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Everything posted by scrubbyj427

  1. I’m buying one of those mills! Great work!
  2. Hi Siggi, how’s Tiger coming along? Have you made any progress? We are all looking forward to your updates! JJ
  3. I Pinned a few of my guns then just started gluing them down with PVA and they seem to be fine. Can’t say it will hold up should I drop my model though… just go slow like Chuck advises and do one at a time. You’ll be fine. Worst case scenario you could carefully remove a beam if you absolutely had to with lots of alcohol. I actually had to adjust two of the panels this way after I had glued them in.
  4. Thanks Matt. I’m Just dragging along like a kid doing homework. Lol. I’ve got just one, about 90% complete in two days🤦‍♂️ We’re all in this together.
  5. She looks great Rusty! Congratulations on the completion of the guns! Lol
  6. Thanks guys, appreciate it. no rest here, I’m right back on guns and rigging away. Problem is I took too long of a break from them and I’m trying to find my way back. Been making some adjustments but I think I’ll be back on track soon. 8 to go then I can start chapter 8… the remaining 4 guns in the waist, well they can wait until chapter 12 lol!
  7. No shame in laser cut pieces. I’d rather focus all my effort at making them fit well. Even though everything is laser cut, each piece still requires much attention to detail. Your Winnie is looking good, it’s going to start coming together now and then you can look forward to guns!
  8. So today I concluded chapter 7 and now onto chapter 8! But first I need to finish all the guns on the gun deck. I decided to go with the cherry capstan kit rather than the AYC, tough decision but I thought it complemented the guns well and manages to stand out enough to not get lost. The deck beams and all the knees went well, when fitting them I left them all just a tad bit high, after they were all complete I came through with a small file board and faired everything out and made sure my run of deck planks will be smooth. What a mess this created but a nice vacuum and a small air compressor made quick work or the clean up. The lamps went fairly trouble free except I did break one and had to solder in another early on, I’m afraid these are a one time deal and will be impossible to replace if they fail, but Evan’s claims over 2000 hours of running time so I should be good. Even with the lights off the lamps look good I think. Mounting the pumps and the associated metal work was a nice challenge, I spent a lot of time taking them on and off trying to get them to accommodate for the deck camber. The Crank handles were A little tricky but not that bad if you take your time. I took a couple shots with the lamps on with very little light around, the photos show them much brighter and yellower then they actually are but still present well in photos. Thanks for looking in. JJ
  9. Beautiful work Chuck! I love how the frames are going together and I’m looking forward to seeing your innovative angled frames. Brilliant design! Happy new year!
  10. That’s just the answer I wanted to hear to justify my need to start another one lol! obviously it’s working for you as both projects are progressing nicely.
  11. Looking forward to seeing some planks on her. Your lining off work looks excellent.
  12. Coming along nice Ben. Are those pumps boxwood? How do you manage two at a time?😂
  13. More guns! Yay more fun! Think I’m taking the minimalist approach next time around. Not too keen on rigging 50 guns. But we will see.
  14. Thanks for looking in guys, appreciate the comments. I’m still plugging away. Will have more updates on completing chapter 7 soon.
  15. Looking good Glenn, clean and precise work, you’re moving right along nicely!
  16. Those mouldings look really good and your q galleries look spot on to my eye.
  17. Seasons greetings fellow ship modelers! I have reopened my Winchelsea shipyard and she’s in full operation again. I will hopefully conclude chapter 7 within the week. I plan to begin chapter 8 and 9 soon and finish up those pesky guns that are still remaining. Thank you again to @Gabek for the wonderful lamps, the design revision is spot on.
  18. Beautiful work Greg! Congratulations, she looks wonderful! JJ
  19. She looks great Rusty, it looks like you are approaching the finish line.
  20. I love the NY 32! Almost bought one some years back. I was really considering building one to compliment my Amati Dorade. Glad there’s interest out there. sadly the one pictured below sank in the med during a sudden storm but most of the class still exists and is active. Such a lovely design.
  21. Chuck, Perhaps I am missing something, but I cannot seem to find the diagram in chapter 7 for the hanging and lodging knees and their locations and respective numbers. Help!
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