempts to produce a lantern at 1:76 scale for my Constitution (still working on that little side project). I used the plastic sleeve from the tip of a paintbrush, pushing the LED down inside of the sleeve.
  8. Your prototype carronade looks pretty good, LSMan. If you can get hold of some form of blackening agent then you will find it easier to colour the metal bits. These are chemical reagents which actually change the colour of the metal. Some commonly used ones are Liver of Sulphur and Brass Black. You will need to find one that will work on the white-metal pieces supplied in the MS kit. Casey's Brass Black works well on - you guessed it - brass, but not so well on these pieces. I'm currently looking for an agent that will work on these, myself.
  9. While it's not really "painting to look like wood", one builder sliced up cigarette papers to simulate clinker planking on his ship's boats. See Nenad M's build here.
  10. Oops. Looks like I'm late to the party, as well. Any room left in the front row ?? Looking good, Jack. And a very interesting history to read through.
  11. AntonyUK makes a good point, Michael. Perhaps your "viewing hole" could have an unplanked section with some false frames set closer together than on the rest of the model. This could then open up to display the detail that you wish to show.
  12. Not sure if your kit includes much metal-work, Michael. But on another cross-section build (HMS Victory, Cristikc), I noticed the modeller had made brass footings for his deck supports. Quite a nice touch, I thought.
  13. Mattie hasn't been around for a bit, Steve. If you are looking for unique ways to approach your sails, check out JerseyCityFrankie's work here.
  14. Congratulations, Michael. She truly is a master-piece that you can be proud to display. So ... what's next up ??
  15. My Dad had that same surgery, Nenad. Within a week, he was spotting telephone numbers on his refrigerator from across the room. His vision is better than mine, now !! Good luck with your recovery.
  16. After spending some time reading thru your log, Keith, I am just about ready to give my first build (HMS Victory, Constructo) a viking burial and do it all over again with this kit. Stunning workmanship !!
  17. Looking good, Steve. Your work is always so clean and sharp. I was wondering if you had considered fitting knees to your benches ?? I've always thought that these really made the small craft pop.
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