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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by riverboat

  1. Another Welcome to MSW George....... great looking build you've got going.... be ck'n in now and then on your progress. Frank
  2. nice to see you back Andy....... looking forward to more -------- of your build,...... I didn't want to sound like you know who!! Frank
  3. Very nice Jim...... that is one good looking build, nice touch with the bulbs ! Frank
  4. Nice start on your build Augie..... this is going to be a real beauty when finished ..... just don't let the moose trample on her !! Frank
  5. Nice introduction to your new build Sjors, I'm sure that will keep you busy for awhile...... I noticed you bought Caldercrafts paints ...... make sure they are flat, I purchased some and they slipped in some gloss colors...... you do not want gloss on that beauty you're going to build Frank
  6. Happy belated Birthday Matti!!...... your build is looking awesome!!! Frank
  7. Hi Ed..... thanks for the info on the Artist's Acrylics. I'll give these a try on my next order for paints..... the hobby paints are getting so expensive , like your self I've tried them all also.... the color selection looks real good ,as does the price!! Frank
  8. Nice work Mobbsie........ I really like the tools you made...... the rope server looks great! , I take it you 've decided against the other one Good show mate!!! Frank P.S. your Aggy is looking fantastic!
  9. HELLO Sjors!!!........ glad to see you're back up to par, your rigging is looking good and congrats on your "100th".... stay healthy!! Frank
  10. Look'n real good Ron...... the sail looks good, i'm glad you decided to put the sails on, it dresses her up nicely I don't know if its the way the computer shows , but the color of the sail looks a little on the pink side, maybe just the lighting too, anyhow , nice work!! Frank
  11. Nice work on the masts Popeye, you'll have her rigged and ready for sail before you know it !
  12. Hi Jim...... your build is com'n along nicely.....like your pictures too!!
  13. Rigging is looking good Popeye.... glad to hear things are a little better for your friend
  14. Just had to look at this again and add my likes...... It just gets better and better!! Frank
  15. Here you go again Augie, this looks like a really nice build coming up , the kit looks well stocked, and I agree with you on maybe replacing the basswood decking and planking, it'll be well worth it. So, meanwhile, have fun getting acquainted with the plans and such..... Enjoy !! Frank
  16. Augie...... she looks perfect in her new home...... the ship looks great, the case looks great, and the spot you picked( or might I say the "Admiral" picked ) looks great too!!.... This was a great thread Augie, sidebars and all , but now it's Confed. time, we're all looking forward to another over the top log !! Frank
  17. HI Sjors..... glad to hear you're feeling better..... Don't overdo it know!! Frank
  18. Hi Jack... just now came across your .. excellent build.... very interesting ship, the kit looks very impressive, will be look'n in time to time on your progress, Ciao, Frank
  19. Wow!! Tony, what a beautiful job on the decorations, she looks just great! and another WOW!!......... almost missed your birthday......... but like they say, better late than never!.... "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" Tony and many more!!........... Frank
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