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Old Collingwood

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Everything posted by Old Collingwood

  1. I know the 2nd KGL engineers who were there the night before decided to take the barn door off and buned it to make a fire to keep them warm in the heavy rain - but I have not read anywhere about them dissmantling the farmhouse doors. OC.
  2. Evening all, A bit of an early update before the footy match on the tv, anyway I mixed up some brick colour paint, then gently applied it over the brickwork in an almost dry brush fashion, then I started applying the White layers - still a few more layers to do - but its fairly straightforward brush work, so here is the current stage - OC.
  3. Thank you kindly Kevin, will deffo do something with them but might not go over board as I guess they would not have been very battered being the farmhouse doors. OC.
  4. Another plan for latter - mix up some Brick colour paint, guess that will be my Red Ocre mixed with some Yellow to get a kind of Brick Orange shade but enough to so some of the roofs also. OC.
  5. Thanks mate, yep the burning is more on the backs where you can see the darkening from the laser, all the edges have that darker wood look like we get in wood ship kits. OC.
  6. I find with most kits - you can build at your own pace (it kind of just happens that way - you know when you have had enough for the day) also if you want to add something to the kit that might change from the instructions - but you feel its the right way - go for it. Reminds me a lot of my one it was my first ever wood build and taought me a lot for my second - mainly the joys of plank bending (not). Keep up the good work - the more you do the more you will fall into our little wood world. OC.
  7. I think this is the perfect place mate for you to continue - its still your project and we are all loving watching it grow. OC.
  8. All the parts (every one) is laser cut - when I took the flatpack out of the plastic shrinkwrap - its was a case of "boy - whats that burning smell" I have done a few cheeky coats of 50/50 PVA and water then brushed it all over the one face of each of the pieces shown above - but havn't done the backs yet, I hope (hope) the paint layers trap and kill off the burnt odour. OC.
  9. I have a question - the parts are all laser cut and the MDF smells strongly from the burning process how they cut through the parts - is there anyway to get rid of the smell as the admiral can smell it from the other side of our room - smells like a bonfire. OC.
  10. I wonder if they are like that as this is the Farmhouse I am building and I suppose they would have had neater / better doors than say on the barns - stables, its very hard to find any pictures / drawings from Inside the farm complex from that time period, more up to date photo's show a more modern set up of modern doors and windows in the farmhouse. OC.
  11. I wont show that to my admiral as she would be sick with envy, its our Twelfth anniversary this year and so far we have not been to a beach together. OC.
  12. This is my plan - Tomorrow I will gently sand over the brick areas to remove any wood splinters where the sand paint had softened the wood, then after cleaning I will either apply a watery PVA sealer all over the face of the wall - then when fully dry I will mix up a brick colour probably a little Red Ocre with a wee bit of Buff and a drop of Brown to get that brick colour, then I will gently dry brush it over the bricks carefully not to get it in the cracks of the mortar. Then I will apply the coats of White over the rest of the wall. OC.
  13. Evening all, a wee bit more progress this evening - I started by making and attaching some window ledges, then I had at go at gouging out some of the mortar lines as the laser cut ones are too neat and uniform, then I applied a few water washes of a sand/buff colour brushed into the gaps, this will be left to dry then a light sand over. I have discovered an idea - I need to brush over the MDF wood a few watered down coats of PVA to prime the wood as it will help the paintwork I think. OC.
  14. Thanks mate, think the sand will have to take a miss - closest thing I have is White salt. OC.
  15. Thanks Ken, I have some buff colour I could use for the mortor and thinking of using Red Ocre for the Bricks. OC.
  16. Just to update on this - its been put away 99% finished just need the rattle can flat coat - that will be done later. OC.
  17. Now that does look nice - just about perfect weathering - you should be pleased with that mate. OC.
  18. I might see if by brushing it on it might create some texture - built up in a few layers, also I will add some white in between the bricks for mortar. OC.
  19. Thank you Alan, I am debating painting the walls as they are as flat pieces before gluing them together, as it will be A lot easier to paint that way, as the paintwork is a mix of brick work and white wash. OC.
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