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Everything posted by Omega1234

  1. Hi Ben Many thanks for dropping by and for your compliments! I hope all's well with your exams and family. Hopefully it won't be too much longer before you finish your current round of studies, so that you can get back into your shipyard. Cheers and all the best! Patrick
  2. Hi Zoltan How are you? Just wondering if you had any success with the plans? Cheers Patrick
  3. Hi everyone Hope you're all well and thanks for your Likes and compliments! I've done a lot of work on Majellan over the week, most of which can't be seen; mainly because it involved a lot of measuring, cutting and fine tuning how each deck sat upon the one below it. Although it may not ybe immediately apparent in the photos, the decks are looking much better than before (well, I think so, anyway). Also, just for fun, I thought I'd also put Magellan alongside some of her sisters in my miniature fleet, namely, Symphony (Ketch), Mystic (cabin cruiser) and Rainbow (J Class). It's interesting to sit back and look at the relative sizes of each model when compared against each other. I still can't believe how small Mystic is in comparison to the others! Have a great weekend, everyone. Cheers Patrick
  4. Hi Bob Are you go to do any weathering? The reason I'm asking is because the panelling could be enhanced even more if highlighted with dirt, rust and spray. Just a thought (well, my thoughts anyway)
  5. Hi Kees ...just one more amazing job on what is going to be an even more amazing model! Cheers Patrick
  6. Hi Pete Those are sleek and slippery hulls you're building. Nice! I'm constantly amazed at how quickly you can build these hulls, which always turn out so nicely. All the best! Patrick
  7. Very nice work, Marcus, as is your commitment to replicating the original. I gotta say, "who doesn't like a catboat"? I know I am certainly a sucker for them and your's is no exception. Cheers and all the best! Patrick
  8. Hi Hakan Nice!!!! I love that last photo of the hull with the floor laid. The oak is amazing! Cheers Patrick
  9. "...Can't you just tell when someone is enjoying themselves"...ain't that the truth!!! Steve-really nice work. Cheers Patrick
  10. Hi Denis That's one nice and shapely hull you've got there. Imperfections? What imperfections? Can't see anything from the photos..... I now also understand what the bow work entails and, yes, I reckon an aft mounted pilot house would set this boat off from the other two rather nicely. All the best! Cheers Patrick
  11. Hi Denis Nice work on the planking, albeit with a bit of filling being required. Bow work...now I'm intrigued!!! Cheers Patrick
  12. Hi Allan Nice start, especially with the frames. I can see that she's gonna be a beauty when finished! Mind if I tag along? Cheers Patrick
  13. Nice bit of steering cable detail there! As a side note, as the chains and pulleys are exposed, I guess OHSW wasn't a big deal back in the day, because I could easily see a crew member's toe being chewed up pretty badly if they were in the wrong place at the wrong time, especially in a heaving sea. Nicely done, though. I enjoy watching your tug coming to life. Cheers Patrick
  14. Hi Vaddoc Congratulations on completing your beautiful ship. She's an absolute triumph and a real credit to your skills and workmanship. Nice!!! Cheers Patrick
  15. Hi Elijah - Thanks and I'll definitely beware of the goldfish. They can be a bit feisty at times; especially during feeding time. Hi Vaddoc - Many thanks. I also really like the wooden decks, because to my mind, it gives the ship a bit of 'soul' and breaks up the stark whiteness of the superstructure. All the best! Cheers Patrick
  16. Hey Pete I agree with ya, because, I reckon she's turning out great, as well. Nice work. Cheers Patrick
  17. Hi Piet Those little people look great and it's amazing what you've been able to do. All in all, the whole ship's coming together beautifully. Cheers Patrick
  18. Hi Glenn I'm not actually sure why, but, for some reason I've lost track of your log. I've gone through it now in total disbelief. To say that I'm totally gob smacked at what you've done, is an understatement. I can't even bend a brass wire without stuffing it up, which makes my admiration of your superb workmanship only more apparent. Unbelievable! Cheers and all the best. Patrick
  19. Hi Piet - many thanks for your compliment. I must admit that I'm pretty happy how she can fit in the palm of my hand. Hi Denis - thanks! You're right about having lots more to go, but as long as I'm having fun, it's all good to me. Although, I have to say, that it's hard to know what to tackle next because the list keeps getting longer and longer. Hi Greg- Thanks for your comments. I was also surprised at the relative size of the model when I saw the photo of it in my hand. For some reason, whilst working on her everyday, I'd lost sight of just how tiny she really was. A bit of a reality check, I guess. Thanks Mark. I reckon I'd love to do the same! I can just imagine cruising on her in our goldfish pond. A scary thought, though, when you think that our goldfish are actually bigger than the hull! Hi Pete - thanks and I really appreciate your comments. Still lots to go, but she keeps my mind ticking over constantly; which, can't be a bad thing! Hi Marty - thanks and I hope you're going well! Cheers to all of you. Patrick
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