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Everything posted by Javlin

  1. So while I was surfing YT for that video above I came across a Flyhawk 1/700 of the Bismark build it showed this technique for holding railing in play the kind of railing I am use to and not little platforms you have to bend but I think it will work well.Just throwing ideals out there for others to use or expand upon Kevin
  2. I paint alot with enamels but am using some acrylics but your 50/50 is my rule sometimes a touch thinner not much.A modeler on another site who does A/C and the best painter I know used Tamy acrylics alot and said your consistency should be that of milk.Nice build!and not an easy scheme.
  3. That sounds a bit like "Catch22" Denis.You are done for Yves keep working Sir Kevin
  4. But looking at your work Greg from start to finish it seems quick maybe you are retired?I had to solve a problem .....handling the model to much and almost damaging some of the existing PE work.So, I took some 2" clamps and glued on some felt pads wha la but then you had to put it down? The next step was obvious for me at least took an ole chunk of Maple and mortised a 1/2'W X1"LX1"D hole as a mounting block.The base has two coats of clear steel wool'ed,decals and another coat tonight.Yes I have touch ups for the hull red before the felt.
  5. Mike the Hase stuff is really delicate and thin and I have had attachment points break off then I found out what those boat oars are for When you see how fast RGL and Salty Dog work it's up to practice like anything.My work on PE has been primarily aircraft. Kevin
  6. Now this is slow going's for me it literally takes me about 45-60 minutes to do a railing and my AA nest look's like crap but maybe the next one won't? I have one ladder added to the front mast and also broke the top of the mast but it broke in the best way one would want.That's it for now have the whole w/e off and did all the honey do's today The wife is cleaning the wood work side for the mess she made this past week and I start my new display case 6'L X 30"H X 24"D.
  7. I mainly build aircraft and have used a bit of PE over the years but ships is a whole other story it really adds another level of detail and it's "Visible" .I kinda botched one part of my build by taking a step backwards to install a section of PE poor planning on my part. I still love that Black and Gold effect. Kevin
  8. Your PE railing is coming along nicely Dennis I am fighting one section on my build had to call it quits and look at it later, Kevin
  9. That's a Nice looking build with a Nice base to boot.My Wife brought up moving the other day all I could say "the shop" I have out back woodwork one side and model room/office the other.The shop took me two years to build by myself and at my age not again.Good luck on that retirement thingy Kevin
  10. Mike mine came from Hasegawa and I really just gave it a quick glance not even cutting if open and looking at the instructions but it has some nice upgrades beyond what I thought was just railing.I will be going backwards if I choose on a couple of fittings this the PE painted... Kevin PS: Chikuma was waiting for me when I got home just now and the PE for the ISE in 1/700 scale this handles the SS,catapults and propellars which I had to make for Maya.
  11. Impressive yes it is a form of art Kevin A couple of questions Greg 1.when you built the PE mast do you solder or SS? 2.when you rig what's your preferred filament? Thks kevin
  12. But they both add their piece to the puzzle keep at it Rich Nice Work!! Kevin
  13. I got my new glue in for the rigging on the Maya I also got some ezline fine black but I have decided I started with stretch sprue will finish with sprue.The glue is a Revell professional about medium consistency recommended by Jim Baumann then the vertical lines are attached to the horizontal/perpendicular via matt varnish nothing goes tight yet you the smoke from incense/heat!I am going to try it Kevin Oh by the way i made the cables for the crane and ther is a hook out above the platform though a little crude was made from PE 1/72 number the "2"
  14. This build has really been fun and interesting have 90% of the little bits on the ship about to start the PE process Kevin
  15. I am interested in the 1/700 scale 1) small and 2) for Dio's they really interest me quite a bit.I have to say though what ships I have built have been in 1/400 or 1/350. Kevin
  16. Wait till you start yours Mike you will see the speed and ease these go together.The rigging and PE railings will slow me down some I am going to use ezline on this one and the Maya when it comes in.The Mogami is a beaut the IJN liked doing the big guns and aircraft together quite a bit.I believe that the Mogami was damaged in battle on the rear turrets and retro fitted with an aircraft carrier deck?
  17. I keep moving along on this one I do not like the fit of the rear funnel to deck probably my fault everything else has fit well.I will use sg to seal the gap and repaint by hand should be OK.The wood still need abits more sanding then I will place the model on the wood like now,mark the ends of the grey platform,pull out the braces that support the ship out of the platform and lastly flip the platform top is bottom and mark holes for drilling.I am thinking of glossing the whole ship in future and do some highlights with Tamiya grey may have to be black if not dark enough cross that bridge when I get there.
  18. I will when the time comes but the Mogami will be next.I need to build some more cabinet space for the office area of the shop while I am at it.
  19. You are correct about those torpedo's the Maya has 16 at mid deck and I was looking at the Mogami last night and it has 12 tubes in her mid section also. The 1/350 Tamiya Chikuma is in the mail for later this month
  20. It has a good fit thus far Mike even the rear structure on the rear deck fit well.I got the Spirit PE 1/700 kit for the IJN Ise for the flight deck looks daunting and the Hunter wood deck looks good and thin but I might move on to the 1/350 Mogami next just to get alittle more ship PE under the belt. Thks for looking in guys Kevin
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