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Everything posted by Javlin

  1. So this is were I am at a little rust and highlights and trying to dirty her up a bit deck bags on the guns but not to much.I have done little of this weathering even less in ships some helpful criticism and techniques welcomed,on to the rigging. Kevin having looked at the pics here I feel the wash was still to strong I applied last night does not look strong really in person but looks overdone here.Less is best! we soldier on
  2. Decals have been applied and started some of the wash balxk was to strong and brown was almost there but not quite so I made my own mixture of 1 black 1 brown and .5 light grey.I still have some more to go but not alot as far as the wash goes but will add some brown pastels to the chain and rope hawes (sp) then gloss clear then flat. Next big thing Yahagi came in today!! I got fine molds single type 93 mgs and Range finders binoculars setups etc,two dimension and three dimension figure ,nice PE kit and two posters Kevin Yahagi!! and The Flotilla and I got a 1/32 early P-51
  3. I kept reading later looked like IJN was satisfied with 10/15% ratio on hits was acceptable .A full read of the data per IJN encounters is available later in the link. CapnMac82 I am really starting to find the PTO of interest I read the book Red Sun Rising about 15 yrs ago found it quite interesting.My interest has always been the ETO since my father was a Radio Operator on a B-17 and was in the first group to make to England without any notable losses.My son now resides in Misawa Japan with the 35FW as a Crewchief E-4 been in since 2016.I keep up with whats going on in that sphere of the world.
  4. Cap I found the answer I was just to curious: http://www.navweaps.com/index_tech/tech-067.php 130 torpedoes in one launch Geezs The acumen of World War Two Imperial Japanese Navy cruiser and destroyermen in torpedo attack is an accepted fact. The range and power of their Type 93 torpedo (dubbed the "Long Lance" by historian Morison) have become the stuff of legend. To call the Japanese surface forces the best at torpedo attack is easily defensible. But were they good enough to meet the standard required for their own strategic and tactical preconceptions? Prior to Admiral Yamamoto Isoroku's radical break with pre-war IJN strategy, the accepted method of engaging the US Fleet was a three fold process: Attrition operations by submarines and surface force raids. A night attack by fast battleships, Class A cruisers, and Special Type destroyers. A daylight battle line engagement at dawn following the night attack. If the officer in tactical command judged it appropriate, the battle line could be committed to the night attack if that effort was going better than expected. Torpedo attack was the cornerstone of the night attack, and a critical element of the day attack intended to rectify Japan's initial 3:5 and worsening deficit in numbers. The night attack force was to launch an intricately coordinated long-range salvo of 130 torpedoes from 11 different groups using half their ready torpedoes. This salvo was designed to converge upon and hit 10 American capital ships with 20 weapons (a rate of ~15%). After the initial salvo at long range (20,000 meters), the four Kongo Class battleships and 17 Class A cruisers detailed to the night attack force were to break through the American screen - suicidally if necessary - and clear the way for the force's two torpedo cruisers and the light cruiser and 14 destroyers of a destroyer squadron to expend the remainder of their ready torpedoes in a close range attack from as little as 2,000 meters. Once all ready torpedoes were expended, the night attack force was to fight its way clear, reload torpedoes, and execute further attacks if possible. Survivors would eventually join the battle line for the "Decisive Battle" at dawn. The daylight Decisive Battle was also to feature torpedo attack, including an initial salvo of 280 weapons at long range. As this salvo began to hit, the battle line would open fire. This massive salvo was expected to cripple or sink 10 American capital ships. When the Japanese Admiral judged the situation ripe, the three light cruisers and 48 destroyers of three destroyer squadrons would charge (again, suicidally if necessary) to close range and expend the remainder of their torpedoes. This charge was expected to be able to ensure the destruction of 16 American capital ships. The IJN's battle plan reads impressively and dramatically, but it has numerous flaws. Most of these will not be discussed in this article. Here the principle
  5. PosT a pic here when get a chance Mike of the the turntable and yes that's the Yahagi kevin
  6. GrandpaPhil good looking build Sir and ambitious one at that The Victory! Now I need to find your other build out there.Wallace I totally agree I have worked with some Aromatic Cedar and it smells wonderful while planing that's one time the vacuum hose does not get connected to the planer.It's been said that in the ole days cedar was used alot in walls to keep the bugs out for they do not like the oils in it. Kevin
  7. Thks for the info Cap.I had a thought about those long lance torpedoes use that's an awful long distance to shoot and point.So,I started thinking tactics maybe?I wonder did the IJN use an arc trajectory to launch?In the case of the Maya she could launch 12 torpedoes quite quickly and then you have other ships in the convoy who could launch maybe bringing the total in the water 30-40 torpedoes out looking for targets on a broadside of sorts.I wonder have you heard are aware of battles were this tactic may of been employed?I need to order some books off Amazon Kevin Thks in advance for any response Sir.
  8. So I am building and you are lounging WTH!and don't give me the plant thing I see your yard from my front door!
  9. I forgot to mentioned another part of the flotilla is scheduled to arrive next week. Yahagi IJN Light Crusier won off EBay with all the trimmings
  10. The ship has been about 3/4 coats of Future in perpetration for the Tamy wash but rest of the decals go down first then another coat of Future this will all take place Monday.The wash should get laid on Thursday after all is good and dry.The future hides all the little gloss glue marks and when I go to flat it will all be good.Thks for looking! Kevin
  11. Nuthing(think Sgt. Shultz) wrong with that Gary looks Splendid! Kevin
  12. It's called Honey-Do's mamma been off all summer school starts soon. Kevin
  13. SD that second pic in #238 is absolutely beautiful in color and work and yes I could see a naval museum(s) somewhere taking this in:Lovely Work! Kevin
  14. Looking really good Gary and got to give you credit for doing something just about everyday that's the way to get things done in a reasonable period of time. Kevin
  15. Denis I used a 2" spring clamp on the hull with felt pads attached to the clamp.I then took a block of wood and mortised a 1/2"WX1"LX1"D as a holder like this now when I get to a bigger ship with a wider hull I am going to a ratchet/gear type of clamp and make a new holder/block.
  16. The railing once applied is a PIA that's why I came up with my solution for the destroyer which helped quite a bit. Kevin
  17. Mike I got chains for mine came with the kit but those look good to me try painting first see if you like the result.I went and looked at the 3D WoW and see she has a few extra AA's on board up front and triples in the towers as opposed to the Yukikaze only has the platform with two doubles.When they say build the life boats be sure to add the little Id's they have for the bows then my instructions did not show that till the end. Kevin
  18. Thks for looking in Cap I was going to email you a question posed on another forum that you may know something about.Why did the IJN in alot of cases barring carrier decks out back stack alot of armament on the rear decks?Last Pics of the day promise got about 8 hrs in today the tape Mike works wonders when you get there. Kevin
  19. Cool Mike I will be watching also.I wanted to ask what you think of the Vanguard books should be the destroyer book 1939-45? I have three books in the cart at Amazon mainly the IJN light/heavy cruisers but thought of that one for later? Kevin
  20. Well when get them Mike I like you to post a pic I have seen them for planes but have seen such for ships.The tape on the side works well I did two long pieces of railing in what it took for one in past and it allows less glue which gives one a faster drying time and less mess.Finish up search light ,boats ,chain and some rigging and wesa moving along Kevin
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