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Everything posted by pete48

  1. Thanks Omega, I am thinking that she will sail beautifuly , I would like to do one R.C, I will have to bump up the scale to at least 1" = 1' - 0 " Thanks Jay ,She's getting closer , I am going to start making cleats and blocks , I can't wait to see her sail Best Regards, Pete
  2. Thank you Geoff , She passed with flying colors Hi Omege, She is a bit to small for radio gear , so I will let her free sail Thank you Michael, I am thinking a light weight rip-stop nylon ( white) Best Regards, Pete
  3. Today, I finally got the Hull Painted,( it took 2 days & sanding her back to wood twice) I went with a semi-gloss white . (3 coats ) I also detailed the seats and cockpit floor.I then Stained and applied 3 coats of varnish. Here are the results
  4. Thank you Geoff, She is starting to get her shape back Thank you David, I appreciate your kind words Best Regards, Pete
  5. Today , While paint was drying on the 12 1/2, I decided to do some tank testing . I used small fishing weights ( the round ones ) filled the bilge where the lead for the Keel is . Then I put her in the water tank ( kitchen sink ) The water line is right on the money, This boat has been a pleasure to build . Here are the results
  6. Today, I was able to get the boat back in primer ( 3 coats ) before the rain came . I also sprayed the cockpit a flat white. she is back to where she was before the incident. ( whew ) here are the results
  7. Michael, the green one is attractive , I can look at them all day Hi Dave, The Herreshoff boats are quite amazing , I would like to have one as well. I grew up Sailing, it is a great pastime. I highly recomend you try it Best Regards, Pete
  8. Hi Nils, I agree this size boat is perfect for day Sailing, and she can be singlehanded wich is a big bonus ( my Wife does not always want to go Sailing ) I would Sail everyday if I could, ( and to me this would be the boat to have ) I have been fortunate to Sail a few of the these, and you cant beat a full keel for directionality ( they track very well ) and no weather helm . One of the most beautifull boats I have ever seen, or have had the privilege to Sail Best Regards, Pete
  9. Hi Michael, the gun Carriages look great , I would make all 6 and choose the best 3 . Beautifully done nice work Best Regards, Pete
  10. Hi Nils, To the best of my knowledege , None of the Herreshoff boats built thru Herreshoff Mfg.Co or Cape Cod Shipbuilding , have been built in a Clinker . However a Company called Brooks Boats Designs, came up with a version of the 12 1/2, that boat is done clinker-built. here are a few photos Best Regards, Pete
  11. Thank You , Geoff, It was a great learning experience, I was not sure at first if she could be repaired Thank You Jay, It was heart wrenching , fortunatly, the repairs to the hull will be covered with paint. The trickey part was where the Cockpit coamings meet the Transom , in the second photo you can see the line in the coaming ( port stern ) I think thats the only thing that is going to be noticable. Thank You David B., It was rather unfortunate , However I was able to upgrade the transom ,with the birch ply Thank You Piet, Stuff does happen from time to time that is out of your hands . I think how you handle it determines the outcome . Thank You Dave , I appreciate it . I think she came back together rather nicely, I am going to re-primer the hull today Thank You Michael, it ended up working out pretty good . I think the Birch on the transom is a great upgrade In this Photo, you can see the repair where the hull meets the Transom Best Regards, Pete
  12. Yesterday morning was Brutal, the 12 1/2 fell from a high spot breaking the Transom off. And causing damage to the Starboard side Bow area in front of frame 3 to frame 2 . so the repair work began , by cutting back the remaining part of the Transom square, so that a new piece could be sandwiched in between 2 pieces of Birch Ply. ( to give it more strength ) I then glued some scrap pieces of planking material , to fill in the hull . Next, I re faired the hull . I then re-shaped the Cockpit coamings ( they were to tall ) I then Stained the Transom and Cockpit Coamings. I then Applied 3 coats of varnish. Here are the results
  13. Nice work Nils, Nice to see how you got the blocks ready , Best Regards, Pete
  14. And here is the rest of the pic's , I had alot to choose from. the seat's are held in position by wood wedges
  15. Today , I was able to get alot of work done on the 12 1/2. Starting with re shaping the Transom so that it rolls over the top , I then cut out all the seat braces and cut the frames down to more resemble Ribs. I then made the cockpit Coamings soaked them in alcohol , installed them, sanded them, and finaly stained them ( I stained the Transom at the same time ) . I also made the Cockpit Floor and Aft seat ( wich I had previously made templates for) I was very pleased with the results . Next will be to varnish the Transom and Coamings . Here are the results
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