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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by riverboat

  1. YES< do it Popeye, its a free download, both Mobbsie and myself have multiple connections ,so 3, 4 or more can talk at the same time. Sjors, yeah Skype counts
  2. OMG Popeye...... Wayne must've forgotten all about that cute little thing!!
  3. Adam, your deck looks really good, nice job. I like the nat. look also, after you put your clear coat on you can always give it a grey or black wash if you want too. If you do the wash (water based), let it dry over nite than rub it all off. It'll leave just enough in the nooks and crannies. This is a nice kit you're doing! Frank
  4. Dam Wayne, missed it again........ I can't seem to get these flights straightened out...... must be my eyes
  5. Adam: ...... thanks , but isn't being brave real close to being stupid?? :D Frank
  6. Sjors:.......... you're right, they should be darker...... must be my eyes Arthur:......... thanks for look'n in, glad you like the look!! Wayne: ...... the hardest part about weathering is doing it .... thanks for your comments...is diner still on???
  7. just another little update on the puddening of the anchor rings......... the rope I used started out a nice tan , but when I put a drop of cyno on it to keep it in place, it turned the color of the rope real dark, so I had to do a little coloring on them. hope they look passable !! I decided to redo the catheads, so before I add the rope to the anchors I want to work on those first.
  8. Great job on the hammock netting Tony.... keep an eye on your eyes
  9. Take it easy Sjors, hope you are starting to feel better.
  10. Hey Adam.....just catch'n up on your build....... it's looking really nice, you'er doing an excellent job, I think your new avatar has given you some super modeling powers !! .... or is it the addition of Tebow??? frank
  11. Hi Sherry...... just catching up on your progress, your build is looking great. Love the lighting too!!. Your place is just beautiful, glad you had a nice getaway!! Frank
  12. "Happy belated birthday" Doris........ It's all been said, but I'll say it again, You are a true artist!!! Frank
  13. Oh yeah, I found out what HMAT stands for..... I never knew this ... "His Majesty's Australian Transport"... you probably already knew this..... if you didn't, you do now Frank
  14. Nice job Ron...... the shrouds and rats look real good!! Frank
  15. Hi Augie..... Nice to see you back, hope it was a relaxing getaway , I know those fish can exhaust you some time ... thanks for look'n in on the Supply. Frank
  16. Yes ! ........ I am very HAPPY! ........ :D .... Hey, and don't forget, you are the one that started "where's the pictures" I like Grant's idea on doing the ratlines . I think I'll try that on my next build. If you try his method let us know how it works out.
  17. O.K. Sjors, again,thanks for the pictures........... they did their job showing what a great job you did on the redo !! ........... Nice work Sjors, they look great!!
  18. Sjors..... thank you for the picture ..... between you and me , I like the way you had the ratlines the first time . I know it may not be correct, but to me they looked much better, for some reason it looks a little crowded right now, but that's just me, you do what you think is best . Danny is right about the shrouds though, they are being pulled in. What do you call those guys that help you with the ratlines , Gommes??. Well you might have to start paying them some overtime to get things straightened out
  19. You'er starting to sound like me with excuses !!!!......... at least get some pictures up!!
  20. Mark ...... yeah, finally getting back to doing something ,it's about time I get her finished up, you know you're taking to long when your grand kids are saying " aren't you finished yet " B.E. ..... thanks for taking the time to look in, I'm glad you like the effect I'm striving for. Popeye .... No sweat on the terminology, I had no idea what they called it either, we both learned something ....... I didn't use the Lifecolor weathering set, but I do use their paints, and I love them . They are great to work with. I have a couple other weathering sets of theirs and they're real good too. I used a product called "Weather It " and some white and rust weathering powders on the anchors. I'd like to get their wood weathering set, it looks like it might be pretty good. Sjors ...... Finally getting back into it Sjors, not much , but alittle..... at least you got a picture!! :D Tony ...... No more excuses for the camera, it's back!!..... now all I have to do is use it ... Thanks for the heads up on the anchors. I'll try and catch you guys on Sat. (Skype). Anja ..... thank you for your kind comments, ( psssst... don't tell Sjors this but, they are only exceeded by your gracious charm and good looks !! ) Frank
  21. Hey Mike....... the anchor wood was walnut, and I'm not a big fan of walnut, so I put some "Weather It" on them , then I put some white weathering powder on them, used some Q tips and rubbed most of it off, then I just did the same with a medium rust where rust would normally accumulate. I was pleased that they came out as well as they did, especially the wood. Thanks for the pdf. it will be helpful. How are the twins doing ? Keep'n you up at nite?? Frank
  22. Thanks Popeye..... sounds like the way to do them..... I'll give them a try
  23. Well time for a little update, it's been awhile since I've posted here, due partly to my procrastination and partly because I can't see to well , ........ anyhow I could get thru the anchors with out too much of a problem....... so here they are....... does anyone out there know if the anchor rings are supposed to have rope raped around them??... if so what's the best way to do them. Thanks Frank
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