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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by riverboat

  1. Just ck'n in on your progress Sherry..... your build is looking real good!! Frank
  2. Looks real good Popeye....... don't worry about the glue oozing, just wipe it off pronto.... you shouldn't have any problem with the stain.
  3. Hi Jeff..... just went thru your build log.....superb !!.... You'er doing a great job.......beautiful work on the planking, it's not that easy to get a good looking planking job on a buff bow. you nailed it good!!!! I'll be keeping an eye out on your progress, that seems to be a real nice kit, I remember Danny doing this on the old MSW1. You'er following right in his footsteps Frank
  4. Thanks for the tour Mario, it was a nice ride ..... I hope they give you hazardous pay too!!
  5. Excellent work Jan........ I'm really impressed with card models and especially your talent to build them.. Frank
  6. That is one great!! looking build Mario......... just awesome!...... you sure pick some good ones!! Frank
  7. Don't think so Mike...... at my age I need builds that go together rather fast
  8. Looks much better Sjors, good choice on the paint. Frank
  9. I think I'll do the "ALERT" for my next build. not too much rigging on this one!!
  10. Very nice work Danny, it's always enlightening when catching up on your progress.
  11. hi Mike, no I'm not going to use any flags, I just want to finish this up. If you need some help with the sails just let me know. just for your info. I used Herbert's method he used for the furled sprit sail - Le Boullonge.
  12. Jim unfortunately the gnome is you, so start sweeping This looks like it's going to be a fun build , so...... HAVE FUN !! Frank
  13. Great job Mario, good idea with the Velcro straps, those bends look intimidating Frank
  14. I agree with Anja, great looking pump, nice enough to market it. This is an interesting build will try keeping up with your progress. Frank
  15. Hi Mark.... just catching up on your progress, your work is really out standing, and I enjoyed the video, was interesting. Frank
  16. Looks Great! Mike, nice to see you back ! Glad you're getting some sleep too!!! Frank
  17. Hi Popeye...... nice job on the decking....... looks real good... You probably know this already, but just in case, You mentioned you were thinking about doing single planking on the hull, if you do , don't forget to bevel one edge of each plank so when it butts up against the preceding blank it will be nice and tight, and you'll be pleased that you won't be using any filler to speak of. Frank
  18. Hi Tony.....just catching up, hope your bubu is ok now...... The Aggie is looking great, excellent planking job. before you know it you'll have her all coppered up. You've done more on your build in the past month than I've done on mine in the past year. At the rate your going ,you'll be launching The Aggie before I even finish tying off my rigging I love those Spitfires too, but... the Harriers really say it all !!!
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