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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by riverboat

  1. You might want to ck out Chucks new site for the 2mm blocks....... if not, Cornwall Model Boats has them...... Stay COOL !!!! Frank
  2. Popeye, thank you. but, if you say you got the idea from me, I surely must've gotten it from someplace else, because, I am definitely not a genius!! Frank
  3. My congrats too, on your promotion Augie........ Seems like yesterday that you were but a mere lieutenant...... it's amazing what a little conversation can do .... nice job on the anchors too!!!! Frank
  4. Nice to see the Goth progressing....... she's starting to look like a real lady !!...... nice work Popeye! Frank
  5. Sjors do you think you can get away, for a little while, from house cleaning on Monday, for a little Skype time ???
  6. Yes, I repeat what everyone said....." WELCOME BACK" !! ...... how about Monday for Skype.?.... I'll drop the bus driver a note Frank
  7. Hi Sjors.... yes , I just got back from planet zephyr........ very interesting trip ........ the guns on deck are looking very anxious !!....by the way, are you going to blacken them ?.... just wondering, you don't have to, but if it were my ship, and my guns, I would blacken them, but then again, it's not my ship, and they are not my guns, so, you do as you like because that is your ship and they are your guns and you are the "CAPTAIN" ..... all joking aside....... paint them black!!!! :D ( just kidding Sjors) Frank
  8. O.K. Augie, now I can say it............ GREAT!! job Augie ,she looks just fantastic!!!........... Now you can go fishi'n Frank
  9. Sjors, just now ck'd out your stern! ....... nice work Sjors, you did an excellent job!! Frank
  10. Nicely done Popeye, like Paul said, another "MASTERPIECE" in the works....... Frank
  11. Great ....... No, I'll wait till you finish the sprit rigging, then I'll tell you how awesome!! it looks.. Frank
  12. It seems this build is going a lot smoother for you than the Le Mirage, everything is looking real good Sjors!!...... aren't you glad you made the change??
  13. Good job Ron.... everything looks ready for the ratlines.... Have Fun!!!!! Frank
  14. Sorry to hear about your car problems, they really can depress one, but your rigging is looking good, hope that makes you feel better Frank
  15. Wow!! that's a lot of guns!!....... look'n nice and trim, great job Tony, like Augie, I too like your trademark on the guns. Frank
  16. Hi Daniel, just now went thru your log, your build is just outstanding!!... and your presentation is "above and beyond" Frank
  17. Hi Ron....... the rigging is looking real good.... glad to see you have your futtock shrouds attached and the stave attached correctly I messed mine up on my foremast .... Don't go too fast now, I don't want you to finish before I do !! Frank
  18. Is it also Anja's Birthday today ??. If it is "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" to you too Anja!! ( according to Skype they say it's Anjas birthday) ???? Frank
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