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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by riverboat

  1. Well, if your birthday is tomorrow , and it's today here in Calif. , then it's already tomorrow there in the Netherlands, so I'm not late !!! "HAPPY BIRTHDAY SJORS"...... and many more! Frank
  2. Nicely done Augie..... your build looks just awesome!!...... a real incentive to finish mine ! Frank
  3. SWEEeeeeeeeeT Tony......... your Aggie is looking super nice! Nobody will notice the repairs except yourself... Well done mate!! Frank
  4. Look'n real good Sjors........ are you getting primed to be a scratch builder? if so, you're off to a good start, then you'll be able to put all those nice tools of yours to the test!! Frank
  5. Hi Derek...... excellent job on the planking.... glad to hear you've got your proper work area, you're going to need it with this build !! Frank
  6. Haven't ck'd in in awhile....... you've made some great progress !... the Goth is really looking good Popeye, nice work on the bow sprit..... by the way, all rigging is serious!!
  7. "This could be the start of something BIG ! " ............ sounds like the lyrics of a song
  8. Hi Bob..... it's been awhile since I've looked at your progress, things are looking awesome, despite the unfortunate mishap. You did some great work on the head rails and seats of rest!, plus the rest of this outstanding build. The Connie is such a great looking ship , everyone should have one! . I envy your stays in Japan ( not the flight), I spent a couple years there and just loved the country and its people. Excellent job on the plating too Bob ! Frank
  9. HI Nick, and welcome to MSW.........you seem to be a very talented young man and it's nice to have young blood like yourself on board. there is plenty of talent here at MSW, so if you need any help with something, don't be afraid to ask Frank
  10. Augie..... you definitely have a motley crew on board here !!
  11. Fabulous Doris, just fabulous !! You are a true artist. Frank
  12. Hi Sherry......very nice work on the furniture........ clever idea on the rug too !! Frank
  13. Nice work on the gammoning Derek.... looks real good..... smart move in not asking the admiral where to put it!! Frank
  14. Popeye...." you're a poet and don't know it".... ( remember that saying )......... Besides being a poet, you're an excellent craftsman, nice work on the trees.
  15. Hi Adam...... I have to agree with David on the doors, of course my eyes aren't what they used to be ! Besides that , it looks GREAT!! Frank
  16. Good luck Mark...... and don't forget, have fun !! Like Aldo says, it's a curvaceous French ship, so have fun planking ! Frank
  17. I see you took care of business.... nice job Peter, looks like new Frank
  18. tell'em Augie, there is no end I forgot to rig .... I forgot what I forgot to do Your rigging looks like you knew what you were doing !! Great Job Augie
  19. She's looking good Wim.....as usual, excellent work from you!!
  20. So sad to hear of John's passing, He will be missed by all of his family here at MSW, as he is missed by his own family. Frank
  21. Wow !!! ..... superb work Pavel !........ beautiful job on the planking. great idea with the needle for the treenails, it looks perfect. your carvings are well done , your talents are enjoyed by everyone here..... the colors are awesome... I finally found your build log Frank
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