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Everything posted by CaptainSteve

  1. UdoK, I found the following news article about the Batavia this morning. Thought that you might find this interesting. Nice work so far.
  2. That is a GREAT idea, Nenad ... remove the paper from a cigarette, throw away the tobacco and cut the paper into lengths for planking !! You get a perfect clinker-planked boat AND you get to give up smoking !!
  3. Love your work so far, Robin. There's an easier way with the filler blocks, though. Just rough cut the balsa to over-sized slices to fit between your bulkheads. Don't worry about the rough appearance. Once all are glued in place, do your initial fairing with your power sander. You can then clean up and fair properly with finer grades of sandpaper. Here's some pics to show what I mean ... Will definitely save you time doing the last 25 blocks !!
  4. Kmart. If you are looking to do the gun-deck similar to what UTS has done, then you may need to have a read through his log before fixing those bulkheads permanently in place. As I recall, he needed to make modifications to his bulkheads to accommodate the planking.
  5. Great start there, Kmart. I recall the issue that Markku mentions being raised back when I was starting my Connie build. The plans do show a difference between port and starboard sides on the bulkheads ... however, I took these to mean that the fairing line was shown on one side, and the full-size of the bulkhead shown on the other side. You'd need to trace/transfer those fairing lines to each bulkhead, although there's minimal difference as you move closer to the middle. Looking forward to following along with the newer members of the Connie Club (Yes, I plan to get back to work on mine again very soon).
  6. Pulling up a barrel and looking forward to watching this one, Al. I'm developin' a liking for these small boats.
  7. I'll have to dig around behind the couch cushions for some spare change, but I'm VERY interested, Chuck. Can you give me a price which includes the seven carving pieces ??
  8. This is very good news to read that life is turning around for you, Nenad .... at long last !!
  9. Yours is still in better condition than the original, Michael !!
  10. DRINK CAN RING-PULLS After the above entries, taken from USS Constitution builds that I follow on MSW, this one comes from my own build. I had noticed some iron-works marked on the plans. As this hull will eventually be copper-plated, I wanted to replicate these hull braces as an added detail. To my eye, the horseshoe-shaped front brace looked a lot like a drink can ring-pull … … so I salvaged a few for a trial. Holes were drilled to simulate the bolt-heads. The ring-pull ends were trimmed off. … shaping the bow hull-brace around a pencil-tip. Braces for the stern were cut from the rim of the drink can, annealed and straightened. … grooving out a seat for the stern braces. The horseshoe-shaped bow brace fitted into position ... …. and the stern braces also placed. The surface of the braces sits slightly proud of the keel. Since I am still a long way from planking and copper-plating my hull, a test was done to see how the braces would appear, once plated … ... NOTE TO SELF: Be more careful when coppering-over the holes.
  11. SHOELACES Browsing some of the logs that I follow recently, and I stumbled upon this idea by one of my favourite USS Constitution builders. Thanks to Tom (UsedToSail) for this idea to reproduce more realistic slings for the boats on his build. Over to Tom … “I have been doing some thinking about how to stack the two cutters on the waist rails. The plans show only the large cutter with cradles underneath and strong backs over the tops to hold it down. I could use the same method and use cradles on the small cutter to sit on the strong backs, but I thought they might stick up too high. In the AOS book, they show the small cutter inside the large cutter, with fenders between them. I liked this method better, but was struggling how to make fenders until one day, as I was tying my shoes, it hit me to try pieces of shoe laces. I bought some white oval laces and after cutting the pieces, I browned them using brown shoe polish. I was quite happy with the look.” Tom says that he first tried this with round laces, but it didn't look as good: Better success was had using a flatter lace … And a later pic from Tom’s build, showing the boats positioned on-deck …
  12. Let's see if we can get this thread back on track ... CHALK Perhaps the best method of recreating small, carved details can be found in XKen’s USS Constitution build log. Wood carving is a skill-set that can take years to master. One slip-up can mean having to re-do hours of work. But Ken has found an easier way. Here, he shows us how to use a piece of ordinary black-board chalk to carve the detail ends for his catheads. With Ken’s permission, I have lifted a few pictures from his log. I’m sure that his explanations speak for themselves … And here's the final result, in position on Ken's Constitution build.
  13. Welcome to MSW, Peter ... there are a few of us Perth-ites here.
  14. Happy Birthday for the 30th, Scott .... Having worked the FIFO lifestyle, I recommend packing those dowels the next time, along with a few tools.
  15. Your work is very exact and neat, Paul. Keep going just the way you are. With regard to the number of boats that she carried, I believe that a little research will show there were more than just the two hanging from the rear davits. The beams over the central opening would have had supports for two boats sitting side-by-side. These would then have had additional boats nested on top.
  16. Outstanding work, Ken. Your build-log holds a treasure trove of useful tips and techniques. I'm certain that I'll be re-visiting it many times.
  17. WoW !! I'd always considered those crazily billowing sails in medieval paintings to be mere artistic licence. But your research and work has shown the truth behind the myths. Outstanding work, Dick.
  18. You've done a fantastic job !! I feel sure that the old guy will feel a lot better when he sees your handiwork.
  19. Daniel, would it be at all possible for you to work on this model with the old guy ?? Maybe take a few tools around to his place ?? He's probably just anxious that some young whipper-snapper (like you) is gunna stuff up all his good work !! I feel sure that he will be a lot less concerned once he sees the fantastic job that you have done. Keep up the great work !!
  20. You could have them like in the picture ... but without the covers. OR, you could roll the covers halfway back ... like you did with the green hatchway covering.
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