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Everything posted by Omega1234

  1. Hi Nils Really, really nice! I tell you what...the dry fitting of the anchor is yet another milestone on the way to completion. Not long to go from here, I'd imagine. What an amazing achievement. Cheers Patrick
  2. Hey Igor Judging by the wake, your Spray must've have had a nice breeze pushing her along. Well done and happy sailing! Cheers Patrick
  3. Hi Pete She's a beauty! I love the paint job and decals. These coupled with the mast and rigging make this ship a real looker! Well done. Cheers Patrick
  4. Hi Marty Many thanks for the tip. I'll definitely have to try that next time, because I've always found that to be quite a tricky thing to get right. Cheers and all the best! Patrick
  5. Hi Tuciship Beware!!!!! One model will lead to another, then another, etc. Before you know it, you're addicted and then you'll need therapy! ...Ahhhh, but what a great addiction to have. Cheers Patrick
  6. Hi Tuciship It looks like you're having a great time pulling this ship together, which shows in the level of detail, the scrollwork, ideas and the paint scheme. I'm especially drawn to the high quality of your workmanship; so much so, that I'd hazard a guess that this isn't the first scratch model you've built. If it is, then that'd be even more impressive. I'm looking forward to seeing the masting and rigging because that'll be the icing on the cake. Cheers and all the best Patrick
  7. Hi Igor No problems. You may be more successful if you put the paint into the recess and with a tissue/rag quickly wipe the excess paint away from the hull. What's left should be a perfect line of gold paint. Cheers Patrick
  8. Hi Igor That's a great solution. I had thought of that earlier in the hull's construction, except I was going to put gold paint into the recess instead of wires as in your method. I never got around to doing it, though. All the best Patrick
  9. Ahah! Igor, trying to do the gold cove stripe was one of the things that was perplexing me the most. Hence why I left it to the very last. After many ideas that failed, I settled on buying some gold coloured pin striping for cars. I then cut the thinnest strip I could possibly do with the scalpel. It took quite a few attempts before I got it right, but I think it looks ok. Sometimes the easiest solution often turns out to be the best! Hope you're going well. Cheers Patrick
  10. Hi Dennis Compared to the intricate pulleys, blocks, rigging, boom framework and other associated details that you've built into your AG, trust me, building a hull is child's play! You'll ace it, for sure! Cheers and all the best Patrick
  11. Hi everyone There's not a hell of a lot left to do on Rainbow, apart from the final suit of sails, railings on the port side of the hull and finishing off the rigging. Well, tonight, I managed to do some of those niggly yet visually important things like Rainbow's beautiful gold cove-stripe which runs from bow to stern and accentuates her sheer line. As well as that, I added the strip of red that sits just above the waterline from bow to stern. As you'll see from the photos, I'll still need to clean up the paint on the waterline itself. It looks a tad rough. Lastly, I also added the flag pole which adornes Rainbow's stern (still requires finishing off though). I might leave that for another night, though. All the best everyone. Cheers Patrick
  12. Hi Andy What a shame! It seems that it doesn't matter how much money one has, it still doesn't guarantee that they'll know how to play nicely.....oh well, at least Rainbow turned up (thank heavens!). All the very best and many thanks, once again. Cheers Patrick
  13. Hi Piet and Dave Glad you both are there and that Piet arrived safely. Hopefully we'll be able to see lots of photos once it's all over. Cheers Patrick
  14. Hi Andrew Many thanks! That's another great photo of a beautiful boat. As real as it gets; being that close to snap that photo. When you say that you've "spent the season chasing Rainbow...", you must have the best job in the world! I can only imagine what it must be like to see one of the J's up close. Like you said, breathtaking must be the best way to describe it. Thanks and all the very best! Cheers Patrick
  15. Hi Andrew What a great photo and many thanks for posting it. Kinda makes me wish I was born with a bit more cash in my back pocket so that I could actually buy the real boat! It's a dream, I know. All the best and thanks for stopping by to join in Rainbow's jouney. Cheers Patrick
  16. Hi Vaddoc 500 rivets done and 700 more to go. It's moments like that makes one realise the meaning of the saying "labour of love". Well done! Cheers Patrick
  17. Amazing! What a great example of ingenuity and improvisation. I would never have thought of doing that.
  18. Hi Dennis Wow-nice! You weren't kidding when you said yesterday was a busy day because all the little touches such as your air horn, rigging, spotlights, etc are all starting to fall into place. But, and this is a big but...please, please, please do not box your AG into a cardboard box in your hallway closet. I forbid it. A model as brilliant as yours deserves to be on display and be seen and be admired! Promise? Cheers and all the best Patrick
  19. Hi Leo Hah! I wish....if only that were possible, I probably would've tried it, knowing me. All the best and thanks for your compliments. Cheers Patrick
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