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Everything posted by scrubbyj427

  1. Your choices of wood look great Ron, I’m really enjoying how it all looks together and I’m sure it’s even better in person. It’s amazing how things can look different in person as opposed to a photo, I’ve certainly noticed it with my model as well.
  2. Looks very good Waldemar! Such an incredible subject you have researched and developed!
  3. Thank you Ron. Appreciate it Thank you Rusty. I think we both started about the same time. It’s been quite the journey and a very rewarding build. Looking forward to seeing you cross the finish line soon. Thank you Greg, that really means a lot coming from you, your work is very inspiring.
  4. Thank you Matt, I’ve tried to step up my photo game lately. Honestly I’m still using my crappy iphone but I’ve employed a nice halogen light that I follow my camera around with. It makes nice warm light as well as a great surface to fry eggs on. thank you Fred. I’m still eagerly awaiting the resurrection of your Winnie build.
  5. Jim, sorry I should have mentioned that the ports follow the deck, if you use the square dowel for the upper sills, it should keep them parallel to the lowers but it will do you no good to use it on the vertical sills. Thanks @glbarlow for correcting me.
  6. Looks really good. Nice and fair. This will pay off when you plank and reveal your gunports. The laser cut pieces Chuck gives you should ensure you get perfect port openings. Just to be extra careful definitely use the square dowel between both sides to make sure upper sills are parallel.
  7. Concluded chapter 10, no issues, smooth sailing. The wheel may have been the trickiest part as it’s so small and fragile. Back into full swing of gun production now as I wait for chapters 11&12 to arrive. Hope to have the waist filled in this week and start slowly adding the 6 pounders as I progress on chapter 11. Thanks for checking in. JJ
  8. Well done Glenn, all the hard work with the frames and sills has paid off. Your windows line up on a gentle curve and look perfect!
  9. Ron, I’m not entirely sure on the difference but I think isopropyl is used in small quantities to “denature” pure ethanol. all I know is that it doesn’t take hours to soften titebond. Hope it helps. JJ
  10. Beautiful work Ron! Great idea on those cleats! That looks so good all assembled. For softening PVA, I seem to get it free very quickly with denatured alcohol, usually in minutes. JJ
  11. That paneling looks amazing Siggi! Wonderful work!
  12. Nice work Matt, I actually think you weathered it just right, it looks realistic. I couldn’t get mine to stick well enough otherwise I would have loved more rust.
  13. Looking like you’re off to a great start Rusty! I’m really looking forward to this chapter.
  14. I stole them out of my constitution kit! I’ve heard that some folks have made their own with their Byrnes table saw….
  15. That looks Great Chuck and a huge relief as well, I’m sure. She’s coming together very nicely.
  16. Yes this is very clear and in my mind and they way I would approach, I know this is quite the challenge. Making lines and getting them angled right on the first try is also not easy. This looks very good.
  17. Thank you Waldemar, there is no urgency here, I’m just very curious to whatever trick you have discovered.
  18. I’m very interested in learning more about positioning things in space at multiple angles, I know when I do it, it requires multiple planes of view with several superset rotations or 3D rotate if you have a good reference.
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