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Everything posted by Omega1234

  1. Hi Nenad Good luck with Mrs Nenad. Please pass my regards onto her. I hope that this is a minor setback and easy to overcome. Cheers and all the best Patrick
  2. Hi Rib I'll definitely be following along as well. Many years ago, I made a RC model of the clipper Lok Ard; so clippers will always have a special significance for me. All the best! Patrick
  3. Hi Cathead What an interesting subject for a build! I'm in. Cheers Patrick
  4. Well done, Dave! It's great to get that sort of national and now, international exposure....good for you, as well as for the hobby.
  5. Hi Greg Dennis beat me to it. We've heard about the storm as well and I can only say that I'm glad you got through it okay. Dennis - If this is the end, then I'm going to sadly miss your AG build log. I kinda got addicted!!!! Maybe I need therapy, but it was, as they say in the classics, a "damn good build". I can't wait to see Mo and Curly come to life. All the best! Patrick
  6. Very nice work, Dave...especially those sea horses! Well done. Cheers Patrick
  7. Hi Mehmet Marvellous...just marvellous!!! Cheers Patrick
  8. Hi Piet It doesn't matter what angle you look at your yacht, she looks brilliant! Beautiful work. Cheers Patrick
  9. Hi Pete Ok....now that really narrows the choices down to about a million possibilities. Let me see, I'm thinking something magically beautiful designed by Herreshoff again? If so, you would be spoilt for choices! Whatever it is, I'm looking forward to following along, that's for sure. Cheers Patrick
  10. Hi Dimitris Very nice work! I was also wondering what the white boxes were. Storage boxes would be the obvious suggestion, I'd imagine. What do you think? All the best Patrick
  11. Hi Dennis ...glad you got things back under control. I must say, the overhead shots of the trawl rig all rigged up is amazing. She looks the part, that's for sure. I was also wondering what "IRL" meant too, but now I think it means "In Real Life". Could be wrong, though... Cheers Patrick
  12. wow!, gotta love that F4E!
  13. Hi Owen Nicely done and she looks great! Keep up the good work and happy modelling. Cheers Patrick
  14. Hey Mike That's a glorious Sunshine, I must say! I hope she has many, many happy hours soaking up the surroundings and enjoying the ride. All the very best. Patrick
  15. Hi Carl Many thanks for your comments and all the Likes! I also liked your comment about the Dutch yachts. They always have so much character and charm, which makes them really appealing subjects to model. All the best Patrick
  16. Hi Jeff That's very high praise indeed. I guess the only thing that's stopping me from giving an SIB a go is the risk of choosing the wrong type of bottle. Knowing me, I'd probably choose one that distorts the view so much, that the overall effect would be spoilt. But, you know, never say never! Thanks and all the very best! Patrick
  17. Hi Igor One word...Wow!!! Your ship looks just marvellous and you must be really proud of it. There's a wonderful sense of character and atmosphere coming from your model, which is not easy to build into a model, but you've done it in style. Very nicely done! Cheers Patrick
  18. Thanks Piet for sharing your words and sentiments. Having read your experiences, and especially the fact that you've only recently had closure, just makes the reason behind Dave's efforts, all the more real. There are somethings that take time and in your case, I hope that your pain is now bearable. All the very best and take care. Patrick
  19. Nice job, Pete. I have to agree with Kate about the planking. Some things are worth showing off and your planking is no exception. Well done and I look forward to your next update. Cheers Patrick
  20. Hi Leo It's great to see your latest update because I was wondering how your ship was going. All I can say is 'very, very nice!". It's great that the individual components of the stem are still visible in the third photo (as opposed to being painted over) because it emphasises the care and complexity of the work you've put into it. The deck looks great as well, especially the colour of the wood. As far as the cannons are concerned, it certainly looks like you were able to overcome the problem because they looked really nice sitting on the deck. I really look forward to your next update. Cheers Patrick
  21. Hey Pete Come on! Don't be so miserly with the hints and clues. Honestly....it'd be easier to win the lottery (hehe). One, two, three masted? Fishing vessel? Schooner....? You got me on tender hooks here! Cheers Patrick
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