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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by riverboat

  1. Nice work Aldo,.......... I couldn't see the bulge you were talking about, but I'm sure if you say it's there , it's there.
  2. Hey what happened??? ....... you got promoted ? Well, "CONGRATULATIONS" Popeye, now you can sit at the round table with Augie and Sjors....... not bad company at all Frank
  3. You'd never know this is the same ship as on pg1......... excellent work Andre, beautiful work. Frank
  4. just ketch'n up Jim...... looks great, love the finish you gave the hull........ let me ask you, whose your mentor? Sjors or Popeye? Either ones a good choice!! Frank
  5. Looks real good /Matti...... just the right touch....... I like your idea in one of your earlier posts too, about dry brushing a light grey to give the wood a more weathered look. I've tried other ways to get the walnut to look more weathered , but nothing seems to really please me, so I think I'll give your idea a try I've dry brushed metal and plastic with good results, but never wood. I'll let you know how it goes. Frank
  6. Daniel....... you sir, are amazing!!!....... and thanks for your likes Frank
  7. HI Matti..... like Sherry , I too just went thru your log, Your work is just outstanding!!..... love your color choices , there are so many great logs here and your's is definitely one of them and thanks for your comments on my log. I'll be ck'n in Frank
  8. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" Mike ....... don't forget to let the kids blow out the candles ( the oldest one!! )... she'll love that!! Frank
  9. Excellent work Doug....... she's looking real good !! I hear you on the tangled weave Frank
  10. Yeah. ditto Mark on your friend, hope everything is well with him, So much crap is going on these days, it's unbelievable........... the muffins sounded real good, you made me get the munchies Ahhh..... I see your secret on your multi builds.... two tables!!
  11. Augie and Mark......sometimes goofs are a blessing ....... that's the benefit of weathering ........ nobody will know the difference I hope........
  12. Thanks Jim and Augie for looking in......... your comments are always appreciated....... yours too Popeye.... yeah ,you're right , they were attached to the ship ... I took them off ... in doing so I used alcohol to loosen up the glue which it did, but it also turned some of the wood white , but that's OK , the ship looks like hell anyway Frank
  13. just another quick update...... I redid one of the catheads to accept some rigging and attached the rope to the anchor rings. I'll try and get the other one finished up tonite. I was a little hesitant on the rope size, but I think this size 1.5 looks a little better than the size they included with the kit, it was really huge! . All input is welcomed
  14. Loook'n real good !! Popeye..... seems like there's a million things to do at this stage doesn't it........ it blows me away how you keep up with everything you 've got going ,,, and, thanks for the pictures!!! Frank
  15. Hi Patrick......... so that's where you've been ... mending!! Sorry to hear about your mishap, you really can't do much in this hobby unless everything is working .... if you're not real happy with your rigging, take your time and do it over, I think if you don't it'll always bug you What's the rush anyway, it's a hobby ... glad you're starting to feel better. Frank
  16. Look'n forward to your assembling the case, it looks like it's a quality kit, something I might be interested in also, I don't think my Supply is bigger than The Syren, if you find it suitable for yours after you finish, it might be my next purchas. Good choice on the Confed. that'll keep you busy for awhile Frank P.S. hope you're feeling better.
  17. beautiful Ron........ nicely done... the cleats look good!! Frank
  18. Sorry to hear about your unexpected trip to the hospital , glad to hear you're Ok. ......... get some rest time Augie, and take it easy! Frank
  19. If I'm not mistaken Max, some of the finest models ever made never saw a power tool ..... you've received a lot of good advice here, so I'm sure you'll make the right choices..... Have fun! Frank
  20. A great talent for building ships, and a green thumb to boot...... What more can a guy want.. .... thanks for look'n in on my log Sherry..... Frank
  21. Nice job on the planking Popeye, what's up next ????? could it be more rigging on the Goth,?..... hope so !!
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