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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by riverboat

  1. Nice work on the planking Sherry..... it's amazing what you did with balsa..... Oh yeah!! NO Basil??? what's up with that?
  2. very clever Andy.... you're going to put some people out of business
  3. How sad !!! ..... we're going to miss you !!!
  4. Hi Sjors, you asked how my Supply is ...... my Supply is still in dry dock.... as for the camera, It is supposed to be returned today , I'd go get it myself, but my feet and ankles are swollen up so I'm trying to keep off my feet as much as I can.
  5. Now that you're thru entertaining relatives ........ time to get back to work and entertain us here at MSW!!
  6. Hi Derek........ your Victory is looking "Smashing" ( I think that's the term you Brits use ). You've come along way and your efforts have certainly paid off. Excellent work Derek!!...... Glad you enjoyed the vid..... I.ve got a place reserved for the Oscar you are sending me Frank
  7. HI Ron..... the deadeye spacer looks good... you might want to cut the top of it down a little so you can see the deadeye, it makes it easier to tie the shroud to it . I hope I'm not jumping ahead here, but it looks like you set just one shroud. They should be set in pairs . Take a look at the plans and you'll see what I mean.( 2 starboard-2 port -2 starboard- 2 port etc. ) Frank
  8. Yeah, Augie is right on that..... ropes look good Popeye, nice work....... Good luck on getting your new camera, there are a lot of great cameras out there........ Was look'n at your signature... noticed at the bottom you say ..."other works in progress" ,last one says multi build...not started yet... what is that all about, I thought you were doing multi builds all along!! Frank
  9. Nice work Sjors...... the shrouds look real good ,nice and taught....... I like that deadeye jig .... I think I'll try it out on my next build... Frank
  10. Ron I'm sure 15mm will be the right distance for your deadeyes on the lower shrouds and 12 on the upper. I made s spacer out of a small pc of wood with nails thru it at the right width and distance between top and bottom deadeyes. I wish I had my camera , I'd send you a picture. But its pretty simple , I'm sure you'll come up with the right way.
  11. Hi Ron ..... if you are referring to the ones that hoist the yard, yes I attached them after the shrouds were in place, the 2 k's went around the mast and came down thru the opening in the mast top( on top of the shrouds) Hope that was what you ment Frank
  12. Anja ..... you are too nice .......... But ,I think Sjors is starting to rub off on you
  13. Hey Augie...... I think I'd rather do ratlines!!! ... What did I just say!!!! Hi Tom....... Thanks for stopping by.... you're so right,( about the DR.'s too) there are so many great builds going on here, its almost impossible to ck them all out. Just to let you know about the sails.... NO needle work involved!!! Tony... You'er right....... enough is enough, I'll get off my lazy - - - !! Sjors...... Should have the new lens this Friday ... Now, if I can only get my camera back from my granddaughter!!
  14. Very nice work on the shrouds and ratlines Robbyn..........women are so much better with a needle than men (except Popeye ) Frank
  15. Hey Ron..... Wow! you're moving right along.... nice work on the yards, they look great. I left a message for you on my log, but I'll say it here too, let me know what might be of any help. OK ? Frank
  16. Hi Ron..... yes I did the parell beads on the foremast (2 ) and the gaff boom. They were easy enough to do ,but tying them around the mast itself was a pain, for me anyway. I don't think I tied them on correctly, but they're on and that's the way they stay . Are there any particular photos you need Ron ? I'm going to try and get back and finish this up, I've got all the rigging in place , just have to tie them off to their proper place . I just ordered a new macro lens for my camera, so hopefully I can get some good close up pictures when it comes in. I'm glad that my build has been of some help to you , but you're doing an excellent job without it. Just let me know what it is you need and I'll be happy to do what I can. Frank Scoot.... always nice hearing from you.... like I told Ron, hope to finish up my build shortly... When are you going to get your build back up? Its such great work. It should really be seen by all the new and old( for those that missed it ) members here!! Frank
  17. Anja, I know what it is.... But, I'm not going to tell FrAnK
  18. I've been threatening myself for the past 4 weeks to get things finished up..... finally got my work space tidy up today, so no excuses now... Maybe if you start your Goth again that'll give me some incentive or maybe I should wait until you get your Half Moon turned into a full moon .... I just wish I had your mind set and your talent , then I 'd be finished :D Frank
  19. Fantastic! Derek..... You've accomplished so much since I've last looked at your build..... excellent work. Frank
  20. Popeye!!!...... you are just unbelievable !........ this looks like it's going to be another fantastic build from the "SPINACH KID" Frank
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