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Everything posted by pete48

  1. Thank you Nils, This boat has been alot of fun to build , Fairing the frames went very smooth, like Geoff said she's coming up a "Treat" He's right Best Regards, Pete
  2. Thank you Robert, Planking should go smooth, the frames faired well Hi Omega, planking is one of my favorite parts of the Build, It's when she really takes shape. The hull will be painted white with the blue Keel Accents ( intresting to leave it Natural) Thank you Michael, She's coming together pretty quik Best Regards, Pete
  3. Thank You Geoff, She is practically building herself, She is a "treat" like you mentioned before. The Boxing Kangaroo has been a fun boat to build . I would recomend building one Best Regards, Pete
  4. Today, I Got back to work on the Boxing Kangaroo. I started by putting 2 thin coats of varnish on the deck ( to protect the deck layout ) I then had errands to run ,wich gave the varnish plenty of time to dry. When I returned I finished fairing the frames , She is now ready for planking . She's right on the money with Ben Lexcen's Drawing . Here are the results
  5. Hi David B. She was built to Sail , It was not about courage ,it was the excitement of seeing her sail Best Regards, Pete
  6. Hi David B, There was no radio gear on board, She free sailed ( I wish I was on the Helm) Best Regards, Pete
  7. I will Wait, ( I dont have a choice ) Great tip on the masking tape Best Regards, Pete
  8. Thank you Bob, I am very pleased with how she turned out . I was more impressed with how well she Sailed . I had her balanced out just right .Thanks for following along , It was great to have you there Best Regards, Pete
  9. Very nice Michael, I can't wait to see her painted Best Regards, pete
  10. Hi Robert, I think the Sail you made looks better , Nice job Best Regards, Pete
  11. Hi Piet , Sounds like you had a good trip, Glad to see you back. . Nice work on the movable propellers. She looks fantastic Best Regards, Pete
  12. Thanks Mark, It was fun to watch her Sail, I was impressed with how well she did Best Regards, Pete
  13. Thank you Tom, She was definitly in her element today , Showing her speed ( I was impressed ) Best Regards, Pete
  14. Thank you Omega, The conditions were great , She really moved out there . I would have liked to have been on board Thank you Piet, She Turned out to be Quite beautiful ( better than I had originally envisioned ) Best Regards, Pete
  15. Hi Michael, I am very pleased with the results, I am glad you followed along, you were there from the start . Best Regards, Pete
  16. Thank you Geoff, Now I can some more work into that Boxing Kangaroo Best Regards, Pete
  17. Ok Here we Go SEA-TRIALS, Let me set it up, The Trial took place in Spirit Lake Idaho (Elevation : 2604 ft , 47.96 degrees N, by 116.84 degrees W. )11:35 am, The temp was 84 degrees F Wind out of the south west at : 5.5 ( mph ) gusting to 10.5 ( mph ) It would have been nice to have a set of reefing point's in the Main. I Let her sail for about 45 minutes then the wind kicked up , so that ended the Trial wich was very succesful , She tracked beautifully ( no weather helm ) and stayed on course very well . In Conclusion , Having a great set of plans from the designer , Made building this boat a dream. This was one of those build's that just came together without any problems , and everything worked on the first try ( I know I have said that before ) She was an absolute pleasure to build , After seeing her sail today , I still think that she is a bit small for a R.C. set up . My wife , took alot of pic's while I kept a close eye on the Boat. I am glad that I was able to share this project with all of you, And a BIG Thanks for all the Comment's , Likes and Support . I wont be making any new postings on this Topic, However I will answer any questions or comments , so Here she is Sailing
  18. Thank You Cap'n'Bob, I thought they were pretty close. I had a great set of plans to work from Thank you Elmer, She was a fun build Thank you David B. I do too real bad, Especially after watching her sail Best Regards, Pete
  19. Thanks Joe, I was planning on building this boat 1 : 1 about 15 years ago . would make a great build Best Regards, Pete
  20. Thank you Rick, She was a Fun boat to build , Herreshoff designed boats are some of the most attractive I have ever seen . Best Regards, Pete
  21. Thank you Michael Thank you Michael Mott Thank you David B. Thank you Robert And thank's for all the likes and intrest, Sea - Trials are set for later on today, I will have pic's and close out this build log Best Regards, Pete
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