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Everything posted by scrubbyj427

  1. Congratulations Jim, she looks great. The figures add a whole new layer to the model and the copper looks really good. The crew really gives perspective to the size of Winnie. Looking forward to seeing how you display her. JJ
  2. Very well done! The Q gallery’s look just perfect, along with the moulding profile! Impressive work.
  3. You definitely have gotten the hang of it. Looks very good Frank. Keep at it!
  4. You could also take sections through your butt lines and then offset each one to the thickness you want the frame (in profile view) and then proceed to build the new frames around those lines as a reference. Also as @Richard Dunn mentioned, offsetting by the outer surface of the frames and creating a solid from that would be beneficial. The issue is that the inner hull and outer hull are shaped differently. Have you tried to just offset your hull surface by itself and see how that results? For my model I just used offsets from the hull surface at the thickness I wanted for the frames and extruded solids so the tops of the frames are as fair as the outside. These were always taken from the higher side of the hull, for example, in the bow I would take the section from the fwd facing side and extrude aft and the opposite in the stern. This allows for proper sanding. In rhino you would do the same but run you spline that you would use to create planks, from the highest side of the frame to the next highest one, slicing right through the part that would be sanded… if that makes any sense.
  5. Very nice work Ron, it’s coming along very well!
  6. Beautiful job Glenn! Well done! And that angle cutter… wow! I need that for sure.
  7. Beautiful work Fred! Those guns look great! I hope it’s motivating you to do the same to your Winnie.
  8. I have to check my model when I get home but it does look a little high but your capstan looks built correctly. Is the lower part sitting all the way down into its position on the gun deck?
  9. Congratulations Stuglo! Well done. She looks great! Been great following along.
  10. Thank you James. Yes indeed the cannons are fun, especially if you decide to rig them, I’m trying a new method of building them one at a time now as I need them. I’ll get there eventually.
  11. Just incredible work! Almost spilled my coffee.
  12. Welcome aboard Jim! Looking forward to seeing your Winnie progress. JJ
  13. Looks great Glenn, you’re coamings look nice and straight, off to a good start. The center planking definitely requires a lot of patience, many angles and widths but as you already know, it will pay dividends in the end. All those fun tools you have on your shop, I need to up my game!
  14. Philips models are just incredible. I would go insane trying to build something that small, I can barely handle 1/72 scale!
  15. What’s your timeframe for this? I just received my new laser cutter but have yet to set it up and likely won’t for another 5-6 months. But I would be willing to do the CAD work and cut them.
  16. Hmm I have that book… I better dig it up and sift through it again. 🤔 I would love to properly attempt Vasa again in the future.
  17. @Waldemar where did you find that monograph of Vasa? I have both of Fred Hockers books (that I’m aware of) and have never seen that drawing.
  18. Siggi, I know what it’s like to be distracted by new toys and fair weather! But vey much Looking forward to seeing Tiger updates soon! Thanks for your update.
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